Arkadija Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Milosh76 said: Ajmo nagadjanje, ciji je, zaista, sin Bendzamin Lajnus?Ja sam uverena da će na kraju ispasti da su Ben i John Lock braća.
gervasius twinkleminkleson Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 ovaj... benova majka je emili, a otac ovaj koji mu je zaboravljao rodjendane, tukao ga i tom e slicno. vidjeli smo njegovo rodjenje, ne vjerujem da ce tu biti nekih preokreta
Milosh76 Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 gervasius twinkleminkleson said: ovaj... benova majka je emili, a otac ovaj koji mu je zaboravljao rodjendane, tukao ga i tom e slicno. vidjeli smo njegovo rodjenje, ne vjerujem da ce tu biti nekih preokretaSlazem se, ali... Kod Bena nikad nije cela istina ono sto znamo, uvek ima neko iznenadjenje. Ne bi me cudilo da tu ima jos neka forica oko njega.
gervasius twinkleminkleson Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 a jebiga, bilo bi bash glupavo da tako nesto naprave. mislim, majka mu je umrla pri porodjaju, sto je blago uznemirilo njegovog oca, koji je kao posledica toga zaboravljao benove rodjendane, tukao ga i tome slicno - zbog chega je ben htjeo da ostvari transfer medju otherse. da sada ispadne da mu ono nisu bili roditelji.. stvarno bi bilo uzasno glupo.
copkillah Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 (edited) Kao npr da je Ben sam sebi otac?edit: bilo upućeno Milošu Edited May 1, 2009 by copkillah
Arkadija Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Zar se Emili ne zove i Lokova majka. Npr. mogući scenario: Loka je rodila u 16. godini 1956., a zatim negde u prvoj polovini 60.ih se udala za Rodžera i onda rodila Bena ;)
gervasius twinkleminkleson Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 samo sto je lockeova majka imala 15 godina kada ga je rodila 1956. a benova majka, koja ga je rodila nekih 10 godina kasnije, ima preko 30 [glumica, koja je inache zena michaela emersona, ima 41]. osim toga, benova majka je umrla pri porodjaju, lockeovu majku smo vidjeli zivu dosta kasnije, u lockeovom flashbacku.osim imena majki im, ima josh slicnosti - obojica su rodjena prije vremena, zadnje rijeci benove majke su bile 'name him benjamin', a zadnje rijechi lockeove majke koje smo mi chuli su bile 'name him john'.sve je moguce, ali iskreno sumnjam da ce se ici dalje od tih koincidencija. bilo bi izuzetno glupo da sada ispadne da su oni braca ili tako nesto...
Milosh76 Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 copkillah said: Kao npr da je Ben sam sebi otac?edit: bilo upućeno MilošuPa tesko da bi to mogli logicno da objasne, ali ako ti tako mislis, mozda i jeste moguce :P
Malvo Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 Po uzoru na "Prijatelje" i Džoija, po završetku "Losta" bi ostrvo moralo da nastavi svoje TV bitisanje kao najuspešniji lik ove kultne serije.
