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Pozdrav dobri ljudi,Imam 45 godina zivim u Zemunu i Bosov fan sam poslednjih 30-tak godina. Prvi put sam ga gledao u Minhenu 17. jula 1988 Olympia Reitstadion Rein. Tada bese Tunnel of Love - Express Tour.
Pozdrav prijatelju....Imam 45 godina zivim u Zarkovu i Bosov fan sam poslednjih 30-tak godina. Prvi put sam ga gledao u Minhenu 17. jula 1988 Olympia Reitstadion Rein. Tada bese Tunnel of Love - Express Tour.Ne zajebavam se... Samo, izgubio sam i kartu i majicu sa tog koncerta... :( Imam negde jednu ili dve fotke nekim krs idiotom ispred stadiona.17/07/88 - MUNCHEN - GERMANY, OLYMPIC RIDING STADIUM TUNNEL OF LOVE / BOOM BOOM / ADAM RAISED A CAIN / DOWNBOUND TRAIN / ALL THAT HEAVEN WILL ALLOW / THE RIVER / BADLANDS / COVER ME / BRILLIANT DISGUISE / SPARE PARTS / WAR / BORN IN THE USA / CHIMES OF FREEDOM / PARADISE BY THE C / WHO DO YOU LOVE / SHE'S THE ONE / YOU CAN LOOK ... / I'M A COWARD / I'M ON FIRE / TOUGHER THAN THE REST / BECAUSE THE NIGHT / DANCING IN THE DARK / LIGHT OF DAY / BORN TO RUN (ACOUSTIC) / HUNGRY HEART / GLORY DAYS / BOBBY JEAN / CADILLAC RANCH / 10TH AVENUE FREEZE-OUT / SWEET SOUL MUSIC / RAISE YOUR HAND / TWIST AND SHOUT - DO YOU LOVE ME - HAVING A PARTY Mozda se setis necega:17.07.88 Munich, Germany, intro to ´All That Heaven Will Allow´´´Yes, she´s looking so fine now....here she comes walking down the line....I can see her walking through the rain....she´s got a little polka-dot umbrella....oh, here she comes....well, should I listen to my heart now ?....or should I listen to my head ?...well, should I listen to my heart ?....or should I listen to my head ?...should I listen to my heart, should I ?....or should I listen to my head ?....well, should I listen to my heart now, should I ?....I don´t know, I don´t know....should I listen to my heart ?....”17.07.88 Munich, Germany, intro to ´Spare Parts´´´This is a song about....a woman....trying to understand the value of her own....individual existence....trying to put away her past....and find something new and beautiful in her life now....”17.07.88 Munich, Germany, intro to ´You Can Look´”First thing I remember when I was a little bitty baby....was my mama telling me that in this world....there are things you can look at....but that you cannot touch.....I always remember my mama saying.....´Oh, Son, don’t you touch that thing....oh, Son, don’t you touch that thing....yeah, you can look but you can’t touch that thing´.....went down to the department store , I was ten years old, went into the toy department....headed for one of them little toy soldiers.....saleslady came up to me and.....whispered ´Oh, son , don’t you touch that thing.....oh, son, don’t you touch that thing ....yeah, you can look but you can’t touch that thing´....then I was 17, I went out with my first girlfriend....I was a late starter....took her to a little, nice place to park.... whispered sweet things in her ear...turned the radio down low... put my hand on her knee....kissed her on the cheek a little bit....put my hand on her thigh.... and nuzzled and breathed into her ear a little bit....and then just as I was about to....I heard her say ´oh son don’t you touch that thing....oh, son , don’t you touch that thing....yeah you can look but you can’t touch that thing´.....”17.07.88 Munich, Germany, intro to ‘I’m a Coward’:´´Is there anybody alive out there tonight ?....is there anybody with the living, breathing spirit in their souls out there tonight ?....that´s good.....that´s good....because I want to know are there any rough, tough German men out there tonight ? (cheers).....do we have any rough, tough Italians out here tonight ? you suckers are too down here....because I’ve known men that would swim rivers, climb mountains, wrestle with the beasts of the jungle.....but there was a one thing that they were afraid of..... do you want to know what that one thing was ? ....I´m gonna tell you...that one thing was L....U...V....I’m talking about love, love....was the one thing they was afraid of....do we have any brave, heroic German women out there tonight ? (cheers)....do we have any sweet, sexy girls from Munich out there tonight ? (cheers)....I wanna hear you, girls (cheers)....because I’m talking to you too.... I’ve known women that when they got next to love, they ran home to their mommies and to their loneliness and to their isolation.....now, I’m down here tonight because I´ve got a confession that I want to make.....I wanna tell you....that I´m a brave man.....hell yes I am, baby, if I don´t say so myself....but the confession that I´ve got to make....what I´ve got to testify to tonight is and I´m not ashamed, brothers and sisters....but I’m a coward when it comes to love......”@BuckIma par likova na youtubeu koji garant imaju vise outtakeova od samog Brucea. Edited by The Ghost
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Pozdrav prijatelju....Imam 45 godina zivim u Zarkovu i Bosov fan sam poslednjih 30-tak godina. Prvi put sam ga gledao u Minhenu 17. jula 1988 Olympia Reitstadion Rein. Tada bese Tunnel of Love - Express Tour.Ne zajebavam se... Samo, izgubio sam i kartu i majicu sa tog koncerta... :( Imam negde jednu ili dve fotke nekim krs idiotom ispred stadiona.
Prijatelju neverovatno:)Nas je tada bilo šestoro u ekipi (četvoro odavde i dvoje iz Štutgarta). Gazda me je kupio za ceo život. Koliko se sećam padala je kiša dobrih 4-5 sati pre, za vreme i posle koncerta dok smo se dovukli do kola.Imam sačuvane karte sa tog i koncerta HR Now! u Budimpešti. Fotke valjda ima Vlada koji je ko zna gde po belom svetu.17071988_boss.jpg06091988_boss.jpgOva je iz malog mesta Cividale pored Udina. 23072009_Udine1.JPGPoslednja je iz pita iz Benidorma. Klipovi su na youtubetu. 30072009397.jpg Edited by ElJefe
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Ej, bre, evo ga jos jedan koji je bio u pitu. Kolega Born se vec odomacio sa Bruceom u prvom redu. Vala, dosao je red i na mene.Da, to je ta karta.Ja sam tada studirao u Zagrebu i isli smo ja i prijatelj busom...organizovana tura.Secam se te kise i da je bilo blato dole, zatim pripadnika Hare Krisna ispred stadiona. Znam da je band izasao tacno u 7 i da je krenula ona uvodna cirkuska tema sa Tunnel Of Love posle cega sam zaboravio koliko sam mokar...Bruce je bacio Nilsov sat u publiku kada mu je ovaj pokazao da prase vec tri sada i da bi trebalo da zavrse.Taj moj ortak je bio u Budimpesti na AI koncertu, a ja bio dekintiran, pa nisam mogao.

