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Taj od 2.27 je preko 6k. A ne daju mi se tolike pare za pocetak. Ocu da vidim kako me "radi", u odnosu na prethodnu ishranu. Ima vremena kasnije i za veca pakovanja. Dakle, ovaj od nepuno kilo niko ne valja za 2000 npr?

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Hail.gifHail.gifHail.gifJa radim sa 70 sad, mogu i 80 ali se mucim pa peglam lagano ovako biggrin.gif
jel se secas kad sam te pre koji mesec zezao da dizem vise od tebe? tad si bio na 60, ja na 65. dakle, moro bi malo da se uozbiljis, i prestanes da jedes u pekari. kuvaj pirinac il nesto, nisu bifteci bas neophodni. vise je poenta u spremnosti da odvojis pola sata- sat dnevno na spremanje klope, nego u cijeni. a mogo bi i da se ozenis, evo jos malo pa ce jesen :s_d: nego, mene brine sledece. u proslis 6 meseci otkad sam krenuo u teretanu nisam smrsao ni kilo, tj jesam, al se vratio na 108. povecao sam tezinu na benchu za 45kg u to vreme, ali nisam nesto nagruvan, otprilike sam isti. za koj kurac se mucim????
U cemu je fazon? Ako radis seriju 8x95 igurno mozes da podignes preko 120kg.
pravo da ti kazem, nisam nikad ni pokusavao da dizem iz zezanja, po 1 put. gledam da to bude minimum 6 puta, da mi se uklopi u redovnu vezbu. mada bih mogao to da uradim sledece nedelje, cisto da bi se kurcio posle. ne znam jos pred kim, posto od mog drustva to nikog ne zanima, u teretani izbegavam komunikaciju... jedino ovde. jak motiv <_<
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Taj od 2.27 je preko 6k. A ne daju mi se tolike pare za pocetak. Ocu da vidim kako me "radi", u odnosu na prethodnu ishranu. Ima vremena kasnije i za veca pakovanja. Dakle, ovaj od nepuno kilo niko ne valja za 2000 npr?
Ja sam uzeo Biotech Nitro Pure Gold od 80% proteina, sto ti je u istom rangu kao taj tvoj, za 4 500 din. Pakovanje od 2.27kg, naravno. Redovna cena mu je bila 5 000 ali smo narucili u Ogistri kod Pedje Petrovica, skupilo se nas par i uzeli 4 komada pa dobili popust od 10% (za sve kupovine preko 10 000din).Ili da uzmes po pola s nekim ovo, izaci ce vas po ~50 evra: http://www.ogistra-nutrition-shop.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=29817
jel se secas kad sam te pre koji mesec zezao da dizem vise od tebe? tad si bio na 60, ja na 65. dakle, moro bi malo da se uozbiljis, i prestanes da jedes u pekari. kuvaj pirinac il nesto, nisu bifteci bas neophodni. vise je poenta u spremnosti da odvojis pola sata- sat dnevno na spremanje klope, nego u cijeni. a mogo bi i da se ozenis, evo jos malo pa ce jesen :s_d:
Ne jedem u pekari ali je preskupo ako hoces da se hranis zdravo, ne vredi. Variram u kilazi izmedju 88.5 i 90.5, a treba da imam 93-95. I nisam oslabio samo na benchu, ni cucanj ne idem vise preko 100, stojeci biceps pregib maksimalno 45, zgibova ne mogu preko 8, uglavnom po 6 komada u seriji... 1 uzas.A zenim se na jesen, 'oce jedna '76 godiste da se uda za mene i da me izdrzava sa 100-200 evra mesecno. Meni dosta.
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Ja sam uzeo Biotech Nitro Pure Gold od 80% proteina, sto ti je u istom rangu kao taj tvoj, za 4 500 din. Pakovanje od 2.27kg, naravno. Redovna cena mu je bila 5 000 ali smo narucili u Ogistri kod Pedje Ne jedem u pekari ali je preskupo ako hoces da se hranis zdravo, ne vredi. Variram u kilazi izmedju 88.5 i 90.5, a treba da imam 93-95. I nisam oslabio samo na benchu, ni cucanj ne idem vise preko 100, stojeci biceps pregib maksimalno 45, zgibova ne mogu preko 8, uglavnom po 6 komada u seriji... 1 uzas.
hehe, ja sam mogao 20 zgibova... pre jedno 10 godina. sad mogu samo da se okacim i visim, na veliku tonijevu radost. nisrta ga ne razveseli toliko kao pomisao na to. sto se hrane tice, pa mislim da je dovoljno da jedes nesto kuvano, povrce i ta zelena sranja, plus proteine. jebote, samo da jedes kilo banana dnevno pa ti dosta, a one su jeftine u srbiji. ti jos i ne moras da izbegavas mast, a to je svima veliki problem.
A zenim se na jesen, 'oce jedna '76 godiste da se uda za mene i da me izdrzava sa 100-200 evra mesecno. Meni dosta.
jel ima sestru?
Mene ne zanima bodibilding (godine, konstitucija). Benc, skoro nikad, cak ni pri zagrevanju, ne radim vise od 5 ponavljanja u seriji.
to mi deluje vrlo malo, do 5 ponavljanja. koliko serija?e da, sta radite za zagrevanje u kucnim uslovima, i koliko?
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Ja se uopste ne zagrevam. Doduse, radim sa tezinama koje to ni ne zahtevaju.Nego, da nije ta '76. godiste premlada za Glintaru?

