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Jovane, koliko je ovo realno?Launch of Darjeelin.com : Europe’s first crowdsourcing travel platformPress release from: Darjeelin(openPR) - For the first time in Europe, a startup offers travelers to crowdsource their flight search to a community of experts competing to find the best fare.Paris, France, December 19th 2012.An innovative solution to avoid getting lost in the myriad of different players and promotional offers, and save a considerable amount of time … and money (an average of 25% on long-haul flights).Darjeelin offers its users to save time and money by outsourcing their flight search to an expert community – frequent flyers, experienced travellers, professional travel agents – who make use of all their know-how and compete to find the best flights.With the advent of OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), the success of low-cost companies and the thousands of special promotional offers flooding the web, searching for flight tickets can be very tricky for the layman, take a considerable amount of time and lead to disappointing results.Darjeelin has gathered an expert community to help users travel in a smarter way. Darjeelin experts know all the tips and tricks of flight search (“flight hacking”) and are capable of being extremely creative to find airfares 25% cheaper than traditional OTAs and metasearchers.So how does it work ? Darjeelin links every user looking for a flight ticket with four experts, who will compete to find the best ticket or ticket combination on the web. This is called a “flight contest”. During three days, the user receives “flight proposals” from his “flight experts”. The user then selects the best flight proposal and the expert is awarded the “contest fee”. To launch a flight contest, users pays a fixed fee of 20 €. Winning experts are awarded 15 €.Bringing “crowdsourcing” to the travel and flight search sectorCrowdsourcing (which consists in outsourcing a service to the “crowd” on the internet) has already consistently changed other sectors with well-know examples like Kicktstarter (funding), Wikipedia (content) or 99designs (design). Darjeelin to reshape flight searching thanks to the help of the crowd.“Ariplane ticket distribution evolved too quickly from a brick and mortar shop to dematerialized online platforms. In the process, the know-how of human travel agents was lost. We believe in a hybrid solution: human experts who are reachable through a web interface”, says Thibault Lorcy, co-founder of Darjeelin.“The power of our concept lies in aligning the interests of both our travel experts and users (travellers): finding the best airfare; and that’s only possible though crowdsourcing”, adds Charles Guilhamon, the other co-founder.An original launching operation in Beauvais airportLast Friday (December 14th, 2012), the startup was in Beauvais airport to meet travellers and potential users, and appear as a new non-conformist actor.Remember Suzy McLeod (Newbury, Berskhire), this holidaymaker who complained last August, that she was charged 300 € by low cost company Ryanair to print out five boarding passes on a flight home from Spain ? Her post on facebook had been backed by 500 000 people. (source : Telegraph)The Darjeelin team, brought along a table and a printer, and offered passengers who had forgotten to print their flight tickets to do it for them, thus saving them the 60€ charge. The message was simple: “Let’s get smarter together !”In short, Darjeelin provides :- savings of hundreds of euros on long-haul flights, compared to traditional agencies or metasearch engines- major time saving- competition between experts, which in turn guarantees the best price for the user- a human powered flight search engine, which means that experts and users engage on the forumMore information on: www.darjeelin.comAbout DarjeelinDarjeelin, which was founded in 2012 by Thibault Lorcy and Charles Guilhamon, with respective strategy consulting and entrepreneurship backgrounds, promotes a smarter way of travelling, thanks to the power of the crowd.Darjeelin27 rue du Chemin Vert75011 ParisFRANCEwww.darjeelin.comPress contact:Charles Guilhamon: +33 6 66 33 91 23 – c.guilhamon@darjeelin.comhttp://www.openpr.com/news/246878/Launch-of-Darjeelin-com-Europe-s-first-crowdsourcing-travel-platform.html?SID=2dfe787bb3ed0159bae1aee6427df7c1

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koliko je ovo realno?
Realno je, sto da ne.Nije ovo prvi sajt sa 'ekspertima'- pojavio se jedan pre pola godine. Ne mogu da se setim tacno adrese, ali je negde medju bookmark-ovima.
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Da li ja to samo loše pretražujem, ili zaista Adria Airways ima upola nižu cenu povratne karte BEG-LJU-BEG (119 jevrića) od JAT-ove (ne vidim ništa niže od oko 29000 RSD, tj. malo više od 250 evra)?

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ja se ne bih iznenadila, ne znam za koje datume gledas, ali meni za nekih nedelju dana sredinom januara najjeftinije izadje 210e, na sajtu adria.pitanje za upucenije, da li na letovima za ciju sam kupovinu iskoristila M&M award miles isto dobijam milje? Pretpostavljam da su na evropskim letovima to one od 125 po legu, ili nema pravila?

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Za te letove bi trebalo da se ne dobijaju milje, dok ih sa druge strane i dalje dobijaš kada za keš kupuješ promotivne letove tipa upola cene itd. Doduše, pravilo može da varira od kompanije do kompanije.

