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Zasto ameba ide pjeske u skolu ?..Jer ima samo jednu stanicu.

Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

Does half an orchestra take just a semiconductor?It's called headquarters, because they could't find enough guys with whole heads.Torture with a torch, amuse with a muse, bother with both.He's my cousin, twice removed. First removal resulted in medical complications, but second surgery went fine.If your printer has run out of paper, investigate back to the moment when it had run into paper.Plastic surgery was very dangerous in the times when it was still wooden surgery.They advise parents against movies with scenes of graphic violence. Has anyone seen scenes with character-mode violence?..under no conditions whatsoever, including medical conditions and air conditions.if you have extreme caution brought along, use it. if not, then nothing.How loud can an ultramarine sergeant yell?And for what offense does one get in front of a hiring squad?At the end of the day, you can call it a day. Before that, it's too close to call it anything.What does a harbinger actually do all day? Harbinge?Whelmers miss.So let me get this straight... if I can't have my cake and eat it too, then when they say "have a cake" what am I supposed to do? Possess it briefly?Present is so tense. Perfect, too.I am a crater. I make crates.She said "help yourself", but I couldn't help myself so I helped myself and then she slapped me.shampoo is not a real poo, it's a sham, just like shamrock isn't a real rock(последња три потписа мислим да још нисам користио; скоро све остало је већ било, негде)додатак, сад ми паде на ум: I need to write some code to save my screen... I'll call it screen savior.

Edited by расејан

-Why did the antelope?-Nobody gnu.

  • 1 month later...


Edited by Yossarian

O, pa ja ovo umem da prevedem. Na srpskom bi najbolje bilo reći nešto kao "...":D
O, pa ja ovo umem da prevedem. Na srpskom bi najbolje bilo reći nešto kao "..."
То је још и добро, бар добијеш нешто. Шта рећи за "рећи ћу вам једну ствар, а то је да...", "what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna..." и јоште којекакве друге фразе које се преводе са ""?

What's the difference between a snowman and Snowhite? Snowballs!Where do snowmen go to dance? Snowballs! How do snowmen travel around? By icicle!

  • 2 weeks later...

Ne radi mi mozak. <_< Kako prevesti izraz "zamena teza" na engleski? :huh:

Ne radi mi mozak. <_< Kako prevesti izraz "zamena teza" na engleski? :huh:
Moving the goalposts?


Nisam siguran da sam ikad potpuno razumeo izraz zamena teza. Ako se o tome da sklepaš argument koji izgleda plausible da bi pobedio u raspravi, možeš da probaš i sa: casuistry, sophism, ili sophistry....Ne znam. <_< Edita:E, da, ako se radi o nečemu što treba da skrene diskusiju s prave teme, onda se često koristi izraz a red herring.

Edited by crveni autobus

Recimo serendip se ne prevede, a sufiks -ity se prevede sa -ost. I, dobijemo serendipost, što naravno zvuči užasno...
Ne radi mi mozak. <_< Kako prevesti izraz "zamena teza" na engleski? :huh:
Straw man argument. Требало би да ради у 90% случајева - подметне се неко страшило уместо стварног предмета, па се напада то страшило уместо њега.
Таличност? Ако се добро сећам, таличан је ко увек има среће. Занимљиво ми је било како је новосадски Форум урадио мађарски превод Таличног Томе: Talpraeset Tom - буквално, на-табан-падне, тј који се увек дочекује на ноге.

Edited by расејан

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