Edited by Milogled Bluff
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pa skoro niko se ne zagreva, bar ne rade to javno. uvr glave zamasu 3 puta nekom malom tezinom. dok se svi uceni i mudri ljudi, pocev od trenera u gymu, ubijaju od ubedjivanja da moras da vrtis petale il trcis bar 15 min. sto je otprilike isto ko vecnost.a zlintara ce, ako nastavi ovom stranputicom, uskoro u pedofile.

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Nego, da nije ta '76. godiste premlada za Glintaru?
Mozda je napokom shvatio da ih treba hvatati dok su jos mlade pa oblikovati po svojim zeljama.
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Izmedju 3 i 5. Sa dosta velikim (aktivnim) odmorima izmedju serija. Trudim se da se u nacelu pridrzavam Science and Practice of Strength Training, Second Edition, zapravo, mozda vise radim po prvom izdanju.
Kad spomenu "izmedju 3 i 5", evo jednog odlicnog programa zasnovanog na tim parametrima. U pitanju je trening prvenstveno za funkcionalnu snagu, pa tek onda bodibilding. Autor je Pavel Tsatsulin, covek koji je ranije trenirao ruske specijalne jedinice, a kasnije emigrirao u Ameriku i tu postao jedan od priznatijih autoriteta za tu oblast.

