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Posted (edited)
lost_Terry_O_Quinn_emmy_awards_2007_2.jpgRešili smo još jednu misteriju. Ako je Locke u stvari Osiris, evo je i Isis.
Kod nas u Svrbiji se kaže Izida. Edited by Arkadija

I Locke se kaže Lok, a Osiris Oziris, kad smo već kod toga.


Dobro, ali uobičajeno se kaže Izida, možda je naopako i pogrešno, ali se primilo. Pre neki dan sam na National geographic chanelu gledala emisiju o piramidama, čovek na engleskom tri velike piramide u Gizi zove Khufuova,Khafraova i Menakurova piramida, hoćemo li ih sada tako zvati ili uobičajeno Keopsova, Kefrenova i Mikerinova?


One of Lost's cast members signs on for new show; but does new info on role signal death for the actor's character?An upcoming death in Lost is no secret--producers have never been shy about killing off even some of its most beloved faces (*sniff* Charlie *sniff*). Word leaked out earlier this month that the Reaper will once again swing his scythe in the direction of one character, and we may now have a hint.One of Lost's main characters has signed a deal to star in an upcoming show, which may signal that he/she will be gone from Lost forever after this season. Who could it be? Read on to find out (possible spoilers ahead--you've been warned!).News broke last week that the ABC remake of the 1980s miniseries V has cast Elizabeth Mitchell, who plays the should-I-trust-her-or-I-shouldn't-I Juliet Burke on Lost. When it was reported by EW.com's Michael Ausiello, the Aus-man went with the approach that it could spell doom for Juliet.However, his inside sources then told him that Mitchell's appearance on V was merely as a guest star, so the casting shouldn't be taken as any harbinger of death for the lovable Juliet.But don't put away that black veil yet--it seems some PR may have been trying to avoid disaster. The Hollywood Reporter, in announcing a minor casting in V today, nonchalantly throws in the news that Mitchell is signed on to play the lead of the show--a female homeland security agent that deals with an alien (illegal and otherwise) invasion. Obviously, playing the lead is a much more heavy workload, and actors this day and age just don't have regular gigs on two shows.With that important nugget of information out in the open, it now sounds like the EW.com moles were trying to do some damage control and keep things quiet and under wraps by saying she was simply in line for a guest-starring role. Who casts guest-starring roles for pilots before they're picked up anyway?

Posted (edited)

*ebote, Miles izgleda JESTE ona beba koja je na početku prve epizode pete sezoneplakala i probudila onog naučnika i ženu mu!Biće ovo "one f**kin' exciting season finale"!Pardon my French...

Edited by Crepajac

dobra epizoda, josh jedna u stilu prve sezone

dakle, miles je changov sin. to obara moju teoriju da je sun u sadasnjosti zato sto je u '77 na ostrvu. bilo je par super scena, hugo pishe empire strikes back :lol:uopste, cijeli razgovor milesa i huga je super.i ochigledno je da su illana i ekipa nova strana - my best guess: dharma se ponovo aktivirala. oni su vjerovatno i postavili avion na dno mora, a ne widmore ili ben

sad 15 dana pauze :(


Ok epizoda,al malo sam vise ocekivao...

Hurley i Miles razgovori :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: I ako sad krenemo poredjenje sa Imperijom,jel to znaci da ako je Miles Luk,Sojer/Han solo ce biti zarobljen,zamrznut ili sta vec...

Posted (edited)

Dobra epizoda

Majls je video sebe kao bebu, što znači da smo uzalud pomislili da je to nemoguće. Sun i Ben su u sadašnjosti iz ko zna kojih razloga.Oni likovi sa Ilanom na čelu su verovatno neka frakcija Dharma inicijative koja je preživela u spoljnom svetu, pa ipak je neko dostavljao svu onu hranu na ostrvo godinama posle genocida nad Dharmom.Opet ono pitanje "Šta leži u senci statue?" Kad god neko postavi pitanje koje je ovako besmisleno, a očekuje da pitani zna odgovor, ja pomislim da će se pojaviti pomahnitali zubar iz Marathonman-a i reći "is it safe?" :lol:

Sledeća je 29.04.

Edited by Arkadija
Posted (edited)

iako nije bilo bena, odlicna.buni me opet dragi faradej. kako je stigao u ann arbour 1977? jer ono iz prve epizode kada se mimoilazi sa majlsovim tatom je posle, umiruca sarlota je pre, lupanje dezmondu na vrata je (skoro pa) sada...moram da odgledam sve jos jednom taman za vreme pauze.hugo kao glas naroda je apsolutni genije. sigurna sam da je njegov scenario za empire... mnogo bolji od lukasovog i spilbergovog.

Edited by luba

Sa proslave na snimanju 100. epizode:


Dzulijet stvarno napreduje, iz epizode u epizodu ^_^


Polako počinjem da priželjkujem da je bolje da između Benovih i Lokovih epizoda emituju njihove ping-pong duele nego da smaraju sa ostalima, što nije dobar znak :(

Posted (edited)
:lol:Previously On LostPreviously On Lost are a Brooklyn-based band that watch each episode of the "Lost" TV series and quickly write a song about it, posting it online before the next week's episode. It's a great, very entertaining way to remind you of all the confusing stuff in the show's increasingly labyrinthine plot.Musically it's quite diverse and theatrical, of definite interest to fans of, say, Sparks, or They Might Be Giants. Check out this girl-group/doo-wop pastiche:Their debut album, "The Tale of Season 4 and The Oceanic Six" is now available from their MySpace site. Yep, they start at season 4, so if you want to get hep to the first three seasons, you're on your own, sport. Edited by raindelay999

E da, još jedna diskretna sugestija, u ovoj poslednjoj epizodi kada Džek briše tablu u školi, a ulazi Benov ćale - na tabli je bila lekcija o starom Egiptu (Ancient Egypt, 2600 b.c. itd.)


Poslednje 3 epizode99. 5-14 514 29 Apr 09 The Variable100. 5-15 515 6 May 09 Follow the Leader101. 5-16 516 13 May 09 The Incident (1)102. 5-17 517 13 May 09 The Incident (2)Znaci 3 nedelje za redom 4 epizode, bice to uzbudljivo finale.

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