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Posted (edited)

touching herself a trudna, dje to ima?

Edited by gazza1

Ako vam je dosadno, ima ovde The Full Story On The Steve Buscemi Stabbing Incident. Zanimljivo je kao neki film. :D

Trent Reznor set to score Fincher's 'Dragon Tattoo'This is one of those stories where no one's going to act terribly surprised by the news, but it's nice to get it confirmed and official.Trent Reznor will be scoring David Fincher's next film, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo."That's one of those sentences that just plain makes sense. I was surprised when they hired him for "The Social Network," but his score for that film is great, and a real confirmation of Reznor as someone who should be working on films. If he knocked an unlikely fit like the story of a bunch of Harvard kids inventing Facebook out of the park, imagine what he's going to do with a story about criminal conspiracy and missing persons and old mysteries and murder and blackmail and rape and darkness. Trent Reznor composing the Lisbeth Salander theme is one of the reasons to look forward to a movie theater this year. I look at Lisbeth, and I imagine that she's always hearing something in her head that sounds like a Trent Reznor album anyway. It's perfect.Right now, I think film composition is one of those arts where new blood is incredibly important. The guys who are the most vital and interesting right now are guys who haven't been doing for decades and decades and decades, but who are still fairly new to it. The work that Clint Mansell did on "Black Swan" last year, for example, is a remarkable piece of deconstruction as well as arrangement and composition, and it's impressive as a piece of scholarly work on "Swan Lake" even removed from how well it works as complement to Darren Aronofsky's film.With Reznor's work, in collaboration with Atticus Ross, I feel like David Fincher unlocked something that's brewing in Reznor's work as long as I've been a fan. I still remember the first time my buddy Keven played me "Pretty Hate Machine." It was one of the most extreme industrial sounds I'd ever heard, and my first reaction was almost complete rejection. And yet I was compelled to play it again. And again. And eventually heard past the noise and the almost abrasive physically assaultive qualities of it to the composition, and that's what won me over. Reznor's always written film music… it's just that no one was making the movies to go along with it. "Se7en" feels like a movie that could have been scored by Reznor. So does "Fight Club." Each of those movies have great work in them already, by Howard Shore and the Dust Brothers respectively, but you look at the visual palette and the subject matter, and absolutely I can imagine the sounds of Nine Inch Nails playing under all of that imagery.I'm in the same camp as many people in that I don't think it's the most artistically challenging moment of Fincher's career for him to adapt this book to the screen when the Swedish version with Noomi Rapace is still so fresh and the books are still on the charts. But the film's being made, and since that's the case, I am interested in the choices they're making for this version, and everything so far is pretty compelling. Fincher thinks the world of Rooney Mara. It was obvious both times we've spoken about her this past year. And Daniel Craig is a great choice for Mikael Blomkvist, the male lead. Smart. Weathered. Visually, the pair of them are so striking that I can understand what Fincher is planning. And with Reznor onboard as well now, I think it's safe to say that I'm equally interested in hearing the film as seeing it."The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" arrives in theaters December 21, 2011.

Mwhahahahahaha :evil:

James Bond back in service with Daniel Craig, Nov. 2012 release date James Bond’s vacation is over. After the financial wrangling over the fate of MGM led the family that produces the 007 films to halt development of their 23rd installment last year, the project is back on track with plans for a Nov. 9, 2012 release date, MGM confirms to EW. (Deadline first reported the story.) Daniel Craig will return for his third run as the superspy. What was more in question was whether Oscar-winning director Sam Mendes, who had been attached to the movie before it was put on hiatus, would still be participating. The announcement today from MGM and Eon Productions

svaka cas Rooney;rm1n.jpgrm2rv.jpgal ja uopstealiUOOOOOOOOOPSTE ne vidim kako che biti cak i priblizno dobra ko Noomi;noomi-rapace-as-lisbeth-salander-2.jpg:wub:

