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bad music for bad people

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stranglersi su bili važan deo mog odrastanja.

baš mi je žao.


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RIP Tony Allen







RIP Dave Greenfield

"He was the difference between The Stranglers and every other punk band," wrote Cornwell.

(ta prva 4 lp-a... a  bogami i posle...)

"Peasant In The Big Shitty" možda i najdraža sa drugog.





Koliko sam ja voleo ovu stvar i citav album -




Florian Schneider (Kraftwerk)




Posted (edited)

jbm ti



Sogar die größten Stars entdecken sich selbst im Spiegelglas /

der Künstler lebt im Spiegel mit dem Echo seines Selbst



Edited by I*m with the pilots
Posted (edited)

rip florian


edit: styling! :)








a da se ne zaboravi


Kupus sa čipovima




Edited by Cyan

R.I.P. Florian :(



Organisation, 1970 (Florian na flauti)




Posted (edited)

What is the one record I would save from a burning house? That would be easy, my Kraftwerk Computer World Album.

I was first introduced to Kraftwerk's music when a very classy, most beautiful girl from my high school (that I had a huge crush on) came to my house and asked if I would put this album she received from a radio station at the local park onto a cassette tape for her. Well, of course I said sure, I would do anything for her. When she left my house I just felt honoured to have one of her records in my hands. It was hers and she brought it to my house. I was 18 years old and thought the world of her, so I had to like whatever was on this album, even though the cover looked kinda weird. It was 1981 and here was four guys, 'white guys' on the cover on some sort of computer in a weird yellowish green color and on the back their hair looked like plastic as they were standing behind some sort of machine. "Oh well," I said, "If she likes it, I'll give it a try." I was kind of biased because it was her album, I liked it already and haven't heard one bit of it yet.

I put the record on and gave it a listen while putting it on tape. And WOW! It was really good. The first song was "Computer World" and I loved the sounds and the electronic beats they were doing. It was amazing! After the first song and then the second "Pocket Calculator", I was already loving this album. Then I heard it for the first time, the song that changed my life forever... "Numbers" Oh, wow! That beat! That sound! Those vocals! What kind of music is this? I loved it! I danced all around my room and turned the music up and let it play extra loud. It was JAMMIN' and these were four white guys. I had not a clue what they were saying so I made up my own words and played it over and over again. I then played the other side of the record and heard "Computer Love" and the more I heard, the more I fell in love with this sound. Then came "Home Computer", and then "It's More Fun To Compute", and that was even more funkier than "Numbers". I fell in love with this album and I had even more feelings for her for bringing it into my world, my now computer world.

It inspired me to make music and be who I am today.

She came back to my house to pick up her tape and told me that I could keep the album since she had no way to play it, I was so excited! I watched her as she walked away, still looking good, and when she left I played MY first Kraftwerk album. I played it over a thousand times. It has inspired me to make music and be who I am today. I remember when I first heard "Planet Rock" I screamed out "That's "Numbers"," as I told my friends and thought to myself, 'dang!' I was going to do a rap to that beat, but Afrika Bambaataa and Soul Sonic Force beat me to it. But I eventually went into the studio and made my own beat, and that worked out well for me, very well. 30 years later I still listen to that album and play it in my sets.

I ran into that girl again some ten years later and told her, "Thank you for that Kraftwerk album," and that it changed my life. She smiled and said, "You're welcome." She even told me that she heard my records on the radio and that she liked them. That made me feel like I had accomplished something. She, out of all people, said she liked my songs. I started dating her and of course... I MARRIED HER!


by Egyptian Lover


Ja sam odrastao u maloj sredini, muziku sam upoznao preko ćaleta i radija, ozbiljnije upoznavanje sam doživeo tek u srednjoj, kopanje muzike od tada i kasnije. Nikada nisam imao Krawtwerk album, kasno sam ga čuo, voleo sam ih, voleo sam uticaj koji su ostavili na druge muzičare koje volim, ali zapravo nemam pojma o njima, nikad ih studiozno nisam slušao. Uvek su bili tu, na ovaj ili onaj način. Smorio sam se na njihovom nastupu na Exitu. Smaraju me njihovi veliki fanovi. Volim da čujem njihov zvuk u originalu i u inspiraciji drugih. Veliku stvar su napravili.

RIP Florian

Edited by maheem

Uvek cu pamtiti kako se mojoj baki (koja je inace bila u fazonu Johann Strauss etc.) dopao "Neon Lights":))


Kada je izasao Man Machine uzeo sam ga na kaseti (to je ono sto se vrti olovkom, za mladje;)) - mislim da je negde imam jos uvek. Tad je to za mene bio "dnevnik iz buducnosti" (sto se slusalo uz citanje Siriusa). Sada mi je ta krafwerska buducnost sadasnjost koju je kreirao David Lynch i gde se ta buducnost pretvorila u neslanu distopicnu salu, a "roboti" su u stvari patuljci unajmljeni po satu za ispod minimalca unutar kartonskih kutija sa nacrtanim robotima. Ne znam da li su Florian et al to tako hteli, ali eto ispali su aktuelni do dan danas.


Ja tvaj sluga, ja tvaj rabotnik... Pa da, tacno tako.


11 hours ago, maheem said:


Uvek su bili tu, na ovaj ili onaj način. Smorio sam se na njihovom nastupu na Exitu. Smaraju me njihovi veliki fanovi. Volim da čujem njihov zvuk u originalu i u inspiraciji drugih. Veliku stvar su napravili.

RIP Florian


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