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Pa nije otisao van Beograda.
otišao je on mnogo dalje od Beograda. a da mu je određen pritvor, kao što i treba raditi sa vrlo imućnim i moćnim ljudima koji imaju 1000 načina da utiču na svedoke, verovatno bi sada bio živ. i da, u pravu je Matilda - šta kažu, "obesio se" a ne "pronađen je mrtav"? zanimljiv pristup istražnom postupku. za 12 sati, bez autopsije, bez išta osim letimičnog pogleda na leš, proglasiš veoma osetljiv slučaj - samoubistvom. Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Ako se ubio, ja mislim, da ga je nešto na to nateralo, npr. savest ili sramota, a možda i neka pretnja.Ako se nije ubio, znači da je cela afera ozbiljnija no što je izgledalo (a delovala je prilično ozbiljno).Kako god da se okrene, potencijalni svedok ( okrivljeni), a možda i zaštićeni svedok više ne može da govori.

Edited by Arkadija
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da, zato što su mu stavili narukvicu i pustili ga da šeta celim Beogradom, iako je bio u poziciji da utiče na svedoke.naravno, sada će reći "nismo mi znali da će on da se ubije, niko to nije mogao da pretpostavi".fuj.

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otišao je on mnogo dalje od Beograda. a da mu je određen pritvor, kao što i treba raditi sa vrlo imućnim i moćnim ljudima koji imaju 1000 načina da utiču na svedoke, verovatno bi sada bio živ. i da, u pravu je Matilda - šta kažu, "obesio se" a ne "pronađen je mrtav"? zanimljiv pristup istražnom postupku. za 12 sati, bez autopsije, bez išta osim letimičnog pogleda na leš, proglasiš veoma osetljiv slučaj - samoubistvom.
pa to je nezvanicno. mislim, ako nadjes nekog da visi na grani, nezvanicno ces pomisliti da se ubio, jbg...
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Portparolka Hitne pomoći Nada Macura rekla je da je ta služba oko podneva, iza zgrade RTS-a u Košutnjaku, konstatovala prelom vrata kod muškarca starog oko 50 godina. Prema njenim rečima, muškarac je visio sa drveta, ali su mu noge dodirivale zemlju.
koliko znam za lom vrata pri vesanju je potrebno malo vise od odlaska u sumu i kacenja o prvo drvo...
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koliko znam za lom vrata pri vesanju je potrebno malo vise od odlaska u sumu i kacenja o prvo drvo...
Ispraviće me neko ko se razume, ali čini mi se da je za lom vrata manje-više nebitno sa koje visine se obesiš. Bitno je da u se trenutku cimne, dakle može i na trenutak savijenih nogu ako baš mora. A ako se vrat ne slomi nego te ubije gušenje, tek onda je neophodno da budeš na dovoljnoj visini.
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Long drop This process, also known as the measured drop, was introduced to Britain in 1872 by William Marwood as a scientific advancement to the standard drop. Instead of everyone falling the same standard distance, the person's height and weight[7] were used to determine how much slack would be provided in the rope so that the distance dropped would be enough to ensure that the neck was broken, but not so much that the person was decapitated. The careful placement of the eye or knot of the noose (so that the head was jerked back as the rope tightened) contributed to breaking the neck predictably.Prior to 1892, the drop was between four and ten feet (about one to three metres), depending on the weight of the body, and was calculated to deliver a force of 1,260 lbf (5,600 newtons or 572 kgf), which fractured the neck at either the 2nd and 3rd or 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae. However, this force resulted in some decapitations, such as the infamous case of "Black Jack" Tom Ketchum in New Mexico Territory in 1901. Between 1892 and 1913, the length of the drop was shortened to avoid decapitation. After 1913, other factors were also taken into account, and the force delivered was reduced to about 1,000 lbf (4,400 N or 450 kgf). The decapitation of Eva Dugan during a botched hanging in 1930 led the state of Arizona to switch to the gas chamber as its primary execution method, on the grounds that it was believed more humane.[8] One of the more recent decapitations as a result of the long drop occurred when Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti was hanged in Iraq in 2007.[9]Nazis executed under British jurisdiction, including Josef Kramer, Fritz Klein, Irma Grese and Elisabeth Volkenrath, were hanged by Albert Pierrepoint using the variable drop method devised by William Marwood.[10]
Hanging is a common method for committing suicide. The materials necessary for suicide by hanging are easily available to the average person, compared with firearms or lethal poison. It is a very simple yet highly effective suicide method. Full suspension is not required, and for this reason hanging is especially commonplace among suicidal prisoners (see suicide watch). A type of hanging comparable to full suspension hanging may be obtained by self-strangulation using a ligature around the neck and the partial weight of the body (partial suspension) to tighten the ligature. When a suicidal hanging involves partial suspension, the victim is found to have both feet touching the ground e.g. they are kneeling, crouching or standing.