THE `3 TO 5` METHOD: STRENGTH TRAINING FOR SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAMSThere are many effective ways to build strength, but they all boil down to low rep non-exhaustive training. I designed the program outlined here for my S.W.A.T. clients in the Western states. “...I have tried all the conventional methods being taught for 10 years now, with little to no gain in strength. This training, in one week, has already done more for me than all the others put together...”, observed a Range Master/Advanced Instructor from one of the agencies in New Mexico at the end of one of my courses.THE `3 TO 5` METHOD:3-5 Exercises (total for the whole body)3-5 Sets3-5 Repetitions3-5 Minutes of rest between the sets3-5 Days of rest for each exerciseThe simplicity is obvious. If you cannot remember the program`s guidelines turn in your driver`s licence and do not operate heavy machinery. Start out by selecting three to five exercises for the whole body. Three of these must be `big` lifts such as deadlifts or squats. Variations are many; you have twelve to choose from the table below.TWELVE POWER DRILL COMBINATIONS RECOMMENDED WITH THE `3 TO 5` METHOD:SquatBench pressDeadliftPullup`Pistol` or one-legged squatDouble kettlebell snatchClean-&-press (reclean the bell before each press)Extended deadlift (use small plates or stand on a box and squat low)Hanging leg raiseOne arm dumbbell clean and push press (reclean the bell before each press)Towel pullupSplit squatPullupDipDumbbell snatchPower cleanIncline bench pressFront squatOne arm pushupGood morningOne arm lat rowDouble kettlebell or dumbbell C&P (reclean the bell before each press)Sumo deadliftJanda situpClose grip bench pressOne arm deadliftJump shrug with two kettlebells or dumbbellsPower snatchSquatHandstand pushupHigh pullSide pressBox squatBodybuilders may add two exercises of their choice. You can pick isolation exercises if you wish but you must stick to the low rep power format specified for the whole program.TWELVE SECONDARY BODYBUILDING EXERCISE COMBINATIONS RECOMMENDED WITH THE `3 TO 5` METHOD:Barbell curlIncline close grip bench pressFloor flyPreacher curlLateral raiseBent over lateral raiseAlternate dumbbell bench pressAlternate dumbbell curlIncline flyHammer curlConcentration curlFrench pressJanda situpIncline bench alternate dumbbell curlAlternate dumbbell military pressReverse curlEZ bar curlEZ bar skull crusherArnold pressCable crunchRope curlTriceps pushdownThick bar curlThick bar close grip bench press from power rack pinsMilitary, law enforcement, and other hard living types should pick two secondary drills for the forearms, neck, or midsection instead of the above bodybuilding exercises. For instance, heavy gripper work plus neck harness exercises. Or thick bar reverse curls plus Janda situps.TWELVE TACTICAL STRENGTH SECONDARY DRILL COMBINATIONS RECOMMENDED WITH THE `3 TO 5` METHOD:Sledge hammer leverage drillHanging leg raiseFront half bridgeBarbell finger rollsJanda situpReverse curl with a thick barRolling bridgeHeavy-duty gripper workStraddle style one arm deadliftFinger extensions against a rubber band or in a bucket of sandWrist rollerHeadstand leg raiseNeck harness workFull contact twistOne finger partial deadlifts (all finger pairs)Suitcase style one arm deadliftOne-legged deadliftFingertip pullupsWrist extension with an EZ curl barWrist flexion with an EZ curl barThick bar deadliftNeck harness workBent pressPinch gripping two barbell platesDo 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes of rest in between. These powerlifting rest periods will seem like eternity to a busy bodybuilder. Deal with it. You may alternate – not superset! – sets of two or more exercises. For instance, C&P – 2 min – DL – 2 min – C&P, etc.The high-tension techniques I have written about in my books Power to the people! and The naked warrior are essential. Train tight and heavy but pull the plugs on your sets when you still have one or two reps in the bank. Ignore the bodybuilding intensity folklore about `doing as many reps as you can and then two more` and gain!“I used to be enthralled at `the Barbarians` and Dorian Yates and their balls to the wall training style”, writes US Military Powerlifting National Champion Jack Reape in his article on dragondoor.com. “Getting those hard fought last couple reps were the key to getting bigger and stronger I believed. WRONG! Intensity is not a grimace and a backwards beseball cap, it is a mathematical formula! That mathematical formula is based on all the reps you do above about 40-50% of 1 RM...”.All you need is to train heavy and stay tight; failure is unnecesssary and counterproductive. And if you disdainfully blow this bit of advice off as `sissy`, do it in 500-pound bencher Jack Reape`s face. It will be amusing to watch you fly.Add weight when you can, without training on the nerve. Practice each exercise every three to five days. How you split them is up to you. If you are short of time follow the split by Igor Sukhotsky, M.S. Comrade Sukhotsky, a Russian nationally ranked weightlifter turned full contact karate fighter, squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and practices good mornings and full contact twists three times in two weeks. Monday-Friday-next week`s Wednesday.Or you could train three times a week and alternate two workouts. To use Sukhotsky`s workout as an example, do squats, good mornings, and full contact twists on Monday. Bench and pull on Wednesday. On Friday do your SQ & Co. Again.Experienced lifters can practice more sophisticated splits within the same three to five days of rest formula. For instance, you could train three times a week, squat and pull three times in two weeks and bench twice a week:Monday – squat, bench pressWednesday – deadliftFriday – squat, bench pressMonday – bench press, deadliftWednesday – squatFriday – bench press, deadliftIt is also fine, if you want to split the workout futher to train almost every day. The `3 to 5` setup offers enough choices to siut anyone.Waving the training load up and down is essential for progress. There are many complex periodization systems out there that would put a Ph. D. to sleep. Just say no and keep it simple. After three weeks of hard training just reduce your volume or the total reps by 40-50%. In the traditional Ostapenko model practiced by many Russian powerlifters, the sets get reduced. 4x4 becomes 2 sets of 4 reps. 5 sets of 5 reps taper to 3 sets of 5 reps.I prefer cutting the reps instead of the sets: 4 sets of 2, 5 sets of 3. With the weight you used on your last heavy week; you are tapering and this is supposed to be easy! “I pushed myself hard for three weeks, to the point where I was really getting fatigued”, reports David Valentiner, RKC. “Then…I really reduced my volume…during the 4th week…and I felt better than ever”. In the first week of the next month you are guaranteed to see great gains in strength.Power to you!

