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Sledeći koji okači materijal koji se ne bavi tehničkom stranom fejsbuka na ovom topiku dobije 10%.Stvarno nije problem okačiti neku dobru foru, neki zanimljiv profil, grupu, neki zez, ali galerije nakaza i erotike ne treba da stoje na ovom topiku.Zli, ti bar imaš gde da kačiš to što si ovde postavio. Ni ja tamo ^_^ ne dolazim da postavljam slike računara.

Edited by gotivac
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The site's very design—the presence of a "Like" button, without a corresponding "Hate" button—reinforces a kind of upbeat spin doctoring. (No one will "Like" your update that the new puppy died, but they may "Like" your report that the little guy was brave up until the end.) ...Facebook is "like being in a play. You make a character," one teenager tells MIT professor Sherry Turkle in her new book on technology, Alone Together. Turkle writes about the exhaustion felt by teenagers as they constantly tweak their Facebook profiles for maximum cool. She calls this "presentation anxiety," and suggests that the site's element of constant performance makes people feel alienated from themselves. (The book's broader theory is that technology, despite its promises of social connectivity, actually makes us lonelier by preventing true intimacy.) ... And women may be particularly susceptible to the Facebook illusion. For one thing, the site is inhabited by more women than men, and women users tend to be more active on the site, as Forbes has reported. According to a recent study out of the University of Texas at Austin, while men are more likely to use the site to share items related to the news or current events, women tend to use it to engage in personal communication (posting photos, sharing content "related to friends and family"). This may make it especially hard for women to avoid comparisons that make them miserable. (Last fall, for example, the Washington Post ran a piece about the difficulties of infertile women in shielding themselves from the Facebook crowings of pregnant friends.)
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i jos
Facebook's users are not connecting directly with each other. They are speaking to Mr. Zuckerberg, who first writes down and files away everything said, and then maybe relays it to the intended destination, if it suits him. In some cases he does not — witness the recent reports of Facebook's messaging service blocking messages based on the words and links in them, because those links point to services which Facebook would prefer we not discuss.
+ najnovije zurkazezanje
The long-hyped “Instant Personalization” feature will be turned on by the end of this week, and this will share your data with non-Facebook sites and it’s set on “Enabled” by default, so if you don’t know about it you’ll be sharing your data with whomever Mark Zuckerberg wants to get money from this week
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Nema razloga.

Stvarno nije problem okačiti neku dobru foru, neki zanimljiv profil, grupu, neki zez, ali galerije nakaza i erotike ne treba da stoje na ovom topiku.
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Nema razloga.
Možda smaram, ali da li bi ti bio problem da Svetlanu, Feniks Pticu i ostale bisere prebaciš na Kokotin topik otvoren na KDP-u, da sve bude na jednom mestu. Takva antologija bi bila pravo blago.
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Možda smaram, ali da li bi ti bio problem da Svetlanu, Feniks Pticu™ i ostale bisere prebaciš na Kokotin topik otvoren na KDP-u, da sve bude na jednom mestu. Takva antologija bi bila pravo blago.
Evo prebacio sam ovo iz poslednjih par sedmica.Ako treba još, vičite šta.
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