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kraj serije je neminovan :cry: .
Ne mora da znači.
How's that for a sensationalistic title? I'll go ahead and calm your fears: Fringe has not yet been cancelled, and there's still a significant chance that it will be renewed for a shortened fifth season. But that doesn't mean that the show isn't preparing for an end game of some sort. Titles for the final stretch of episodes this season have been revealed, featuring some pretty thought-provoking stuff. Of course, Friday's episode is "Nothing As It Seems," an outing that hearkens back to the show's monster-themed episode of season one, "The Transformation." The April 6 episode, 4.17, is titled "Everything in Its Right Place." The episode, which will center on agent Lincoln Lee (Seth Gabel) traveling over to the alternate universe, is named after the Radiohead song of the same name, from the 2000 album Kid A. If you haven't heard the song, you should give it a listen; there's definitely a Fringe-y vibe going on there. "The Consultant" is 4.18, which sees "Walter [traveling] to the Alternate Universe to assist in the investigation of a Fringe event with ties to both worlds. Meanwhile, David Robert Jones reveals his next target." And then there's the title of the highly secretive episode 4.19, which guest stars Henry Ian Cusick (LOST) and Georgina Haig as "agents" of some kind. The episode, like "Brown Betty" and "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" before it, will be a mold-breaker that revamps the show entirely; "Brown Betty" was a musical episode, "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" was about 70% animated. No one knows what the episode will be like, but we do know the title: "Letters of Transit." And, as we get into the final stretch of episodes, we know that episode 4.20 will be titled "World Apart." Finally, the two-part season finale has a title as well: "End Game." That's a title that sounds both ominous for the characters and for the show itself, and only reinforces the fact that the producers have planned for this episode to work as a finale in the face of the show's possible cancellation. It's a scary thought, but nonetheless one that I'm excited to see. (It's also fun to note that there was an episode earlier this season called "The End of All Things.")


Dobra epizoda. Cela se dešava tamo preko, i cela je o šejpšifterima.


Meni isto kul epizoda, iako skoro da nije bilo Waltera i Petera.


Što samo dokazuje koliko su jaki svi likovi, da mogu da iznesu epizodu bez pojavljivanja dvojice glavnih.Meni malo žao što je

Li sa one strane poginuo

Posted (edited)
Kakav mirror Aliasa, em pet sezona, em četvrti kao riset prve, em poslednja skraćena. I isto će od blata da pravimo olivijicu i opraštati vrhunski glumački talenat ane torv ko svojevremeno garnerici sad kad se buljaški alkatraz nije primio, a ostanu nam razni grimmovi S3 i ona ogavna marmelada sa kiferom.edit: nadu vidim jedino u pomnom praćenju gde će da završe pisci pošto ih za frindžovih stolom ima dojajnih. jebote na ovoj seriji je i akiva goldsman isporučio par fenomenalnih scenarija (kad ima jeffa pinknera da mu to sredi), da ne pominjem one dvojce - ashley miller i zack stentz koji su napisali 'Grey Matter' ili 'Jacksonville' i posle otišli da skriptuju superherojske filmove ili j.h. wymana i josha singera koji su napisali "Peter". da je neko od tih dvojaca - ili onaj drugi alijasovski koji napisa prezabavni m:i4 - radio na alkatrazu sa elizabet sarnof umesto ona dva nepismena govnara koji su i zajebali seriju, alkatraz ne bi podbacio već bismo imali šta da gledamo kad se piter i olivijica nađu u najboljem od mogućih svetova. Edited by Zero Tolerance
Kakav mirror Aliasa, em pet sezona, em četvrti kao riset prve, em poslednja skraćena.
Tebi se "javilo" da će biti pete sezone, ili to naslućuješ iz ovog teksta u kome su samo najavili da postoji mogućnost da Fringe ima i tu petu, možda, skraćenu sezonu?
Tebi se "javilo" da će biti pete sezone, ili to naslućuješ iz ovog teksta u kome su samo najavili da postoji mogućnost da Fringe ima i tu petu, možda, skraćenu sezonu?
..ovog sa perspica sma danas video u maxiju ^_^

Uh, Waltera moram da stavim među najomiljenije likove, danas je dominirao celu epizodu.


Je li neko video najavu za sledecu epizodu? Otkud Piter tamo?

Posted (edited)
2036.Što te čudi Piter? Skočili su samo 24 godine unapred, čovek će imati pedesetak godina.Mene više čudi što Walter još uvek živ, ali to je Fringe, po najavi, rekla bih, da će biti sjajna epizoda. Edited by Arkadija
Posted (edited)
Što te čudi Piter? Skočili su samo 24 godine unapred, čovek će imati pedesetak godina.
Zato sto izgleda isto, a ne kao da ima 50-ak godina... :unsure:A ona plavusa im je cerka? Edited by jms_uk

Možda nisu ni ostarili, već su samo malo skoknuli u budućnost. Plavuša ostaje misterija do sledeće nedelje :D

Možda nisu ni ostarili, već su samo malo skoknuli u budućnost.
Nije im bilo malo ovo skakanje levo-desno izmedju univerzuma, nego ce sad da skacu i napred-nazad izmedju vremena:D

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