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Švajcarci nam poklonili 28 tramvaja


Beograd -- Beograd je dobio još 28 tramvaja i deset prikolica od Švajcarske vlade i grada Bazela.

Foto: Tanjug/AP, ilustracija

Ugovor su potpisali gradonačelnik Beograda Siniša Mali i direktorka Švajcarske kancelarije za saradnju za Srbiju Izabel Peri sa direktorom JKP GSP "Beograd" Željkom Milkovićem.

Nakon potpisivanja Prve izmene Ugovora o finansijskoj pomoći za preuzimanje polovnih tramvaja gradonačelnik Beograda Siniša Mali je rekao da je to nastavak saradnje koju je Beograd uspostavio pre više godina, a novi tramvaji bi u Beograd trebalo da stignu krajem 2015. i početkom 2016 godine.


"Danas smo dobili 38 voznih jedinica, 28 tramvaja i deset prikolica. Skoro 30 odsto tramvajskog saobraćaja u Beogradu je predmet donacije grada Bazela", rekao je Mali novinarima ispred zgrade GSP-a. 


Gradonačelnik je istakao da su se švajcarski tramvaji u prethodnom periodu pokazali kao veoma pouzdani i ocenio da je ugovor koji je potpisan danas dobar način da se poboljša gradski prevoz. 


Direktorka Švajcarske kancelarije za saradnju za Srbiju Izabel Peri je izrazila zadovoljstvo zbog dobre saradnje sa Beogradom i istakla da je od početka saradnje 2001. godine, Bazel zajedno sa kompanijama za gradski prevoz donirao 38 tramvaja i 36 prikolica, a u naredne dve godine doniraće još 28 tramvaja i deset prikolica. 


"Švajcarska vlada obezbedila je finansijsku pomoć od 4,2 miliona švajcarskih franaka za donaciju tramvaja i tramvajskih prikolica. Pored toga pomoć podrazumeva i remont doniranih tramvaja, donaciju rezervnih delova i tehničku obuku za osoblje i vozače" rekla je Izabel Peri. 


Ona je kazala da tramvajski prevoz predstavlja ekološki najefikasniji vid prevoza i istakla da su švajcarski tramvaji veoma pouzdani.


Zasto je ovo na temi o vozovima? Bolje prebaciti na temu o BG GSP-u?


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Japan's maglev train breaks world speed record with 600km/h test run


Seven-car ‘magnetic levitation’ train hits top speed of 603km/h less than a week after breaking the 2003 record of 581km/h

Yasukazu Endo, the head of the research centre run by Central Japan Railways, discusses the new maglev train.

Justin McCurry in Tokyo

Tuesday 21 April 2015 10.52 BST
Last modified on Wednesday 22 April 2015 00.35 BST

Japan has again demonstrated its prowess in high-speed rail travel with its state-of-the-art maglev train setting a world record of just over 600km/h (373mph), just days after it broke its previous 12-year-old record.

The seven-car maglev – short for “magnetic levitation” – reached a top speed of 603km/h on Tuesday during what officials described as a “comfortable” zip along a test track near Mount Fuji.

The Lo Series train, carrying 49 Central Japan Railway employees, covered 1.8km in just under 11 seconds at over 600km/h, the company said.

“The ride was comfortable and stable,” Yasukazu Endo, the head of the Maglev Test Centre, told the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. “We would like to continue analysing data and make use of it in designing the cars and other equipment.”

The new record came less than a week after the train reached 590km/h, breaking its own 2003 record of 581km/h.

The planned top speed of Britain’s HS2 high-speed rail link, by contrast, will be about 400km/h.

The maglev hovers 10cm above the tracks and is propelled by electrically charged magnets.

But fare-paying passengers face a long wait before they can experience the thrill of travelling at speeds that surpass even those managed by Japan’s vaunted shinkansen bullet train service, whose latest models whisk people between the main cities at speeds of up to 320 km/h.

