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Posted (edited)

drugar mi poslao dokumentarac o tome kako smo "mi prodali Amerima put na Mesec"! krcka mi lobanja od smeha već 10 minuta,pa hajde da podelim sa vama.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfJiNPZ38kY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=ULedit. evo kruži fb,nisam morao da kačim(ipak je ovo duhovno uzdizanje Srba)!

Edited by madazulu
drugar mi poslao dokumentarac o tome kako smo "mi prodali Amerima put na Mesec"! krcka mi lobanja od smeha već 10 minuta,pa hajde da podelim sa vama.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfJiNPZ38kY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=ULedit. evo kruži fb,nisam morao da kačim(ipak je ovo duhovno uzdizanje Srba)!
uh, opasno lupetanje! narocito onaj deo sa Željavom kao tajnim centrom za jugoslovenske kosmonaute...

Scorsese dobi zlatnog globusa za Huga. smejurija. :thumbdown:


Lanac bioskopa Odeon morao da vrati pare gledaocima filma The Artist koji su se bunili sto nije bilo napomenuto da je u pitanju nemi film.xaxaxixixoxo.

Posted (edited)
Side by Side Official Trailer (2012)

The documentary investigates the history, process and workflow of both digital and photochemical film creation. We show what artists and filmmakers have been able to accomplish with both film and digital and how their needs and innovations have helped push filmmaking in new directions. Interviews with directors, cinematographers, colorists, scientists, engineers and artists reveal their experiences and feelings about working with film and digital--where we are now, how we got here and what the future may bring.
Edited by Sludge Factory

ebert osrednje ocenio andjelinin film, ali u recenziji ima zanimljiv detalj, koji ce se svideti seseljevim pristalicama biggrin.gif

...Her film is about a Serbian army officer named Danijel (Goran Kostic) and a Muslim artist named Ajla (Zana Marjanovic). Presumably Ajla is Serbian, too, but as a Muslim, she's hated by Christian Serbs....
Posted (edited)

izasle nominacije za oskara. losa, losa godina...Actor in a Supporting RoleChristopher Plummer, "Beginners"Jonah Hill, "Moneyball"Kenneth Branagh, "My Week with Marilyn"Nick Nolte, "Warrior"Max Von Sydow, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"Actress in a Supporting RoleJessica Chastain, "The Help"Octavia Spencer, "The Help""Berenice Bejo," "The Artist"Melissa McCarthy, "Bridesmaids"Janet McTeer, "Albert Nobbs"Actor in a Leading RoleGeorge Clooney, "The Descendants"Brad Pitt, "Moneyball"Juan Dujardin, "The Artist"Gary Oldman, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"Demian Bechir, "A Better Life"Actress in a leading RoleMeryl Streep, "The Iron Lady"Viola Davis, "The Help"Michelle Williams, "My Week with Marilyn"Glenn Close, "Albert Nobbs"Rooney Mara, "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,"DirectingMartin Scorsese, "Hugo"Alexander Payne, "The Descendants"Michel Hazanavicius, "The Artist"Woody Allen, "Midnight in Paris"Terrence Malick, "Tree of Life"Documentary"Pina""Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory”"Hell and Back Again""If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front""Undefeated"Film EditingAnne-Sophie Bion, Michel Hazanavicius, "The Artist"Thelma Schoonmaker, "Hugo"Kevin Tent, "The Descendants"Christopher Tellefsen, "Moneyball"Kirk Baxter, Angus Wall "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,"Adapted ScreenplayAlexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash, "The Descendants"Aaron Sorkin, Steve Zaillan, "Moneyball"John Logan, "Hugo"Bridget O'Connor and Peter Straughan, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"George Clooney, "The Ides of March"Original ScreenplayWoody Allen, "Midnight in Paris"Michel Hazanavicius, "The Artist"Annie Mumalo, Kristin Wiig, "Bridesmaids""Asghar Farhadi, "A Separation"J.C. Chandor, "Margin Call," Foreign Language Film"Bullhead""Monsieur Lazhar""A Separation""Footnote" "In Darkness"Animated Feature Film"A Cat in Paris" Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Felicioli"Chico & Rita" Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal"Kung Fu Panda 2" Jennifer Yuh Nelson"Puss in Boots" Chris Miller"Rango" Gore VerbinskiBest Picture"The Artist""The Descendants""Moneyball""Hugo""The Help""Midnight in Paris""The Tree of Life""War Horse""Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"

Edited by scab
Posted (edited)

Što, meni izgleda da je prošla bila nekako jadnija...edit - e, da - i da ne prođe Moytevideo, pu p...ka mu materina....

Edited by kobni zelaya

moje zelje:The ArtistMichel HazanaviciusA SeparationPinaJuan DujardinOctavia Spencer


ne znam skoro ništa, pretpostavljam da treba sačekati da se završi i da se podele nagrade. vidim da su tu frears i spike lee, ali nešto mi to ne zvuči naročito dobro. možda treba proveriti novi film rodriga cortesa (buried) "red lights", a ovako površno možda i ovo "robot and frank" sa langellom i "california solo" sa carlyleom.

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