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Aerodromi i letenje

Аврам Гојић

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Nije.Jesi li zapisao booking code na kraju procesa kupovine karte?
Ma jesam, stiglo par mejlova (bus e-ticket do Aerodrom-Rim) i jos par mailova (npr. odstampao jedan koji se ne zove E-ticket vec : "Your ininerary""BOOKINGS:Reservation status: CONFIRMEDYou will need provide this confirmation number and valid ID at chek-in to recieve your boarding cardflight Itinerary - confirmed" etc.... nikakav bar-kod? Prvi put kupujem kartu na ovaj nacin, zar mi je dovoljan samo booking code da bih dobio kartu na aerodromu?edit: booking code sam dobio odmah sutradan Edited by CowBoy
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Ako imas booking code i 'confirmed' onda si OK, bar sto se njih tice. Kod 'legacy' kompanija mozes da vidis e-ticket broj, kod ovih malo teze.Ne znam da li BEG podrzava, ali mozes da odradis check-in online i odstampas boarding pass pre puta i onda samo predas prtljag [ako imas].

Edited by jms_uk
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Ako imas booking code i 'confirmed' onda si OK.Ne znam da li BEG podrzava, ali mozes da odradis check-in online i odstampas boarding pass pre puta i onda samo predas prtljag [ako imas].
Uh, hvala ti, laknulo mi je.Mislio sam da treba da stigne bar-kod makar, ovaj broj od sest cifara mi je nekako nedovoljan. E jos jedno pitanjce: prijavio sam se na svoju adresu (stan) gde trenutno zivim, u pasosu mi stoji ranija adresa - nece valjda da mi prave problem pri cekiranju? btw, podrzava on-lajn cekiranje i za beograd. Ali sve jedno se ceka i na aerodromu. Edited by CowBoy
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Ma jok, to ne gledaju. Ja imam BG adresu u pasosu, a uvek upisujem [i placam sa] ovu u UK.

E jos jedno pitanjce: prijavio sam se na svoju adresu (stan) gde trenutno zivim, u pasosu mi stoji ranija adresa - nece valjda da mi prave problem pri cekiranju?
ovaj broj od sest cifara mi je nekako nedovoljan.
To je dovoljno za [uglavnom] sve avio kompanije ;)photomq.png Edited by jms_uk
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Sad gledam na AB sajtu, ima samo onaj preko Larnake, a ukoliko se ne varam, bio je i direktan? U svakom slučaju su idioti ako ga potpuno ukinu.
ne znam za direktan. sada lete 2x nedeljno preko larnake s tim sto na kipru izadje 90% aviona, ostane 10-15 putnika za TLV.
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Hvala ti neopisivo:)Ne volim virtuelne kupovine jer mi idu realne pare a umesto karte dobijem neke digitalne matrice. Primitivan sam nepovratno
aj samo se seti kako se ranije cuvala avionska karta...kod pasosa, pa proveravas na pola letovanja da li je sve u redu sa kartom...a sada imas drljavu artiju, ako izgubis, odstampas novu i kraj. divota
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aj samo se seti kako se ranije cuvala avionska karta...kod pasosa, pa proveravas na pola letovanja da li je sve u redu sa kartom...a sada imas drljavu artiju, ako izgubis, odstampas novu i kraj. divota
Pa zovi 3 dana ranije da confirm & re-confirm :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ako neko ide u CCS, koristan info:

Immigration and customs are more or less OK, yet as soon as you exit the restricted area, the mess begins. Taxi drivers, moneychangers etc. yell at you all at once, everybody wants to grab your luggage and show you the way (for a fee of course - last experience was a $20 request for a guidance across the domestic terminal) or change your USD for a better than official rate. Yet arrival is still a better part of the story.Departure is real bad - plainclothed agents of (purportedly) anti-drug squad are scouring the departure hall, randomly picking up people for questioning. Another part of the story is that they take your passport and BP, go pay the tax for you, and then ask you an absurd sum for this. The problem is that there is almost no signposting in the departure hall, and the check-in counters are in the opposite ends of the building. So you may end up asking somebody and reveal the fact that you are a prospective scam target - best advice is to ask AIRLINE agents in uniforms only. After check-in, have your passport and BP concealed - I have had experience of people pulling them out of your hand willing to pay the taxes for you, and requesting you paying the taxes to them in USD. The tax is BsF 190,- for international departure, which is less than USD 50,- even at official exchange rate (4,28 BsF/USD). They will tell you at ckin if it is included in your ticket or not, but from my experience I paid it when leaving on both CO and LH.After ckin and taxes, there is a queue for BP check, generally a single entrance into the restricted area is open. An agent scans the tax tag on the BP and lets you in into the queue for security check. After that, emigration with more queuing (1h20 last time I was there, which was exactly a month ago). And anti-drug squad (in uniforms at this stage) are also picking up people from this area for hand luggage search. Once past emigration, you are generally OK, expect just one more hand luggage search at boarding. But this last check is already done under airline supervision, hence generally no excesses happen at this stage.So don´t let go of your luggage, keep your passport and BP concealed, do not hand them to anyone except uniformed people and even that with caution and remember - LH ckin area is to your right as you enter the departure hall.
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Samo ako je cena tog leta + cena prevoza BG-Aerodrom Morava + cimanje manja od leta sa Surcina.

Hoce li za ljude iz Beograda letovi prema nekim odredistima sa Ladjevaca biti isplativiji nego letovi prema istim sa Surcina?
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Samo ako je cena tog leta + cena prevoza BG-Aerodrom Morava + cimanje manja od leta sa Surcina.
Let sa Surčina isto ima faktor "cimanje", bar dok ne srede Gazelu i autoput, tamo negde 2019.
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