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sam caesar nije bio nesto narochito zanimljiv ni bitan, nego je meni glumac cool.takodje, mozda mi je malo krivo sto ben nije upucao penny. ne zato sto ne volim penny, nego mislim da bi to bilo nekako kul razvoj dogadjaja, da on ubije penny, a onda desmond dodje nazad na ostrvo da se sveti

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Ja sam bila potpuno ubeđena da će ubiti Peni. I sada verovatno ništa od toga.


Ko je, do sto đavola, Ilana? Uopošte nisam obratila pažnju na nju, kad ono ženski Rambo. Kakvu statuu oni traže? Da nije ona statua sa četiri prsta, samo je oni pamte kao celu. Možda ima više grupa koje su tokom vekova proterane sa ostrva, pa sada svi hoće kući.


O Anubisu:Anubis (Inpew, Yinepu, Anpu) was an ancient Egyptian god of the underworld who guided and protected the spirits of the dead. He was known as the 'Lord of the Hallowed Land' - the necropolis - and Khenty Amentiu, 'Foremost of the Westerners' - the Land of the Dead was thought to be to the west, where the Egyptians buried their dead.

Edited by Arkadija
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meni je illana kao nova ana lucia. obje su onako, razvijene i obje policajke... kind of.sto se tiche onog pitanja lapidusu, ja mislim da su illana i ekipa infected, kao sto su francuzi bili.a benova frizura kad je bio mlad :lol:kao hitler, samo brkovi fale...

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Sjajna epizoda!

Koliko efektnih momenata: prosvetljeni Lok, Dezmond, uplakani Ben ... Benova "new wave" frizura :lol: Mada, ni Vidmorova 70's nije losa ^_^

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In a shockingly quiet press release yesterday, executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, revealed that the director of the series finale would be none other than acclaimed director M. Night Shymalan. The content of the finale still remains a secret, but Lindelof and Cuse stated that they wished to "get a hold" on the most important episode of next year, to make sure that everything goes "without a hitch."Shyamalan, director of such films as The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Lady in the Water says that he is more than up for the challenge, and will begin working with the producers as soon as his newest film, The Last Airbender, completes production. It is also rumoured that Shymalan's newfound experience with 3D (after working on Airbender) will be involved.Shyamalan, an avid ''Lost'' fan, said that he was already working with Damon and Carlton on an early draft of the episode.I have mixed feelings about this. We could end up with something Sixth Sense-ish, or something like Lady in the Water. Only time will tell, and hopefully it mainly remains in Darlton's hands.

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In a shockingly quiet press release yesterday, executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, revealed that the director of the series finale would be none other than acclaimed director M. Night Shymalan. The content of the finale still remains a secret, but Lindelof and Cuse stated that they wished to "get a hold" on the most important episode of next year, to make sure that everything goes "without a hitch."Shyamalan, director of such films as The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Lady in the Water says that he is more than up for the challenge, and will begin working with the producers as soon as his newest film, The Last Airbender, completes production. It is also rumoured that Shymalan's newfound experience with 3D (after working on Airbender) will be involved.Shyamalan, an avid ''Lost'' fan, said that he was already working with Damon and Carlton on an early draft of the episode.I have mixed feelings about this. We could end up with something Sixth Sense-ish, or something like Lady in the Water. Only time will tell, and hopefully it mainly remains in Darlton's hands.
Zar nije ovo travanjanjanja vest? :blink:
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Postavlja se novo pitanje - Ko, ili bolje reći, šta je Džon Lok...
Svaka cast! Ova recenica odlicno opisuje epizodu, a verovatno i dobar deo narednih
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ovo sam nashao negde davno i zaboravio sam ovde da pejstujem, a sve vishe i vishe ima smisla
Originally Posted by tucker672 Ra ? Richard AlbertRa was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. He is the only god, apart from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world. My Comment: He is definitely an ageing God, just not physically. We see him frequently show up in the show, but does seem as if he watches over but does not interfere however he is still powerful and his authority never challenged, in the present at least. He is definitely not of this earth because of the entire phenomenon associated with him.Osiris ? John LockeThroughout the height of Egyptian civilization, Osiris was the primary deity. In power, he was second only his father, Ra, and was the leader of the gods on earth. Osiris resided in the underworld as the lord of the dead, as after being killed by Set.My Comment: He definitely does listen and follow Richard and does do what he says. He now resides in the underworld because he was killed.Set ? Ben Set was one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands. He was a contender to the throne of Osiris and rival to Horus, but a companion to the sun god Ra. Originally worshiped and seen as an ambivalent being, during the Third Intermediate Period the people vilified him and turned him into a god of evil. But Seth is not an evil god: he is the god who committed the immoral and evil act of murdering his brother Osiris, but it was this vile act that allowed Osiris to fulfil his destiny and become the god of the dead. Without Seth, there would not have been life after death.My Comment: He does use Smokey to cause damage; also he does travel to and from the island. He does rival Horus as we have found out, and definitely wants to be leader over Locke, but as we have seen has always been a companion of Richard?s. Does appear as if people now view him as evil. He did kill Locke and fulfilled the destiny of sacrifice and rebirth.Horus ? HoraceThe worship of Horus was brought from the outside by neighbouring tribes who invaded and then settled into Egypt. He was their god of war; he was the protector and guide to the pharaoh on earth. He also continual battles with Set.My Comment: Brought outside by Dharma Initiative, elevated as leader to fight the others (war). Battles with Ben but Ben and the others topple him. Also is a guide to John Locke when he shows him where the map is. Anubis ? JacobAnubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. The distinctive black color of Anubis ?with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth."My Comment: Does seem to control the dead as we have seen with Jack?s dad and advising others.Ammit- SmokeyAmmit is described as "The Devourer" patron of destruction of the souls of the wicked. Ammit sits beneath the Scales of Justice, waiting for the souls to be judged. If the soul is found to be more wicked than good, Anibus feeds it to Ammit. My Comment:This describes Smokey very well, also beneath the scales beneath the temple where Jacob previously resided.

Edited by maheem
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