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Tasting Notes by Dave BroomNose: Rich and ripe, with some dark (cooked) black fruit. Raisin, cocoa, praline, coconut. Substantial smooth succulence.Palate: Sweet start then it firms up in the centre where the nuts return melting into the chocolate and raisin. Chewy and tongue coating. Showing some complexity.Finish: Long, sweet. Comment: Beautifully balanced.
sve se slazem ;)
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naleteh veceras u rodicu a kako ga ranije nisam pio rek'o da probam, imaju i standard taj sa zelenom etiketom. ni jedan ni drugi nisam ranije vidjao ovde, a sad malo pogledao po internetu jos su i znacajno jeftiniji nego u inostranstvu, hepi :)ovaj crni je inace aged in sherry casks

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irish_bus2.jpgsve se slazem ;)
joj meni je ovo jedan od najdrazih poklona koje sam ikada dobio. tri irske tetke sa kojima sam radio na nekom projektu (molim bez posalica), posle sluzbenog puta na kome sam se smorio najstrasnije jer sam morao da im prevodim svaku rec svakome koga su videle, a obozavale su carice da pricaju i da se gube unaokolo (sto je bas super ako se desava u Bujanovcu), pre leta za Irsku su mi poklonile litar ovoga uz reci "We see that you are tired of us and we thought that you could get drunk and somehow forget your pains, so here you are". Litar Black Busha.
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(molim bez posalica),
ne vredi, mangupi ce uvek da iskoriste zicer..edip; uzeo juce i onaj standard i nisam se nesto odusevio, previse alkoholan.blek bush je dosta bolji a obzirom na minimalnu razliku u ceni, no brejner Edited by Takanohana
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  • 2 weeks later...

smrdim na gajbi s nekom groznom mukom, sve mi se zuc vraca na usta, pa posto nemam nista gazirano, uhvatila sam flasu mumm champersa...i mislim da mi je jos gore... :D

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