Posted (edited)
Press Release: Hathaway is Selina, Hardy is Bane BURBANK, CA, January 19, 2011 – Warner Bros. Pictures announced today that Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle in Christopher Nolan’s THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. She will be starring alongside Christian Bale, who returns in the title role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Christopher Nolan stated, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Anne Hathaway, who will be a fantastic addition to our ensemble as we complete our story.” In addition, Tom Hardy has been set to play Bane. Nolan said, “I am delighted to be working with Tom again and excited to watch him bring to life our new interpretation of one of Batman’s most formidable enemies.” Nolan will direct the film from a screenplay he wrote with Jonathan Nolan, from a story by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer. Nolan will also produce the film with his longtime producing partner, Emma Thomas, and Charles Roven. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is slated for release on JULY 20, 2012. The film will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.
Ne znam kako i sta su zamislili kad je Bane u pitanju, ali mislim da su Toma Hardija mogli da iskoriste i za neki bolji lik, jer je ok glumac. Mislim, ustripovima Bane nije nezanimljiv lik, kakvim se mozda cini na prvi pogled, ali Hardi je mozda mogao i bolje da prodje :D Edited by Sludge Factory

Naš'o ovde, pa da podelim...Nemam apsolutno pojma ko je lik, ali nešto ni ne bih voleo da (sa)znam...

SRPSKI FILM : jedno nacionalističko tumačenjeNedavni pokušaj političkog tumačenja Srpskog filma veličanstveni je promašaj. Ali uprkos tome me je natjerao da još jednom razmotrim konture Srpskog filma i pokušam da nađem bar neku kritičku tačku vrijednu pažnje. Sa gore spomenutim tumačenjem se, naravno, apsolutno ne slažem, ali je (kao promašeni pogodak) ono otvorilo jedno pitanje koje sam zanemario u svom prethodnom tekstu, stoga mu suprotstavljam jedno nacionalističko tumačenje filma (koje i sami nacionalisti, doduše, mogu lako odbaciti). Pri tome nisam promijenio mišljenje da sam glavno tumačenje filma već ranije odredio, i da će ga publika tumačiti upravo onako kako sam već rekao, kao posljednji izdanak kvazidrugosrbijanske kritike.Naime, gore spomenuti pokušaj političkog tumačenja insistira da je u Srpskom filmu došlo do jedne farsične subverzije srpskog mita o Obiliću, koji je, ako je ikada i bio junak, danas samo prežitak devetnaestovijekovnog mišljenja koje je degenerisalo u vidu raznih Ovčara i Srebrenica. Međutim, upravo na tom mjestu vidimo da je kritika Miloša kao mitomana koji je jedan apstraktni princip uzdigao na nivo smisla života u stvari počela da se guši u sopstvenoj apstrakciji, zaboravljajući da je Srebrenica isto toliko mit koliko i sam Miloš Obilić.Zašto? Zato što nikad nije ni pomislila na Realno. Da bi uopšte otkrili subverziju, dakle razotkrili nešto kao mit i njegovog sljedbenika kao mitomana, mi moramo da uronimo u Realno (društvo, njegovu kulturu i sve specifičnosti jedne socijalne sredine). Ali to Meho ne čini, i koristi Realno samo kao tamno ogledalo u kojem se ogleda unaprijed određen zaključak - da je riječ o kritici srpske mitomanije. Međutim, trauma Realnog ne može tako nedvosmisleno i nedijalektički da se ispolji, već upravo suprotno: Miloševa izdaja (kao trauma Realnog) morala je klasičnim psihološkim mehanizmima represije da se ispolji kao drugosrbijanska subverzija mita. Svijest mora