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ПАРИЗ – Филмови Педра Алмодовара, Ларса вон Трира, Теренса Малика и браће Жан-Лика и Пјера Дардена надметаће се за Златну палму - главну награду филмског фестивала у Кану, саопштили су данас организатори.У трци за Златну палму на фестивалу који ће трајати од 11. до 22. маја биће 19 филмова.Дански синеаста Ларс вон Трир ће се надметати филмом „Меланхолиа” турски режисер Нури Билге Џејлан остварењем „Once Upon a Time in Anatolia” а браћа Дарден филмом „Set Me Free”.Претенденти на награду су и филм америчког режисера Теренса Малика „Tree of Life” у којем игра Бред Пит и „La piel que habito” шпанског синеасте Педра Алмодовара с Антониом Бандерасом у глумачкој постави.Нани Морети ће се надметати филмом „Habemus Papam”.Уметнички директор фестивала Тјери Фремо изјавио је данас новинарима да „велика географска, генерацијска, стилска и продуцентска разноликост” карактерише овогодишњу селекцију фестивала.Два филма снимљена у 3Д техници биће приказана у Кану - самурајски филм јапанског редитеља Такашија Микеа који је у конкуренцији за Златну палму и остварење „Пирати са Кариба 4” које ће бити приказано ван такмичарске селекције.Публици ће бити представљени и филмови „Midnight in Paris” Вудија Алена и „The Beaver” у режији Џоди Фостер, који нису међу претендентима на награде.Италијанском редитељу Бернарду Бертолучију биће уручена почасна Златна палма на церемонији отварања филмске смотре.На челу жирија 64. издања фестивала у Кану биће глумац Роберт де Ниро.Бетаобјављено: 14.04.2011
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Agencijski tekstovi na portalu Politike prenose se integralno, bez intervencije lektora.

Mator članak ali dobar odabir. Meni je otkrovenje bio thx 1138 kada sam ga pogledao pre par godina. Top 50 Dystopian Movies of All Time 1454026192_662620add6_o.jpgMassive dehumanization, totalitarian government, rampant disease, post-apocalyptic terrains, cyber-genetic technologies, societal chaos and widespread urban violence are some of the common themes in dystopian films which bravely examine the ominous shadow cast by future.A dystopia is a fictional society that is the antithesis or complete opposite of a utopia, an ideal world with a perfect social, political and technological infrastructure. A world without chaos, strife or hunger. A world where the individual potential and freedom is celebrated and brought to the forefront.In contrast, the dystopian world is undesirable with poverty and unequal domination by specific individuals over others. Dystopian films often construct a fictional universe and set it in a background which features scenarios such as dehumanizing technological advancements, man-made disasters or class-based revolutions.Ranking the ListWe thought it would be interesting if we could coagulate the most commonly cited dystopian movies and rank them not to preference, but to an average score made up of both Rotten Tomatoes (RT) and IMDB ratings.As you all will probably know, the Internet Movie Database allows movie fans and registered users to rate each movie from 1 to 10 and the final score is said to reflect the general audience’s view of the movie. In contrast, Rotten Tomatoes rates their movies by collecting and tabulating the reviews given by professional film critics.We’ve taken both ratings, added them together and found an average score for each film. Each of the films are then ranked according to this average score. We’ve also included links to the IMDB and RT profile for each movie so you can learn more about the movie.http://snarkerati.com/movie-news/the-top-50-dystopian-movies-of-all-time/


ma.. Jeremy je dobar glumac [na stranu stoe meni malo antipatican].... ali niko niko NI-KO ne mozh da bude bolji Bourne od Matt-a :cry::cry:


Naravno... samo se za mene Bourne serijal zavrsio - ne znam sta sad imaju da nastavljaju kad je prica zaokruzena.

moram priznati da me ovo raduje. znam da ce se opet samozadovoljavati i svrsavati na citate iz vlastitih filmova, al django jebote, to ne moze biti lose.
Posted (edited)

Ovo su kao neke excluzive info o filmu, pitanje koliko je tacno, ali ako jeste ^_^

