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Svetska Kriza 2008-....

Yonkers United

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Pa, recimo da je problem u tome sto krizu izazvao kapital koji je naizgled bio AAA a u stvari spekulativan. Mada ne znam kako ce to kontrole da rese, kada je problem bio u rejting agencijama. Inace, neki tvrde da je sve to samo simptom strukturalnog problema koji dolazi kao uzrok starenja stanovnistva:

Volcker added: "The specific points at issue are ownership or sponsorship of hedge funds and private equity funds, and proprietary trading - that is, placing bank capital at risk in the search of speculative profit rather than in response to customer needs. Apart from the risks inherent in these activities, they also present virtually insolvable conflicts of interest with customer relationships, conflicts that simply cannot be escaped by an elaboration of so-called Chinese walls between different divisions of an institution."He's right, but it's beside the point. What brought the banks down was not speculative bets in volatile markets but what appeared to be ultra-safe investments in the most conservative assets available, namely medium-term bonds rated Aaa/AAA by Moody's and Standard & Poor's, the major rating agencies.The US Federal Reserve agreed to allow the banks to put on more leverage (that is, allocate less of their own capital against prospective losses) than they had in the past. But the Fed agreed to do this only for assets that were supposed to be virtually default-proof. The ratings agencies "sold their soul to the devil", as a Standard & Poor's analyst admitted in an e-mail later brought to light by a congressional investigation, in order to rubber-stamp riskier assets with the AAA label.But that's because the banks couldn't find enough prime assets in which to invest and had to find subprime assets to replace them. In a series of reports to Cantor Fitzgerald customers, I showed how global flows caused massive distortions in the pricing of American securities, and created demand for highly-levered structured instruments that (temporarily) provided higher returns.There are two sides to every investment. One is the return you get; the other is the return you require. For pension funds, the hurdle rate for investments is the rate required to meet the contractual requirements of a defined-benefit pension scheme. If corporations fall behind, eventually they will have to dip into profits in order to make up the difference. Commercial banks pay a certain amount for money, and lend it out for profit. The benchmark for banks' cost of funds is the rate for interbank loans, or the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). A few of the large banks have sufficient customer deposits to pay a rate lower than LIBOR on certificates of deposits, but that is a secondary matter. The derivatives boom was in full flourish when I published my first research report for Cantor, on January 5, 2006. I wrote: In CS Lewis's Screwtape Letters, an old devil gives practical advice to a novice demon. Diabolical amounts of leverage compressed credit spreads during 2005. Wrong as the market may be about inherent risk, it is likely to stay wrong, as the Fed backs off from aggressive tightening, the threatened curve inversion fails to materialize, absolute yield levels remain low, and investors enhance returns through leverage. Investors are not piling into levered ... structures because they are complacent about credit risk. On the contrary, all the investors I know are scared to death. But as long as the average US pension fund requires returns of 8.75% to meet its long-term obligations, and the aggregate corporate bond index yields just over 5%, institutional investors will continue to pick up nickels on the slope of the volcano. Sponsorship of ever-more-esoteric structures is a failsafe symptom of yield dearth. The insatiable hunger for savings instruments on the part of the world's aging savers was responsible, ultimately, for the great financial crisis. Huge foreign demand for US securities pushed the returns of prime securities down to levels that made them useless to most American investors, including pension funds which have fixed return targets averaging 9%, and banks funding at LIBOR (the interbank cost of funds). Once prime assets couldn't meet the requirements of investors, subprime assets were invented to provide higher returns. The financial crisis may have calmed down, but the sources of the crisis remain unchanged: the industrial world is unable to fund the greatest retirement wave in history at current returns. Everything that seems to offer yield turns almost instantly into a mini-bubble. Without a way to match the aging savers of the industrial world with the young workers and entrepreneurs of the global south, banking problems will persist no matter what regulatory regime prevails.
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Global_Economy/LB02Dj01.htmlIma tu jos u clanku da se cita, sa sve grafikonima itd.
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Pa, recimo da je problem u tome sto krizu izazvao kapital koji je naizgled bio AAA a u stvari spekulativan. Mada ne znam kako ce to kontrole da rese, kada je problem bio u rejting agencijama. Inace, neki tvrde da je sve to samo simptom strukturalnog problema koji dolazi kao uzrok starenja stanovnistva:
Ma, dobro, subprime, i te stvari jesu spekulacija ali ne razumem kakve to veze ima sa kontrolom kapitalnih tokova (a kako i sam primecujes).
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Damjo, mislim da si pogresio, ono sto oni uvode mozemo nazvati 'socijalizam za bogate' a ostale ko jebe. Btw ne postoji gramzivost kapitala, samo gramzivost ljudi. Dosta vise sa tim mistifikovanjem "kapitala" kao nekog strasila. Ponekad zvucis kao komunisticki pamflet od pre 50-100 godina.
Ma sve je pocelo fk reaganomicsom
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Ниси ме исправно схватио. Нисам рекао да овим уводе комунизам, већ сам се питао шта ће покушати да ураде када схвате да похлепном глобализацијом и стварањем једног тржишта ултимативно граде комунизам. Па сам даље рекао да би једна од реакција (јалових због грамзивости капитала) могла да буде рестрикција попут ове, а све то уз ограду да је ово само микро-најаве, таквих макро-појава у будућности.
Jedinstveno, globalno tržište nije put u komunizam već u plutokratiju.
Ma, dobro, subprime, i te stvari jesu spekulacija ali ne razumem kakve to veze ima sa kontrolom kapitalnih tokova (a kako i sam primecujes).
Odgledaj Capitalism: A Love Story, pa će ti biti jasnije.
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Nešto mislim da se Buđa ne edukuje o ekonomiji iz popularnih filmova... :) A mislim da nije preporučljivo ni za druge... premda je Lenjin film držao na veoma visokom mestu kao sredstvo za uzdizanje svesti u radničkoj klasi, što bi rekao drug philby.