sebi da pribavi miran san. To sve znači da Miloš priželjkuje tumačenje da nije ništa i nikoga izdao jer i nije imao šta da izda! Sve je to mitomanija!Ali nije mitomanija. I Miloš i njegovi drugosrbijanski politički tumači će morati da se suoče sa ''pustinjom Realnog''. Meho skreće pažnju na nenarativne elemente, i s pravom pronalazi kao ključnu sliku posljednje večere na srpskom carskom dvoru u posljednjoj sceni u kojoj se nalazi Ana Sakić. Na slici se vidi kako Obilić podiže bodež, što istovremeno čini i sam pornoMiloš na (u nedostatku Murata) njegovoj sljedećoj žrtvi, koja je po Mehu samo simbol Srebrenice. Međutim, očigledno je da toj posljednjoj večeri nedostaje jedan element, tačnije neko - sam Lazar (osim ako Ana Sakić nije Lazarica), onaj kojeg je pornoMiloš izdao i predao se Vukmirovoj ideologiji (Vuka Brankovića).U tom trenutku ovo je postao Srpski film. Jer pustinja Realnog je sljedeća: trauma, taj nenarativni element ovog filma nije nijednom spomenuta, ali sve se vrti oko nje, kao i sama posljednja večera - Kosovo i Metohija. Ono ''vječno'' srce Srbije koje je danas u rukama albanskih terorista. Hajde da demistifikujemo taj mit o Obiliću. Prvo on i nije mit, već zavjet da će se braniti sveta zemlja od bilo koga i nikako dozvoliti da ode bez borbe. Ali otišla je bez borbe. Taj zavjet više ne važi za današnje Srbe, da je važio Kosovo ne bi ni bilo tu gdje jeste. Oni ne smatraju da je kontrola Kosova i Metohije ujedno i garant stabilnosti teritorije čitave Srbije, prosječni građani se ne zanimaju vojnom strategijom i geopolitikom, i ne vide vezu između odbrane države i sopstvene porodice. Jednostavno, smatraju da će se te porodice odbraniti same od sebe, čime se opet vraćamo na pitanja ekspresivne i strukturalne kauzalnosti koje smo ranije pominjali. Oni nikad neće doći do onog antičkog uvjerenja da je svaki građanin ujedno i ratnik, to jest da je ratnik garant građanina i njegov apsolutni preduslov.Izdavši Lazara, ispunjavajući proročanstvo Vuka Brankovića, Miloš je odbacio ratnički Obilićev zavjet, i time prepustio sopstvenu porodicu na milost i nemilost starim balkanskim drumskim prolaznicima kojima je zavjet zaprečavao put. Odbijajući Obilićev izbor, Miloš je sam prouzrokovao dezintegraciju sopstvene porodice, što je Vukmir samo doveo do radikalnog simboličnog kraja - uništenjem porodice od strane Miloševog otpadničkog falusa, čime ga je, kao i svakog izdajnika i krivca za nastanak terorističke države Kosova, napokon stigla Lazareva kletva:"Ko je Srbin i srpskoga roda,i od srpske krvi i kolena,a ne došo na boj na Kosovo,ne imao od srca poroda,ni muškoga ni devojačkoga!Od ruke mu ništa ne rodilo,rujno vino ni pšenica bela!Rđom kapo dok mu je kolena!"Uništavajući sopstveni porod stalnim racionalizacijama sopstvene izdaje, od obilićevske mitomanije do umjerenog i razumnog Vuka Brankovića, te ostalih komunističkih kritika srpske nacionalne svijesti, do drugosrbijanskih naklapanja o Srbinu kao shizofrenom biću istovremenog klanja i žrtvovanja, Miloša je, kao i svakog izdajnika stigla Lazareva kletva.Kao što rekoh, prosječni filmski gledalac će ili biti zgađen ovim filmom ili ga doživjeti upravo na onakav način kao što je to Meho i opisao, ali ta drugosrbijanska priča je samo pokušaj da se izbore sa traumom Realnog, sa konačnom izdajom Srpstva, koja će, kao i u grčkim tragedijama, kad-tad doći da naplati račune. Ovu Vukmirovu lekciju (koja je Radivojeviću dozvolila jedno horor-kažnjavanje izdajnika) nećemo skoro naučiti.
Bonus tracks: o filmu "Crnci" i seriji "Lud, zbunjen, normalan".