ali onda vrat nije polomljen Edited by Vapad
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koliko znam za lom vrata pri vesanju je potrebno malo vise od odlaska u sumu i kacenja o prvo drvo...
Tehnički je potpuno izvodljivo, popneš se na granu, vežeš kanap oko vrata i oko grane i skočiš. Sila koju izazove trzaj kad se kanap zategne i telo time naglo zaustavi polomi vrat.
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koliko znam za lom vrata pri vesanju je potrebno malo vise od odlaska u sumu i kacenja o prvo drvo...
Krenuće nagađanja... 'Lekar je, znao je kako najefikasnije da se ubije, popeo se na drvo, povezao vrat i granu konopcem i skočio' (ako onaj ko nagađa smatra da se ubio), ili 'Lekar je, znao je da može mnogo efikasnije da se ubije, sigurno se ne bi popeo se na drvo, povezao vrat i granu konopcem i skočio' (ako onaj ko nagađa smatra da se nije ubio)
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pa to je nezvanicno. mislim, ako nadjes nekog da visi na grani, nezvanicno ces pomisliti da se ubio, jbg...
nije nezvanicno, policija je javila medijima da je istraga pokazala da je u pitanju samoubistvo.razidji se, gradjanko, nothing to see here, ubio se covek
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Tehnički je potpuno izvodljivo, popneš se na granu, vežeš kanap oko vrata i oko grane i skočiš. Sila koju izazove trzaj kad se kanap zategne i telo time naglo zaustavi polomi vrat.
naravno, ali ako me secanje ne vara, egzekucija takve vrste zahteva proracun dubine propadanja tj duzine konopca u zavisnosti od tezine i konstitucije obesenog.ps
Long dropThis process, also known as the measured drop, was introduced to Britain in 1872 by William Marwood as a scientific advancement to the standard drop. Instead of everyone falling the same standard distance, the person's height and weight[7] were used to determine how much slack would be provided in the rope so that the distance dropped would be enough to ensure that the neck was broken, but not so much that the person was decapitated. The careful placement of the eye or knot of the noose (so that the head was jerked back as the rope tightened) contributed to breaking the neck predictably.Prior to 1892, the drop was between four and ten feet (about one to three metres), depending on the weight of the body, and was calculated to deliver a force of 1,260 lbf (5,600 newtons or 572 kgf), which fractured the neck at either the 2nd and 3rd or 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae. However, this force resulted in some decapitations, such as the infamous case of "Black Jack" Tom Ketchum in New Mexico Territory in 1901. Between 1892 and 1913, the length of the drop was shortened to avoid decapitation. After 1913, other factors were also taken into account, and the force delivered was reduced to about 1,000 lbf (4,400 N or 450 kgf). The decapitation of Eva Dugan during a botched hanging in 1930 led the state of Arizona to switch to the gas chamber as its primary execution method, on the grounds that it was believed more humane.[8] One of the more recent decapitations as a result of the long drop occurred when Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti was hanged in Iraq in 2007.[9]Nazis executed under British jurisdiction, including Josef Kramer, Fritz Klein, Irma Grese and Elisabeth Volkenrath, were hanged by Albert Pierrepoint using the variable drop method devised by William Marwood.[10]
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nije nezvanicno, policija je javila medijima da je istraga pokazala da je u pitanju samoubistvo.razidji se, gradjanko, nothing to see here, ubio se covek
pa blic u vesti kaze nezvanicno,
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