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Jedinstveno, globalno tržište nije put u komunizam već u plutokratiju.
Плутократија без спољне претње/супарника/итд. врло брзо завршава каријеру кратком револуцијом.
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Nešto mislim da se Buđa ne edukuje o ekonomiji iz popularnih filmova... :)
Nije na odmet da se informiše.
A mislim da nije preporučljivo ni za druge... premda je Lenjin film držao na veoma visokom mestu kao sredstvo za uzdizanje svesti u radničkoj klasi, što bi rekao drug philby.
Nije ovo pitanje propagande ili ne znam ti čega već.Stvar je u tome da li autoritete doživljavaš kao nosioce istine ili istinu kao vrhunski autoritet. Preispituješ li ono što si naučio tokom školovanja? Uzimaš li informacije koje ti servira političar/ekonomista/sveštenik sa zrnom soli?
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Плутократија без спољне претње/супарника/итд. врло брзо завршава каријеру кратком револуцијом.
Potcenjuješ moć oligarha da upravljaju strahom (i mržnjom) kod širokih narodnih masa. Čemu, uostalom, služe "unutrašnji neprijatelji"? biggrin.gif
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Tako ti prepisao doktor, zbog pritiska? smile.gifZnam te Indy, a i drugima je poznat tvoj odnos prema autoritetu. Upravo si izrekao najveću laž (ili ironiju, kako se uzme) od kako pratim tvoj forumski lik i delo. Nema potrebe za tim. Peace.

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Odgledaj Capitalism: A Love Story, pa će ti biti jasnije.
Mozda i odgledam. Kazu da je Farenhajt bio bolji. To se meni nije dopalo.Suvise montaze, propagande i nepotpunih informacija.A, eto, pri tome smatram da se desila jedna fantasticna Superhik distribucija na nimalo kapitalisticki nacin.
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Nije na odmet da se informiše.Nije ovo pitanje propagande ili ne znam ti čega već.Stvar je u tome da li autoritete doživljavaš kao nosioce istine ili istinu kao vrhunski autoritet. Preispituješ li ono što si naučio tokom školovanja? Uzimaš li informacije koje ti servira političar/ekonomista/sveštenik sa zrnom soli?
U kontekstu toga što govoriš, eto upravo jednog primera na temu, ne moraš uopšte da ideš na političare i sveštenike. Pametnom je dosta ovo što MMF promoviše, o odustajanju od slobodnih tokova kapitala :lol: To naglavačke obrće sve što su do sada podsticali i određivali kao dobro za sve i jedino moguće, te kamen temeljac razvoja. Živo me zanima kako će EU reagovati na ovakve stvari i kakve će posledice sve to imati na njeno unutrašnje ustrojstvo. Sada je malo jasnije zašto se po svaku cenu žurilo sa ustavnim reformama i guranjem svega i svačega, zaključno sa usvajanjem Lisabonskog sporazuma po kratkom postupku.
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Upravo tako.Ljudska znanja su mahom privremenog karaktera, a to se pogotovu odnosi na ekonomske zakonomernosti. Fascinira me ljudska glupost da takve stvari uzima zdravo za gotovo, pogotovu što se kroz istoriju pokazalo da je finansijski sistem podložan gigantskim zloupotrebama (npr. davanjem centralnih banaka u privatne ruke). Ako nešto treba da se preispituje i bude pod stalnom lupom javnosti, onda su to monetarni i finansijski sistem. Isto važi i za pokušaje EU da se na netransparentan i nedemokratski način kreiraju otuđeni centri moći. Ako su ustavne reforme na korist građana EU, zašto im se uskraćuje pravo da se o tome izjasne kroz referendum? Ah, da – lakše je i jeftinije potkupiti par hiljada poslanika nego isprati mozak 500 miliona ljudi... Vrhunac besmisla je to što nakon svega neki "liberali" veruju da je do krize u SAD došlo jer se država previše uplitala u poslovanje tj. tržište je navodno bilo preregulisano. isuse.gif

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