Tarantino’s Next Movie is Black Western Django Unchained CONFIRMED AND UPDATEDQuentin Tarantino has handed in the final draft of his spaghetti western script Django Unchained to Weinstein Co., his agency WME confirms. According to Tarantino Archives, the title Django Unchained pays homage to both the Sergio Corbucci original Django, not to mention Takashi Miike’s Sukiyaki Western Django, which features Tarantino (see clips for both below). UPDATE: Another long-rumored inspiration, once optioned by Miramax, was Elmore Leonard’s 40 Lashes Less One. The only cast member that WME can officially confirm is Christoph Waltz, who joins up with former slave Django to save his wife from an evil plantation owner. No start date or locations have been finalized. Original Django star Franco Nero has said he is attached, along with Waltz, Keith Carradine and Treat Williams. Sergio at Shadow and Act (the latest welcome entrant to the indieWIRE blog network) picked up a plot description from a commenter at Hollywood Elsewhere:Django is a freed slave, who, under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter (Christopher Waltz) becomes a bad-ass bounty hunter himself, and after assisting Waltz in taking down some bad guys for profit, is helped by Waltz in tracking down his slave wife and liberating her from an evil plantation owner. And that doesn’t even half begin to cover it! This film deals with racism as I’ve rarely seen it handled in a Hollywood film. While it’s 100 percent pure popcorn and revenge flick, it is pure genius in the way it takes on the evil slave owning south. Think of what he did with the Nazis in Inglorious and you’ll get a sense of what he’s doing with slave owners and slave overseers in this one.WME confirmed this plotline: “It’s a western whose lead character is a former slave who is in league with Waltz to save his wife from an evil plantation owner.” UPDATE: The Playlist fills in more details of what Tarantino said he wanted to do back in 2010: “I’d like to do a Western. But rather than set it in Texas, have it in slavery times. With that subject that everybody is afraid to deal with. Let’s shine that light on ourselves. You could do a ponderous history lesson of slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad. Or, you could make a movie that would be exciting. Do it as an adventure. A spaghetti Western that takes place during that time. And I would call it ‘A Southern.’.. I want to do movies that deal with America’s horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies. I want to do them like they’re genre films, but they deal with everything that America has never dealt with because it’s ashamed of it, and other countries don’t really deal with because they don’t feel they have the right to.” It sounds like Tarantino is ready to tackle some of the taboo material in Lars von Trier’s controversial Manderlay or Richard Fleischer’s notoriously sensationalistic Mandingo. My next question: can Tarantino convince Ennio Morricone (pictured) to compose an original score for the movie?
As someone who has actually read Tarantino's latest script - and no I can't forward it to anyone, it'll get out there pretty soon anyway and I ain't about to scan 166 pages of script because I'm sitting on a hard copy - I can tell you that most of you are just shooting from the hip. DJANGO is fucking awesome and it's a script that only QT could have written... and I actually think it's one of his most personal scripts to date.First off, this thing is going to be controversial with a capital C. The title character Django is a freed slave, who under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter (Christophe Waltz) becomes a badass bounty hunter himself and after assisting Waltz on taking down some bad guys for profit, is in turn assisted by Waltz in tracking down his slave wife and liberating her from an evil plantation owner. And that doesn't even half begin to cover it! This film deals with racism as I've rarely seen it handled in a Hollywood film. While it's 100 percent pure popcorn and revenge flick, it is pure genius in the way it takes on the evil slave owning south. Think of what he did with the Nazis in Inglourious and you'll get a sense of what he's doing with slave owners and slave overseers in this one. It's violent and funny and full of great Tarantino monologues and shoot outs (and slave rapes and slave tortures) and the center piece of the script is this fantastic relationship between Django and his Obi-Wan Waltz and it all just fucking works in the way only Tarantino makes it work. If you're a QT hater this script won't convert you. If you're a fan, you'll be onboard for the entire ride and you'll love every fucking second of it. I cannot wait to see the finished movie. It's going to shock and offend and drive people nuts when they see this thing. Detractors are going to find a thousand reference points from previous movies, but they've never been presented like this and I'm some one who has seen a LOT of movies and this script didn't feel familiar to me in the slightest.
Edited by Sludge Factory
Posted (edited)

POMOĆ !!!The last circushttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1572491/ili na španskom "Balada triste de trompeta "ako neko zna gde ima prevod, makar i na engleskomhvala unapred

Edited by Jose Raul Capablanca

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