Crepajac Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 (edited) Arkadija said: Novi snikovi za 15. epizoduIma ih šestovde Manje-više snikovi... CEO SINOPSIS JE TAMO!Za one sa slabijim živcima, DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON! Reveal hidden contents Start's with Dan's death from Jack and Kate's perspective...Kate & Jack watch Dan's death as a horse rides near... Widmore on horseback drills JackEllie reads Faraday's journalJack & Kate are hostages of the othersWidmore thinks war with DharmaEllie understands they are from the future----30 years laterAlpert works on a bottled shipLocke appears with a boar on his shouldersAlpert has been waiting for himAlpert unsure of Ben being thereBen describes Alpert as an advisorHe's been an advisor for a very, very long timeSun shows Alpert the Dharma photoAlpert says he knows her friendsBECAUSE HE SAW THEM ALL DIE-----LOST bumper-----Alpert still has Locke's CompassLocke is not afraid of BenLocke tells Sun his plan is to reunite them with the other LostiesLocke, Alpert and Ben leave the camp----------------------Kate + Jack beatenJack wants the 815 crash not to happenKate says it wasn't all miseryJack says "enough was"Ellie wants to know why they need the bombEllie understands the planJUGHEAD IS UNDERNEATH THE DHARMA CAMP-----------------------------Sawyer and Juliet locked upRadzinsky takes over from HoraceRadzinsky is violentSawyer needs to say where Kate is or he will diePhil takes overPhil punches JulietThe "late additions" to the manifesto are found outHurley is the new target----------------------Hurley stuffing canned food into a backpackHurley, Miles, and Jin are escapingDr. Chang finds themChang stumps Hurley on the exact questions Hurley thought he would be stumped on in the past (Year of birth, current president, etc.)Chang knows they are from the future and Miles is his sonMiles "tells" Chang to evacuate the island------------------------Widmore inspects Faraday's corpse and it seems familiarEllie wants Alpert to go to Jughead with her------------------------Alpert asks Locke where he has beenLocke wants to see JacobBen and Richard stall on JacobLocke leads Ben and Richard to the heroin planeLOCKE TELLS RICHARD THAT A MAN WILL WALK OUT OF THE JUNGLE IN 3 MINUTES AND RICHARD WILL NEED TO PULL A BULLET OUT OF HIS LEG, TELL HIM HE NEEDS TO BRING EVERYBODY BACK TO THE ISLAND, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THAT "HE HAS TO DIE"RICHARD PLAYS OUT THE PREVIOUS SCENE WITH PAST LOCKEBen wants to know how Locke had such perfect timingThe island told himLocke silences Ben by asserting that Ben has never seen Jacob--------------------------Chang enters Sawyer and Juliet's torture room/Dharma camera room and wants to evacuate the islandChang wants to stop drilling but Radzinsky isn't into itSawyer says he will tell Radzinsky where Kate is if he and Juliet can get on the evacuation subRadzinsky will make a deal in exchange for a map to the Others location----------------------Kate can't follow Jack any furtherEllie and others won't let Kate go any furtherA gunshot fires and Kate looks at her stomachAmongst ferns Sayid is shown and had shot the Others "red shirt", Kate is fine.Sayid still thinks his plan worked, but is shocked to find Ben was saved.Kate thinks Jack is becoming LockeKate is presumably left behind as Jack, Sayid, Alpert, and Ellie proceed------------------------Miles sees Chang force his mother to board the sub forcibly... and understands his dad had to be forcible to save him and his motherJuliet boards subSawyer stands atop sub... looks at the island slowly... says "GOOD RIDDANCE" and enters sub----------------------------Jack and Alpert swim underwater to underground tunnels.Ellie and Sayid join them----------------------------Locke, Ben and Richard return to campLocke wants to see Jacob nowLocke addresses all the Others who are there (some are at the Temple according to Richard) about JacobLocke doesn't like that they take orders from Jacob and have never seen himLocke wants all the Others to come with him to see JacobAlpert tells Ben that he thinks Locke is troubleBen says "Why do you think I tried to kill him"------------------------------Sawyer & Juliet on the sub say they are freeA locked up Kate is thrown on the subThe sub leaves------------------------------Jack and Sayid discuss Ellie's motives... Does Ellie just want to blow up Dharma?Jack, Sayid, Alpert and Ellie see JugheadEllie says "Now What?" Mislite o tome! Edited May 6, 2009 by Crepajac
gervasius twinkleminkleson Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 solidna epizoda. ne mozda medju najboljima, ali kao build-up za finale sasvim dobra. ass-kicking john locke, konacno malo sayida i hm.. iznenadjenje, da ne kazem shok: Reveal hidden contents locke hoce da ubije jacoba! i to pred svim adrzima!hugo je ljkra, definitivno. CGI kod uranjanja podmornice - katastrofa
mandingo Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 CGI nije za spojler. Kakav uzas, jbt. Ko da je na RTS pravljen.... 3 puta sam vratio da vidim.
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