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To se zove desekularizacija države. A odgovor na pitanje bi bio ako nedaj Bože koštunjavi i selja+grobar dođu na vlast. Dobićemo inkviziciju na čelu sa Amfilohijem.
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ne znam gde pametnija da stavim ovo - dokins i hicens oce da hapse papu Richard Dawkins: Arrest The Pope During UK VisitRichard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, two of the world's most prominent atheist intellectuals, are seeking means to try the pope for crimes against humanity, their lawyers confirmed this weekend.The pair are said to be working with British lawyers to see if the pope can be arrested for his part in the alleged cover-up of widespread sexual abuse in the Catholic Church during a visit to the United Kingdom in SeptemberThe Vatican has suggested that the pope is immune to prosecution as he is a head of state - Dawkins and Hitchens suggest that he is not immune as the Vatican is not represented at the United Nations."I'm convinced we can get over the threshold of immunity," their lawyer Mark Stephens told The Guardian. "The Vatican is not recognized as a state in international law. People assume that it has existed for time immemorial but it was a construct of Mussolini, and when the Vatican first applied to become a member of the UN, the US said no. So as a sop they were given the status of permanent observers rather than full members."Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, has confirmed he is seeking the pope's arrest, although he later denied reports he was planning to perform the arrest personally.Last month Dawkins wrote a scathing article for the Washington Post in which he called the pope: A leering old villain in a frock, who spent decades conspiring behind closed doors for the position he now holds; a man who believes he is infallible and acts the part; a man whose preaching of scientific falsehood is responsible for the deaths of countless AIDS victims in Africa; a man whose first instinct when his priests are caught with their pants down is to cover up the scandal and damn the young victims to silence.Hitchens told the Sunday Times of London: "This man is not above or outside the law. The institutionalized concealment of child rape is a crime under any law and demands not private ceremonies of repentance or church-funded payoffs, but justice and punishment."http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/12/richard-dawkins-arrest-th_n_533837.html

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nece valja stounhenz da ruse :ood sada ce forumaski basketasi okupljati kod crkve. :isuse:

Edited by pacey defender
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  • 2 weeks later...
novi svecia šta će da rade kada jednog dana budu popunili svaki dan u godini? Revizija starih ili više njih na jedan dan?
vishe njih na 1 dan, rekla bih.kakva te revizija spopala ^_^ Edited by thermal bug
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Симеон Дајбабски, звучи добро за славу. Јустин Ћелијски истиче 1 јаку кандидатуру за заштитника лица на одслужењу затворске казне.

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a šta će da rade kada jednog dana budu popunili svaki dan u godini? Revizija starih ili više njih na jedan dan?
Већ их има вишка, а и међу њима има политике. Свети Мрата је, например, био одсутан из календара две-три године током касних седамдесетих, ваљда су му нашли мањак у магацину или мрљу у биографији. После је, изгледа, ревидираорж, па га рехабилитовали и вратили му датум. Не знам само како се осећао онај јадничак што му је чувао столицу за то време.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Vladike bogatstvo ne nose u grob Patrijarh Irinej je govorio i o kritikama na račun Crkve zbog raskošnih vladičanskih dvorova pojedinih episkopa. ''Naša vera je carska i trpeza nam je carska. Zašto da domovi gde živi sveštenstvo i episkop njegov ne budu nešto što oličava lepotu, bogatstvo i silu jedne vere pravoslavne? Ovo što vidimo pripada Eparhiji, sveštenstvu, narodu. Vladika to neće poneti u grob, nego ostaje kao bogato nasleđe'', rekao je patrijarh Irinej.
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"Vladika to neće poneti u grob, nego ostaje kao bogato nasleđe.''
Ni siroti Arkan nista nije poneo u grob nego je ostavio bogato nasledje. :ph34r:
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