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Preglednost slika je svakom promenom sve gora i gora. Sada, ako je neko tagovan u okviru jednog albuma na svakoj slici, svako pojedinačno tagovanje će se pojaviti u ovom "photo news feedu" i time zauzme prvih n strana.

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koji bolesnici

Facebook's abuse of its Like button to invade people's privacy is much less publicised. We all think we know how it works. We're on a website reading an interesting page and we click the Like button. A link to the page gets posted to our wall for our friends to see and Facebook keeps this data and data about who clicks on it to help it to sell advertising. So far, so predictable.What most people don't know is that the Like button tracks your browsing history. Every time you visit a web page that displays the Like button, Facebook logs that data in your account. It doesn't put anything on your wall, but it knows where you've been. This happens even if you log out of Facebook. Like buttons are pretty much ubiquitous on mainstream websites, so every time you visit one you're doing some frictionless sharing. Did you opt in to this? Only by registering your Facebook account in the first place. Can you turn it off? Only by deleting your account. (And you know how easy that is.)
It extends Facebook's Like button to include any action that the site owners think might be interesting to Facebook. Play a song and your music streaming site tells Facebook what you've played. Read a newspaper article and Facebook knows what you've read. LOL at a lolcat and your LOL gets logged for all time on your indelible activity record. Facebook calls this "frictionless sharing", which is its euphemism for silent total surveillance. Once you've signed up for this (and it is optional; at least for now) you don't need to do anything else to "share" your activity with Facebook. It's completely automatic.
viaedit: Tomorrow, Facebook will change its privacy settings to allow Mark Zuckerberg to come into your house while you sleep and eat your brains Edited by prima
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