There are concerns about the cost of building the infrastructure for a commercial maglev service, planned to go into operation by 2027, between Tokyo and Nagoya, 286km away. The service, which would run at a top speed of 500km/h, is expected to connect the two cities in 40 minutes, less than half the present journey time in a shinkansen, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year.

By 2045 maglev trains are expected to cover the 410km between Tokyo and Osaka in one hour and seven minutes, cutting the journey time in half.

But estimates put construction costs at nearly $100bn (£67bn) for the Tokyo-Nagoya stretch, with more than 80% of the route expected to go through costly mountain tunnels.

Despite the hefty price tag, Japan is hoping to sell its high-speed rail technology overseas as part of an attempt to revive the world’s third-biggest economy through infrastructure exports.

During his visit to the US later this month, the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is expected to promote the construction of a high-speed rail link between New York and Washington, using Japanese technology. Reports have said Japan is willing to help finance the project.




Metro Tokio - Nagoja. :)  Sledeći korak će biti tuneli pod vakuumom (samo za teretni saobraćaj) u kojima će se brzina vozova približiti prvoj kosmičkoj brzini.  :D


Aerodromsko osoblje na regionalnim aerodromima bi polako trebalo da krene da se češka po glavi i razmišlja o svojoj budućnosti.  :whistle:

Edited by bigvlada
Posted (edited)

Japan's maglev train breaks world speed record with 600km/h test run


Japan has again demonstrated its prowess in high-speed rail travel with its state-of-the-art maglev train setting a world record of just over 600km/h (373mph), just days after it broke its previous 12-year-old record.




Ovo nije tacno.  :D 

Taj rekord drze francuzi  :fantom:

Edited by borris_

Zar rekord za TGV nije 581km/h? Koji je brži? Ima li više kategorija u kojima se broje rekordi? Ovaj ne koristi klasične šine :)


Gledam sliku i nije mi jasno zašto Kinezi žele da grade brzu prugu Beograd - Budimpešta? Skretanje ka Nemačkoj? Istoku?




Interesantna je i ova azijska slika, sti;em utisak da je kineska mreža veća od evropske.




kao deo koridora od pireja preko soluna, beograda, budimpešte do hamburga,


delić njihove "new silk road" transportne strategije i strategije razvoja odnosa sa zemljama centralne i istočne evrope.

  • 2 months later...

'ladno je u istoriji postojala lokomotiva koja nije imala okrugle tockove :Hail:, mada se na ovoj slici bas i ne vidi




In 1887 the Swinerton Locomotive Driving Wheel Company in the U.S.A. received a unique locomotive boldly called Onward, which had been built by the Hinkley Locomotive Works of Boston. Its unique feature was that its wheels were not round. The company's founder, C. E. Swinerton, had specifed that both driving wheels should actually polygons with 118 sides, each flat segment being about 2 inches (50mm) long. He wanted to prove that the line contact at the intersection of each segment would have better rail adhesion than a circular wheel, which was supposed to have only a point contact. However this was actually not the case as even steel deforms under enough pressure, so there is on fact a contact area even with a circular wheel.


ali je ideja i pored svega genijalna :Hail: , ovako moramo jos pesak da koristimo


pa super, ali najace da ne bi doslo do razaranja usled zamora posle vrlo kratkog vremena :fantom:

  • 1 month later...

Ostaviću ovo ovde, da se uživa i naslađuje  :fantom:

Vać našarano na neke vozove  :isuse:


(zapravo da se slučajni putnici namernici koji bi vozom ne zbune i iznenade oznakama, skinuto sa Skyscraper foruma)




  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Moja firma postala partner Hyperloop One.  :kralj:


Sada samo treba da se uglavim nekako u tu ekipu.

Edited by borris_

Ole!  :s_w:


Aj se uglavi pa da nam pricas kako ide pravljenje Hyperloopa u nekom Sangaju ili sl. (kapiram da ce prvo tamo neke da pljusne pare za to)...

  • 5 months later...

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