Propustio si jedan od boljih tekstova: KARLEUŠA - srpska snajka cool.gif Inače, tekst koji si prekopirao sadrži termine koji su nerazumljivi ljudima koji nisu upoznati sa psihoanalitičkim učenjem Žaka Lakana, pa im ta ''trauma Realnog'' zvuči goropadno. O Srpskom filmu ima dva teksta koji se nadovezuju jedan na drugi, TEKST 1 i TEKST 2, a samo si drugi kopirao.I da, mogao si prvo da pitaš da li možeš da kopiraš tekst, ipak treba da postoji neki red i poštovanje autorskih prava. Mislim, tekstovi su besplatni, ali ne zbog toga da bi ih razvlačio i tumačio kako ti hoćeš. Nevaspitano je.Kad bi ih naplaćivao i ne bi volio da me sretneš - na sudu cool.gif


Objavljene nominacije...Best Picture Black Swan The Fighter Inception The Kids Are All RightThe King’s Speech 127 Hours The Social Network Toy Story 3True Grit Winter’s BoneBest Director David O. Russell – The Fighter Tom Hooper – The King’s Speech David Fincher – The Social Network Joel And Ethan Coen – True GritDarren Aronofsky – Black SwanBest ActressNatalie Portman – Black SwanAnnette Benning – The Kids Are All RightJennifer Lawrence – Winter's BoneMichelle Williams – Blue ValentineNicole Kidman – Rabbit HoleBest ActorJavier Bardem – BiutifulJeff Bridges – True GritJesse Eisenberg – The Social NetworkColin Firth – The King's SpeechJames Franco – 127 HoursBest Supporting Actress Amy Adams – The Fighter Helena Bonham Carter – The King’s Speech Melissa Leo – The Fighter Hailee Steinfeld – True Grit Jacki Weaver – Animal KingdomBest Supporting ActorChristian Bale – The FighterJohn Hawkes – Winter's BoneJeremy Renner – The TownGeoffrey Rush – The King's SpeechMark Ruffalo – The Kids Are All RightBest Original Screenplay Another Year - Mike LeighThe Fighter - Scott Silver, Paul Tamasy, Eric Johnson, Keith Dorrington Inception - Christopher NolanThe Kids Are All Right - Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart BlumbergThe King's Speech - David SeidlerBest Adapted Screenplay 127 Hours - Danny Boyle & Simon BeaufoyThe Social Network - Aaron SorkinToy Story 3 - Michael Arndt, John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton & Lee UnkrichTrue Grit - Joel Coen & Ethan CoenWinter's Bone - Debra Granik & Anne RoselliniBest Animated FilmToy Story 3The IllusionistHow To Train Your DragonBest Foreign FilmBiutiful (Mexico)Dog Tooth (Greece)In A Better World (Denmark)Incendies (Canada)Outside the Law (Algeria)Best Score How to Train Your Dragon – John PowellInception – Hans ZimmerThe King's Speech – Alexandre Desplat127 Hours – A.R. RahmanThe Social Network – Trent Reznor and Atticus RossBest Song Coming Home from Country Strong – Music and Lyric by Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and Hillary LindseyI See the Light from Tangled – Music by Alan Menken Lyric by Glenn SlaterIf I Rise from 127 Hours – Music by A.R. Rahman Lyric by Dido and Rollo ArmstrongWe Belong Together from Toy Story 3 – Music and Lyric by Randy NewmanBest Cinematography Black Swan – Matthew LibatiqueInception – Wally PfisterThe King's Speech – Danny CohenThe Social Network – Jeff CronenwethTrue Grit – Roger DeakinsBest Costume Design Alice in Wonderland – Colleen AtwoodI Am Love – Antonella Cannarozzi The King's Speech – Jenny Beavan The Tempest – Sandy Powell True Grit – Mary ZophresBest Art Direction Alice in Wonderland – Robert Stromberg, Karen O'HaraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – Stuart Craig, Stephenie McMillan Inception – Guy Hendrix Dyas, Larry Dias and Doug Mowat The King's Speech – Eve Stewart , Judy Farr True Grit – Jess Gonchor, Nancy HaighBest Visual Effects Alice in Wonderland –Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean PhillipsHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and Nicolas AithadiHereafter – Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and Joe FarrellInception – Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter BebbIron Man 2 – Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel SudickBest Sound EditingInception – Richard KingToy Story 3 – Tom Myers and Michael SilversTron: Legacy – Gwendolyn Yates Whittle and Addison TeagueTrue Grit – Skip Lievsay and Craig BerkeyUnstoppable – Mark P. StoeckingerBest Sound Mixing Inception The King's Speech Salt The Social Network True GritBest Documentary Feature Exit through the Gift ShopGaslandInside JobRestrepo Waste LandBest Live Action Short FilmThe ConfessionThe CrushGod Of LoveNa WeweWish 143Best Animated Short FilmDay & NightThe GruffaloLet's PolluteThe Lost ThingMadagascarBest Documentary Short SubjectKilling In The NamePoster GirlStrangersSun Comes UpThe Warriors Of QiugangBest Editing Black SwanThe Fighter The King's Speech 127 HoursThe Social NetworkBest Make-up Barney's Version The Way Back The Wolfman

Best Supporting ActorMark Ruffalo – The Kids Are All Right
ovo je samo zato da bi nam moderaciju iznervirali :D
ovo je samo zato da bi nam moderaciju iznervirali :D
tacno. Ruffalo, covek sa facijalnim grcem i osmehom smrznutog kojota, born to be miscast, sada jos preti i da dobije oskara.
Posted (edited)
tacno. Ruffalo, covek sa facijalnim grcem i osmehom smrznutog kojota, born to be miscast, sada jos preti i da dobije oskara.
Ne bojte se, nece! To Bale uzima! :D Edited by Sludge Factory

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