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Svetska Kriza 2008-....

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Situacija je perpendikularna. Tipovao sam da ce ovi procenjivaci da snize rejting US of A na AAA- kad oni se usudise da im daju AA+. Medjutim kad citate obrazlozenje nista vam nije jasno. Te kratkorocno, te dugorocno, te za vracanje dugova, te idi mi-dodji mi, dodjes mi, dodjem ti, pominje se i neko A-1+ pa cak i dalje AAA. Uglavnom okruglo pa na cose.Medjutim sustina je da se priznaje da je US$ nacet. Vise i zvanicno dolar i te amerikanske 'artije nisu neprikosnovene. Za sada su se Kitajci, Niponci i Englezi (imaju najvise tih artija po prosecnoj glavi) izvukli, ali sada ce dobro da razmisle da li da kupuju joste tih 'artija ili da prodavaju ovo sto imaju.Elem u svetu se pojavila i nova grupa zemalja, koje su uvredljivo nazvali PIGS (Portugalija, Italija, Grcka i Spanija), naklonjenih bankrotu. Sve evropski juznjaci. Irsku su nesto preskocili, ne uklapa im se u akronim (bilo bi PIIGS), a i nisu juznjaci. Dodali bi oni i Cipar al' opet kvari skracenicu. Znaci Svinje su isto tako veliki problem. Niko za sada ne ubraja tu UK of GB & NI, a i oni su vidjeni za bankrot. Znaju angli&sasi kako da zabasure stvar.Evo im ga stanje za 2010 u US$ prema Cijinoj Svetskoj Knjizi Fakata (World Fact Book):BND . . . . . . . . 2 172 000 000 000 000Javni Dug . . . . 76,5% BND-aInostrani Dug . 8 981 000 000 000 000 (cetiri puta veci od BND!?!)Godisnji Saldo . . . . . -40 340 000 000Duzni su i ruzni. Cetiri puta vise nego sto im je Bruto Nacionalni Dohodak, a nigde se ne spominje da su tropa. Jesu ljisice ti angli&sasi. Treba ih se cuvati.
ne postoji AAA-, AA+ je prvi ispod AAA
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Evropske berze su danas padale dok nije objavljeno da ce američke federalne rezerve preduzeti nekakve mjere. Nije čak ni objavljeno kakve će te mjere biti, vijest da će se uraditi nešto (monetary easing) je sama po sebi bila dovoljna da se indeksi vrate na nivo jučerasnjeg zatvaranja. Bice šou kad se te mjere objave.Inače, Obamina izjava da agencije mogu rejtingovati™ kako hoće ali da će USA uvijek biti AAA zemlja je isuse.gifEdit: Otvorena berza, Dow skočio za 1% iliti 120 poena.Edit 2: I dugoocekivana mjera je objavljena u toku dana. Odlucili su da nista ne urade. Dow se automatski skljokao i sat prije zatvaranja berze je na -1% u odnosu na juce.Edit 3: I onda je eksplodirao i sa -1% dosao na +4% za sat vremena. Ludnica.

Edited by nautilus
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Evropske berze su danas padale dok nije objavljeno da ce američke federalne rezerve preduzeti nekakve mjere. Nije čak ni objavljeno kakve će te mjere biti, vijest da će se uraditi nešto (monetary easing) je sama po sebi bila dovoljna da se indeksi vrate na nivo jučerasnjeg zatvaranja. Bice šou kad se te mjere objave.
Kakvo bezrazložno poverenje u ljude i njihov razum. Edited by Eraserhead
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Kakvo bezrazložno poverenje u ljude i njihov razum.
Nije to nikakvo poverenje nego primarni dileri (banke povezane sa Fedom) su pocele sa kupovanjem da bi odrzali berzu a sve stampanim parama. Dakle, jos jedna runda obezvredjivanja novca i pumpanje inflacije.
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Sta im znaci primamljiva lokacija? Neki fiskalni raj?
Rekli su "overseas". Ne verujem da to podrazumeva Devičanska ili Kajmanska ostrva, tamo se ne ide fizički nego na papiru. Verovatno na istok, kao što kaže Rajka.
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za slucaj da malo sale nikad nije na odmet:

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines three years ago, you would have $49 today! If you purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG,you would have $33. If you purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers, you would have $0 today. But, if you purchased $1,000 worth of beer, drank all the beer and turned in the aluminum cans for recycling, you would have $214. Therefore the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle.