Edited by beowl
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Da li ja to samo loše pretražujem, ili zaista Adria Airways ima upola nižu cenu povratne karte BEG-LJU-BEG (119 jevrića) od JAT-ove (ne vidim ništa niže od oko 29000 RSD, tj. malo više od 250 evra)?
Vrlo moguce, to im je FLYSAVE kategorija cena, gde su karte dosta jeftine. S druge strane, JAT ih prodaje kao codeshare [let obavlja Adria], pa je verovatno zato i skuplje.Ali, mali savet za ustedu. Adria jako skupo naplacuje 'reservation fee' za online kupovinu. Istu tu kartu od €119 [karta €89 + €30 fee] mozes kupiti za €96.50 na holandskom Expedia sajtu [€89 karta i €7.50 fee].34e2tt0.pngMoze i na drugim [evropskim] Expedia sajtovima, ali predlozih holandski zato sto je kod njih ta provizija najmanje. Kod drugih ide od €10-€15, pa na gore.
pitanje za upucenije, da li na letovima za ciju sam kupovinu iskoristila M&M award miles isto dobijam milje? Pretpostavljam da su na evropskim letovima to one od 125 po legu, ili nema pravila?
U tom konkretnom slucaju nece da moze - desava se ponekad [yours truly je jednom potrosio neke milje na kartu, a onda dobio vise milja za te letove nego sto je kostalo], uglavnom kada dodje do promena/usaglasavanja klasa karata.
Doduše, pravilo može da varira od kompanije do kompanije.
Americke kompanije imaju neke 'Mileage Booster' opcije gde doplatis i dobijes dodatne milje. Pored obicnih, kupovnih, karata, kod nekih to vazi i za award booking.
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spala sam na 9000 milja :(
Zasto :( ?Ja imam jos samo 6500 i plan mi je da jos 1000 naguram da bih uzeo nesto u WorldShopu i to je to.LH milje su OK ako letis puno premium klasama [i trosis ih u istim].Pogotovo su lose za po Evropi [dobre su samo za neke cudne i skupe destinacije, tipa Kisnjev, Minsk i slicno...], 'takse' su im ogromne [jer naplacuju fuel surcharge].Kupih pre neki dan MAN-BER i BER-BHX. Dve one/way karte, svaka oko 30 evra.Mogao sam da uzmem jednu od te dve za 5000 milja i skoro €100 taksi :oHau jes nou <_<
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uf, bih ja to odma sad. inace, planiram u UK ponovo u maju, tako da ce uskoro da padne jos jedna polugodisnja viza.sto se milja tice, nisam nikada trosila award miles do sada, pa mi nekako zao bese, zato :(

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2012 u djejmsonovskom stilu, mada kako su uveli brze pruge u kini, izbegavam da letim ako ne moram. 2009-2010 su bile mnogo jace sa po 70ak letovaFlights:All 43Domestic 21In Kilometer 110,135Earth Circumnavigation2.75 xDistance to the Moon 0.287 xHours 146:54Longest Flight (distance):7,079 km, 9:40 h, Beijing (Capital) - Istanbul (Atatürk), 11.01.2012Shortest Flight (distance): 192 km, 0:43 h, Sarajewo (International) - Belgrad (Nikola Tesla), 18.01.2012Average Flight: 2,561 km, 3:25 hTop Ten Airports1 PEK Beijing 33 38.4 %2 DME Moscow 9 10.5 %3 SJJ Sarajewo 4 4.7 %4 IST Istanbul 4 4.7 %5 SHA Shanghai 4 4.7 %6 MNL Manila 4 4.7 %7 HKG Hong Kong 4 4.7 %8 CGO Zhengzhou 3 3.5 %9 SVO Moscow 3 3.5 %10 TAO Qingdao 3 3.5 %Top Ten Airlines1 Transaero Airlines 7 16.3 %2 Hainan Airlines 5 11.6 %3 Cebu Pacific 4 9.3 %4 China Eastern 4 9.3 %5 China Southern 3 7.0 %6 Dragonair 3 7.0 %7 Air China 3 7.0 %8 Aeroflot 2 4.7 %9 Turkish Airlines 2 4.7 %10 BH Airlines 2 4.7 %Top Ten Routes1 PEK - DME 5 11.6 %2 SVO - PEK 3 7.0 %3 PEK - SHA 3 7.0 %4 PEK - HKG 2 4.7 %5 HKG - PEK 2 4.7 %6 DME - PEK 2 4.7 %7 PEK - IST 1 2.3 %8 PEK - XMN 1 2.3 %9 CGO - SHA 1 2.3 %10 PEK - HGH 1 2.3 %welt1159261357114407.pngcn1159261357114407.png

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