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Automobili na elektricni pogon


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Steta sto je tako brzo debunkovano, taman sam se nadao da ce neko da krene sa "obicni automobili ne gore ovoliko jako kad se zapale".

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4 hours ago, Čutura said:

zelene pizdarije, sto se stodvaestrojka 200D nije samospaljivala?


ne mož srbina zajebati tim ekologijama :covid19:

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8 hours ago, zorglub said:

EU: Zero emissions till 2030!

China: Let me introduce myself.

EU: No, not like that!


EU to Impose Tariffs Up to 45% on Chinese Electric Vehicles


Jbg, kad Kinezi biraju za ministre tamo neke inzenjere koji se razumeju u nove tehnologije a ne ko normalan svet birokrate :sad:


Then, in 2007, the industry got a significant boost when Wan Gang, an auto engineer who had worked for Audi in Germany for a decade, became China’s minister of science and technology. Wan had been a big fan of EVs and tested Tesla’s first EV model, the Roadster, in 2008, the year it was released. People now credit Wan with making the national decision to go all-in on electric vehicles. Since then, EV development has been consistently prioritized in China’s national economic planning. 


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Nisu kineske kompanije, već kompanije koje prave automobile sa državnim subvencijama, koliko vidim i Tesla je na spisku.


Ali mislim da je pogon najmanji problem i evropskih i kineskih automobila. Kad vidim one uvučene brave (krenulo od Tesle), touch ekrane preko celog enterijera (ali Xiaomi nudi dodatak sa dugmićima da ga nakačiš na tablu), 24/7 internet vezu sa ko zna kakvim serverima ko zna gde, i pretplatu za sportski mod, u glavi mi je pečurka iznad fabrike svakog proizvođača, bez izuzetka (ok, možda Dacia i Lada mogu da se provuku)

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