Edited by The Ghost
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Nice...da, to je ta karta.Ja sam tada studirao u Zagrebu i isli smo ja i prijatelj busom...organizovana tura.Secam se te kise i da je bilo blato dole, zatim pripadnika Hare Krisna ispred stadiona. Znam da je band izasao tacno u 7 i da je krenula ona uvodna cirkuska tema sa Tunnel Of Love posle cega sam zaboravio koliko sam mokar...Bruce je bacio Nilsov sat u publiku kada mu je ovaj pokazao da prase vec tri sada i da bi trebalo da zavrse.Ej, bre, evo ga jos jedan koji je bio u pitu. Kolega Born se vec odomacio sa Bruceom u prvom redu. Vala, dosao je red i na mene.
I mi smo tada imali organizovanu turu:) Skupili smo se u Zagrebu (jedan prijatelj je bio na moru na Rabu a drugi u Sloveniji) pa redovnom bus linijom do Minhena. Stigli smo negde oko 4 ujutru, dremka na štajgi, smaranje sa policijom, pa prvim metroom do Olimpijskog stadiona gde naravno nije bilo ni traga od koncerta, šlepera i sl. Pošto je karte kupovao moj brat koji živi u Nemačkoj pojma nismo imali da je koncert na Olimpijskom Hipodromu:) a ne na Olimpijskom stadionu, zato je i bilo blato. A priča sa pitom je potpuno neverovatna. Pogledaj
i prolazno vreme 2.22:)
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Ah, ovaj ElJefe-ov snimak probudi uspomene. Nazalost te uspomene su za mene sada jako bolne. Nakon dosta godina raskinuo sam sa devojkom. Kao sto znate zajedno smo putovali na koncerte, Brus je bio jako prisutan u nasoj vezi ...Dobismo novog clana za nasu malu zajednicu al jednog izgubismo - mene.Ko vidi Brusa u pitu nek prenese pozdrave od Milosa i NataseBornToRun se odjavljuje

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Juče sam naleteo na gotovo savršen primerak Darkness on the Edge of Town za sitne pare i pridodao ga nevelikoj kolekciji Springstinovih ploča.Ovaj je topik izuzetak od drugih dedikejted tu, ili fan topika na netu prosto zato što te druge zaobilazim, ne posećujem i ne čitam, imam averziju.Nikada sebe nisam video kao fana, iako sam negde tamo ranih devedesetih, na vest da postoji pomislio da bih mogao da budem član Luna Lu fan kluba.Veza sa izvođačima drage mi muzike uglavnom je jednosmerna.Jeste, platim kartu za koncert, pazarim ploču kad imam para i mislim kako je to jako malo za ono što dobijem za uzvrat.BornToRun, tvoje poimanje muzike kao esencijalnog pratioca, ili čak i ravnopravnog činioca emotivnog života je dirljivo.

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Ah, ovaj ElJefe-ov snimak probudi uspomene. Nazalost te uspomene su za mene sada jako bolne. Nakon dosta godina raskinuo sam sa devojkom. Kao sto znate zajedno smo putovali na koncerte, Brus je bio jako prisutan u nasoj vezi ...Dobismo novog clana za nasu malu zajednicu al jednog izgubismo - mene.Ko vidi Brusa u pitu nek prenese pozdrave od Milosa i NataseBornToRun se odjavljuje
Daaaj nemoj tako....Bez tebe sigurno nece biti isto...Daj sebi vremena uradi "emotional detox" i navrati...Lagano, cekamo te....
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Ju, sranja. A stvarno je dirljivo što čovek sopstveni emotivni život smatra neodvojivim od muzike.No surrender, zaista.

Edited by Buck Naked
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interview/music 2009 bruce springsteen part 1, includes the fever rehearsal, streets of philadelpgia live and the wrestler live

bruce springsteen interview music l2009 part 2 featuring the rising , working on a dreambruce springsteen interview and music part 3. includes the ghost of tom joed live and badlandsbruce springsteen interview and music part 4 includes the ties that bind and kingdom of days
Edited by veljaGB
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