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How Speed Traders Are Changing Wall StreetBy CBSNews (CBS) It may surprise you to learn that most of the stock trades in the U.S. are no longer being made by human beings, but by robot computers capable of buying and selling thousands of different securities in the time it takes you to blink an eye. These supercomputers - which actually decide which stocks to buy and sell - are operating on highly secret instructions programmed into them by math wizards who may or may not know anything about the value of the companies that are being traded. It's known as "high frequency trading," a phenomenon that's swept over much of Wall Street in the past few years and played a supporting role in the mini market crash last spring that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunge 600 points in 15 minutes.Most people outside of the industry know very little, if anything, about it. But the Securities and Exchange Commission and members of Congress have begun asking some tough questions about its usefulness, potential dangers, and suspicions that some people may be using computers to manipulate the market. For 150 years, the floor of the New York Stock Exchange was the center of the financial world, the economic engine that helped American business raise capital and create jobs. Today it is still the public façade of Wall Street, and a television backdrop for reporters relaying financial news. But less than 30 percent of the trading is conducted there now, and the specialists and the noise of the floor is being replaced by the speed and quiet efficiency of computers, and the action has moved elsewhere.There are now more than 80 alternative trading systems around the country, plus two brand new electronic stock exchanges which most of you have probably never heard of: BATS and Direct Edge. They're owned by the big banks and by high frequency trading firms, and neither of them would give "60 Minutes" an interview or let us inside to film their operations, but they trade more than a billion shares a day at blinding speed, and most of those bets are being made by machines. The players range from firms like Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Credit-Suisse and Morgan Stanley to hedge funds and smaller operations like Tradeworx, which is the only high frequency trading firm that would talk to us or let us in. It's run by Manoj Narang and a small group of mathematicians and scientists called "quants," which is short for quantitative analysts. Their high speed computers trade 40 million shares every day. Asked if humans are ever involved in the trading, Narang told correspondent Steve Kroft, "Humans are not involved in the trading because humans are way too slow to trade on the kinds of opportunities that we're trying to capture. We're trying to capture opportunities that exist for only fractions of a second."The Tradeworx computers don't care where a stock is going to be trading next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow, because they are going to be in and out of it on the same day, in a matter of minutes. "What's the point of buying and selling a stock that you hold for three minutes?" Kroft asked."Same objective that all other participants have in the market, is to make money. You buy low, sell high, that's how you make money," Narang said."And the computer will know when to buy and when to sell?" Kroft asked."Sure, the computer is monitoring real-time data and it knows what to do with that data and how to make decisions based on that," Narang replied.What Narang and other high frequency traders tell their computers to do is to make a profit of a penny or less, 40 million times day.They scan the different exchanges, trying to anticipate which direction individual stocks are likely to move in the next fraction of a second based on current market conditions and statistical analysis of past performance. But the computers have no real understanding of who these companies are and what they do.Članak je ogroman, ovo je samo četvrtina, ceo je ovdehttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/10/07/60minutes/main6936075.shtml

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Осим сто израз "црни петак" има скроз обратно Знаценје кад се примени на финансије. То је дан после Дана захвалности у САД, обицно последнји петак у новембру, када Поцинју Распродаје дилјем Сјединјених, и кад многи трговци, који су годину провели у црвеном (дакле у минусу) најзад прелазе у црно (дакле у плус). За нјих Је црни петак Јако добар дан.
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