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meni se taj novi izgled - sa jedinstvenom kolonom - top stories & recent stories i sa ticky tickers pojavio jos pre 10ak dana, a danas mi se sve vratilo na staro (odvojene top news i most recent) i bez tickera. samo od sebe.inace pohvaljujem uvodjenje opcije "preview tagged", cim sam je aktivirala desilo se da je isti dan i upotrebim - tagovala me neka poznanica sa neke glupe slike s glupog public albuma i fb uredno sacekao da odobrim/odbijem objavljivanje na mom zidu.I chose ignore :)

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Ma promene se ne mogu izbeci, to je samo privremeno skrivanje. Kao kad su prosli put pitali da li zelim da i meni uvedu promene, na sta sam odgovorio ne i onda mi nakon nedelju dana bez pitanja promenjeno. A ova glupost sa desne strane je najvece sranje od promene ikada. Tacno napravljeno za idiote koji ce ceo dan da bleje u taj display i pratiti sta se desava.

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Ma promene se ne mogu izbeci, to je samo privremeno skrivanje. Kao kad su prosli put pitali da li zelim da i meni uvedu promene, na sta sam odgovorio ne i onda mi nakon nedelju dana bez pitanja promenjeno. A ova glupost sa desne strane je najvece sranje od promene ikada. Tacno napravljeno za idiote koji ce ceo dan da bleje u taj display i pratiti sta se desava.
ma taman sam se navikla i na to novo kad mi danas bez pitanja vratili staro.uzasno sam konzervativna kad su promene na FB u pitanju. sitnichare. malo je pravih,funkcionalnih promena,sve samo promena kozmetike.
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uzasno sam konzervativna kad su promene na FB u pitanju. sitnichare. malo je pravih,funkcionalnih promena,sve samo promena kozmetike.
to što nama neka promena nije funkcionalna, ne znači da fejsbuku nije ;)
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Ma promene se ne mogu izbeci, to je samo privremeno skrivanje. Kao kad su prosli put pitali da li zelim da i meni uvedu promene, na sta sam odgovorio ne i onda mi nakon nedelju dana bez pitanja promenjeno. A ova glupost sa desne strane je najvece sranje od promene ikada. Tacno napravljeno za idiote koji ce ceo dan da bleje u taj display i pratiti sta se desava.
Ocigledno fejsbuk misli da imamo previse RL-a i zeli da mu se vise posvetimo :(Poserem im se na svaku promjenu u posljednjih godinu dana, sve gore od goreg. Ubjedljivo najgluplje je prikazivanje slika u news feed formi a narocito je glupo sto mi ne prikazuje slike ljudi koje sam sklonio sa prve strane jer me smaraju njihovi jutjubovi recimo, ili statusi... pa sad ne mogu ni slike da im vidim :isuse:
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Inače, večeras sam video kako izgleda devojčin profil pošto je meni i dalje stari, i ne razumem oko čega (uključujući i nju) dramite?Šta vam konkretno smeta? Tiker sa novostima sa desne strane? :huh:

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Inače, večeras sam video kako izgleda devojčin profil pošto je meni i dalje stari, i ne razumem oko čega (uključujući i nju) dramite?Šta vam konkretno smeta? Tiker sa novostima sa desne strane? :huh:
Na prvu loptu - nema više izbora Top Stories/Recent Stories.
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zavrtelo mi se u glavi...Facebook aims to be entertainment hubFacebook outlined its ambitions to become an entertainment hub and to shake-up the media and other industries with a wide-ranging makeover of a social network now used by more than 800m peopleIz teksta izdvajamo:

Among the changes that will start to be rolled out in the next couple of weeks, Facebook will revamp the timeline of events in users’ profiles on the site, allowing them to create magazine-like scrapbooks of their personal histories with heavy use of photos (just lovely!). This would increase competition for blog providers such as Tumblr....Mr Zuckerberg also introduced a new range of “lifestyle” apps, which can share eating habits (:blink:) or daily runs automatically, through initial partners including Airbnb, Artfinder, Nike and StubHub....Facebook has become the most ubiquitous social utility for people. It’s an operating system for their lives.
jbt, jel se ja to družim sa pogrešnim ljudima (čitaj: nereprezentativan uzorak), ali zaista nemam utisak da je fejsbuk toliko bitan ljudima oko mene.EDIT: ne znam zašto FT nekad izbaci tekst, a nekad stavlja da je restricted access. A onda kada iz gugla pokušaš da pristupiš, radi :blink:Ceo tekst u spojleru:

Facebook outlined its ambitions to become an entertainment hub and to shake-up the media and other industries with a wide-ranging makeover of a social network now used by more than 800m people.Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder and chief executive, said the update would include new tools for sharing music, video and news on the site.“People can discover an order-of-magnitude more content,” he told application developers at a conference in San Francisco. He said this would “transform” the media industry.Initially, it could cause a “land grab” for Facebook users – 500m recently logged in over a 24-hour period, Mr Zuckerberg revealed – with the Spotify, Rdio and MOG streaming music services, for example, competing to be the “app” that users listen to and share music with on Facebook.David Hyman, MOG chief executive, told the Financial Times this had prompted his service to offer a new free option this month so that users of its MOG player on Facebook could let others listen in and use the service.“This is going to be very significant for us for traffic acquisition and the cost of acquiring customers is zero,” he said.Media companies will also have to figure out how much of their content should be available on Facebook compared with their own websites. Mr Zuckerberg showed a Washington Post reader app that opened a window in Facebook to reveal full stories from the paper.Among the changes that will start to be rolled out in the next couple of weeks, Facebook will revamp the timeline of events in users’ profiles on the site, allowing them to create magazine-like scrapbooks of their personal histories with heavy use of photos. This would increase competition for blog providers such as Tumblr.The new Timeline has a news ticker, announced earlier this week, alongside it, which allows more rapid sharing of material between users and would challenge services such as Twitter.Anticipating fresh privacy concerns over a plethora of new apps allowing sharing of personal information, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer, told a news conference that Facebook had been working with privacy groups on the new features.”This is really way more transparent and way more accessible than before,” he said of new, easier settings for users to restrict access to their information.Mr Zuckerberg also introduced a new range of “lifestyle” apps, which can share eating habits or daily runs automatically, through initial partners including Airbnb, Artfinder, Nike and StubHub.Ajaz Ahmed, chairman of AKQA, one of the largest independent digital marketing agencies, said: “Facebook has become the most ubiquitous social utility for people. It’s an operating system for their lives.“The new features are about giving Facebook more opportunities to monetise, generating new revenue streams, while making it indispensable as services like Twitter gain increasing traction.”

Edited by Quince
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jbt, jel se ja to družim sa pogrešnim ljudima (čitaj: nereprezentativan uzorak), ali zaista nemam utisak da je fejsbuk toliko bitan ljudima oko mene.
neki meni bliski ljudi uopste nemaju fb naloge, i nemaju nameru da ih otvaraju... ja svoj nalog otvaram jednom u 2 nedelje, a i to najcesce jer mi neko tamo posalje poruku, pa me mejl obavesti.dosadilo mi to. otkako ne okopavam farme i ne razvijam biznis sa kaficima, a tome ima vise meseci, nema razloga da odem. prijatelje tamo cujem i vidim na druge nacine.meni je fb imao rok trajanja tacno 2 godine. od aprila 2009.
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