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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Ron Palu mogu samo cipele da obrisu.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZDaq0Vw8Iw&feature=player_embedded#at=166

"We do not need secret prisons, nor do we need the torture that goes on in these secret military prisons"
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uopste mi nije jasna ova goperijada. ovaj u beloj kuci je so ripe and ready to be picked, ali nema kandidata.nema ko da se obrati srednjoj i radnickoj klasi koja saferuje i obeca im bolja vremenauostalom gopere je uvek bolela patka za one ispod $1mil; njihove glasove su obicno dobijali na gej braku, pistolju, bibliji, fetusu, antinigerskom sentimentu, smanjivanju poreza srednjoj klasi da bi se (u stvari) smanjili bogatima... oh well, fuck it :D

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Ginekolog™ je i zvanicno 1 kandidatJutros sam ga gledao na GMA. Konfuzan do bola sto se tice spoljne politike (bolje bi mu bilo da kaze nesto kao "kad ja budem predsednik nece vise biti spoljne politike i tacka!", nego da se blamira), ali je zato briljirao u drugim aspektima. Highlight intervjua - pita ga George Stephanopoulos nesto kao "if you're so disillusioned w/ the Republican Party, why don't you run as an independent?" a on mu odgovara "if I were an independent candidate, would you have me on this show?" :Hail:
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zašto glenn beck napušta foxBut over the last year, “Glenn Beck” has lost more than a million viewers from its 5:00 p.m. show, going from an average 2.9 million in January 2010 to 1.8 million in January 2011, according to The New Republic. Beck’s radio show has been dropped in several big cities, including New York and Philadelphia. TV advertisers started fleeing, including Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Wal-Mart.What went wrong? Analysts suggest that Beck’s antics got to be too much – the tears, the conspiracy theories, the “Obama is a socialist” drumbeat.“In recent months, it seems, Beck’s theories became so outlandish that even conservatives – both viewers and media personalities – were having a hard time stomaching them,” writes TNR’s James Downie.He cites a theory by unauthorized Beck biographer Alexander Zaitchik, who says that Beck was caught in a vicious circle: “To keep viewers coming back, he had to keep creating new, more intricate theories. Last November, in a two-part special that indirectly invoked anti-Semitism, he accused liberal Jewish financier George Soros of orchestrating the fall of foreign governments for financial gain. During the Egyptian Revolution, Beck sided with Hosni Mubarak, alleging that his fall was ‘controlled by the socialist communists and the Muslim Brotherhood.’ ”In another recent example, Beck warned viewers not to use Google, saying it’s “deep in bed with the government.”“He’s a spectacle,” says Jeffrey Jones, a professor of media and politics at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. “He wears viking helmets, he pours gasoline on things. It wouldn’t surprise me that what was once a fresh voice has now become a routine, that audiences might be saying, ‘Well, I’ve seen that before.’ ”Professor Jones also suggests that it takes a fair amount of mental energy to unpack Beck’s various conspiracy theories, and some viewers may have tired of that.“Any time you have a red-hot show, you have to go mainstream in order to sustain yourself,” says Walter Podrazik, co-author of the book “Watching TV.” “The catch with ardent followers is that they’ll go ardently follow something else after a short while.”In a New York Times interview two years ago, Beck said he identified with the Howard Beale character in the movie “Network,” about a “mad prophet” news anchor who rants: “We're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take this anymore." Anyone who has watched the film knows that things don’t end well for Mr. Beale.But Beck, it appears, is landing on his feet. He and Fox are not breaking up completely. In a joint statement, Fox and Beck’s production company, Mercury Radio Arts, said that they will work together to produce TV projects that will air on Fox News and other Fox platforms. Beck also still has his radio show, his writing, and Beck University, an online education program.

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Prvi deo (oko gledanosti) nema veze s' mozgom. Ostalo je manje - vise tacno. Covek se totalno pogubio... meni je jos uvek zabavan ali mi je sada bolji the Judge na FBN-u.

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Ginekolog™ je i zvanicno 1 kandidatJutros sam ga gledao na GMA. Konfuzan do bola sto se tice spoljne politike (bolje bi mu bilo da kaze nesto kao "kad ja budem predsednik nece vise biti spoljne politike i tacka!", nego da se blamira), ali je zato briljirao u drugim aspektima. Highlight intervjua - pita ga George Stephanopoulos nesto kao "if you're so disillusioned w/ the Republican Party, why don't you run as an independent?" a on mu odgovara "if I were an independent candidate, would you have me on this show?" :Hail:
Tesko da Ron Pol on moze da napravi nesto. Mozda bi mogao da pridobije deo nezavisnih glasaca ali hard core Republican voters tesko da ce da glasaju za kandidata koji se zalaze za legalizaciju prostitucije i svih vrsta droga. Jos uvek je najozbiljniji republikanski kandidat Mit Romni, mada to sto je Mormon i sto je uveo univerzalno zdravstveno osiguranje u Masacusecu mu ne idu u prilog kada je u pitanju konzervativni deo republikanskih glasaca i stranke.
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Prvi deo (oko gledanosti) nema veze s' mozgom. Ostalo je manje - vise tacno. Covek se totalno pogubio... meni je jos uvek zabavan ali mi je sada bolji the Judge na FBN-u.
zašto misliš da gledanost nije bitna kada taj problem direktno izlazi iz dela sa kojim se slažeš?
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Zato sto jos uvek ima troduplo vecu gledanost nego konkurencija na ostalim cable news kanalima u tom (i ne samo u tom) terminu. Dakle, nisu suve brojke u pitanju.

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Problem oko GB show nije bila gledanost, nego odsustsvo velikih sponzora koji su se povukli nakon nekih njegovih najretardiranijih nastupa. Za TV network gledanost je vazna, ali $ od reklama caruju. Kad nema nikoga ili bar ne velikih sponzora koji ce da plate svoje reklame u vreme kad ide GB show, to sto show gledaju milioni ljudi nema nikakvu vrednost.

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Maltezeru, what WTF said. :D

Problem oko GB show nije bila gledanost, nego odsustsvo velikih sponzora koji su se povukli nakon nekih njegovih najretardiranijih nastupa. Za TV network gledanost je vazna, ali $ od reklama caruju. Kad nema nikoga ili bar ne velikih sponzora koji ce da plate svoje reklame u vreme kad ide GB show, to sto show gledaju milioni ljudi nema nikakvu vrednost.
Van Jones i Soros? Iskreno, meni je krivo sto se GB totalno pogubio i sto Olby nije vise na MSNBC-u. :(
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