Dakle, opsti principi treninga snage:- nekoliko "compound", "full body" vezbi- relativno cesto praktikovanje svake vezbe- velike tezine- vise serija sa malim brojem ponavljanja- dugacke pauze izmedju serija- izbegavanje vezbanja do otkaza- periodizacija treninga, odnosno trenazni ciklusi

Edited by Milogled Bluff
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Procitao sam (ili bar prelistao) dosta toga od Pavela Tsatsulina. Ima on dosta nekonvencionalnih programa za trening snage. Evo tabela koja opisuje razliku izmedju treninga za hipertrofiju misica i za snagu iz knjige koju sam naveo u prethodnom postu:post-391-13403766105719.jpegMisicna hipertrofija se ovde ne odnosi toliko na bodibilding, nego na nabacivanje misicne mase za sportiste.

Edited by Aion
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Pa sad, mozda ne bas 120, ali bi svakako trebalo da je vrlo blizu. Po nekim standardima, 8 ponavljanja mozes da uradis sa oko 80% maksimalnog izbacaja (1 repetition maximum - 1RM). Dakle - 95/0.8 = 118.Inace, ti odnosi izmedju broja ponavljanja i maksimalne tezine izgledaju otprilike ovako:4 ponavljanja - 90% 1RM6 - 85%8 - 80%10 - 75%12 - 70%15 - 65%20 - 60%Naravno, to nije uklesano u kamenu, jer nekome vise leze vece, a nekome manje tezine, u zavisnosti od toga da li ima vise brzih ili sporih misicnih vlakana. Ali, neke srednje vrednosti bi trebalo da budu takve.Moje licno iskustvo je da sam mogao da izbacim stotku kad sam dizao 90 kila 4 puta, sto ce reci da se uklapam u ovo.
citala kod Rippetoa da je jedna od ociglednih razlika izmedju muskaraca i zena ta da, citiram: "women can perform a 5RM lift with a higher percentage of their 1RM than man, because they cannot as efficiently demonstrate absolute strength at the level of 1RM intensity.". najverovatnije se radi o tome da zbog manjka testosterona i njegovog uticaja na nervni sistem, zene ne mogu efikasno da regrutuju motorne jedinice (skupove misicnih vlakana), tj. rade to manje efikasno od muskaraca. zato su zene bolje kod endurance nego kod te explosive strength.inace nakon mesec dana pauze od teretane (putovanja plus neke bolestine) squat mi opao drasticno a deadlift ni malo (8X40kg bez problema). tek sam jednom sad bila, videcu koliko ce mi trebati da vratim squat gde sam bila pre ovoga.
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inace nakon mesec dana pauze od teretane (putovanja plus neke bolestine) squat mi opao drasticno a deadlift ni malo
Nista cudno. Cucanj i bench zahtevaju vise prakse od mrtvog dizanja.
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