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The Boss


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Šta??? palo na drugu stranu!!!!!??????

WXPN CELEBRATES BRUCE'S 60TH 9/21National Public Radio and World Cafe-producing station WXPN in Philadelphia (www.xpn.org) is celebrating Bruce's 60th birthday with a tribute to the Boss. WXPN solicited local musicians to cover Bruce's songs and beginning Monday September 21, recordings of the songs will be available for streaming on the XPN website for a period of one month.To further commemorate Springsteen's birthday, XPN will air Bruce requests and covers from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on September 23. That night there will be a live concert broadcast & webcast from World Cafe Live and WXPN called the Boss' Birthday Bash from 7 p.m.-10 p.m. This concert, hosted by XPN Host Helen Leicht, will feature live performances from XPN Local Artists, dubbed the Phill-E Street Band for this occasion, who will play the entire Born to Run album as well as other surprises.Confirmed artists to play Born to Run include Dan May, Tom Hamilton's American Babies, Ben Arnold Band, Missing Palmer West, Chris Kasper, James Maddock, Matt Santry, John Grecia, Tommy Joyner, Tom Laskas Jon Thompson and Cynthia Mason. Artists scheduled to perform other Springsteen favorites include Phil Roy, John Train featuring Mike Brenner, East Hundred, Scot Sax, The Great Unknown, The Rigbees, Theotis Joe and Sharon Little.For more info visit: www.XPN.org/bossbirthdaybash.
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Ziveo ti nama Bruce jos mnogo leta...SPECIAL 60 MOMENTS

Gej estetika, a? :naughty::D
Ha, ha...slucajnost...mada, ovde se uklapa.btw,Nocas sam sanjao da se upoznajem sa njim negde na koncertu u malom klubu i tu mi Bruce onako deluje prepotentno, kaze mi samo "cao", a Steven odmah pocinje da se zeza i to na srpskom :blink:. Pomislim, al je Steve cool tip...Nije to bas normalno, a? :lol:
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Srećan rođendan Brusuidyu83.gif Pre dvadesetak godina sam njegov rođendan proslavljivao tako što sam tog dana preslušavao sve njegove dotadašnje albume, to su bili dani, jbg. bio sam dosta mlađi ;) Evo jedan članak iz novina povodom Brusovog koncerta u Tampi 12.septembra, koji mi poslao jedan kolega sa jednog drugog foruma2uf3lup.jpg

Edited by Freehold
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Srećan rođendan Brusuidyu83.gif Pre dvadesetak godina sam njegov rođendan proslavljivao tako što sam tog dana preslušavao sve njegove dotadašnje albume, to su bili dani, jbg. bio sam dosta mlađi ;) Evo jedan članak iz novina povodom Brusovog koncerta u Tampi 12.septembra, koji mi poslao jedan kolega sa jednog drugog foruma2uf3lup.jpg
koji je to casopis? jel ti drug poslao sken ili ceo casopis ?
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