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Jens kamermanu na motoru: "go away please" :lol: Gadan uspon; Endi Šlek je valjda poslednji čovek koga bi iko voleo da prati na ovakvom brdu.

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Kakva vožnja Kunega :Hail: Odavno nije vozio ovako dobro. Žao mi je što nije uzeo etapu, ali i Sagan je debelo zaslužio--nisam imao pojma da može ovako dobro da vozi uz HC uspone.

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prikljucih se bukvalno samo na zadnjih par kilometara :(spust je bio zajebat. steta sto cunego nije pobijedio, ali sagan je zvijer. dobija sprinteve, dobija ovakve etape... ludilo.edit: na trci kroz srbiju, prvu etapu dobio angelo furlan

Edited by gervasius twinkleminkleson
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Stević je na trećoj etapi trke, od Pala do Bajine Bašte, u dužini od 171 kilometra, zauzeo drugo mesto iza Mihaela Rasmunsena iz Danske.Rasmunsen je trijumfovao u vremenu od 4:34.39 sata, a iza njega i Stevića, kroz cilj je prošao Metju Konverse iz francuske ekipe AVC, sa sekundom zaostatka.Stević u generalnom plasmanu ima vreme 11:15.45 sati i prednost od dve sekunde u odnosu na Rasmunsena, nosioca tačkaste majice na “Turu” i pobednika nekoliko etapa na najprestižnijoj trci na svetu. Treći je Konverse, sa 14 sekundi zaostatka.
Kad je već Riko bio... sprečen... tu su Stević i Rasmusen da brane čast dopera-povratnika :D Uzgred, otkud je Furlan spao na to da vozi Tour de Serbie :blink: Čovek je prošle jeseni vozio Vueltu za Lampre i bio drugi na Paris-Tours--evo kako ga je Freire jedva tu dobiohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI56zLFaenkOdlično je to za našu trku, ali uopšte nisam znao da ga se Lampre ratosiljao. Ne kapiram zašto, ima u timu i starijih od njega a nije im ni bio beskoristan.
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Kakvo je ovo proleće... Soler se razbio, sumnjaju da je došlo do frakture lobanje i helikopterom je odvezen u bolnicu. I jedan gledalac je povređen u tom incidentu, izgleda.

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dzizs. jel mu zivot ugrozen?elem, gledah sad finis etape na tour de suisse. super je bilo, kruijswijk zasluzeno dobio. leipheimer je dosadan, nadam se da ce cunego ipak odbraniti zutu majicu na preostalim etapama.andy schlecka nigdje nisam vidjeo, frank pola minuta zaostatka na kraju... ne bash impresivno, ali ionako im je samo priprema za tour, pretpostavljam da ce dostici zeljenu formu na vrijeme

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Još se ne zna ništa detaljnije o Soleru. Ako ništa drugo, stigao je do bolnice.Endi je vukao do oko pola uspona. On i Monfor su baš istanjili grupu. Onda je valjda trebalo Frenk i Fuglsang nešto da naprave, oni su na ovoj trci radi rezultata. Endi inače sasvim solidno igra domestique-a starijem bratu i Fuglsangu; valjda će ova dvojica umeti to da cene i da mu uzvrate istom merom za koju nedelju.Ja navijam za Molemu, ali nešto sumnjam da će ovaj sutrašnji finiš na usponu prve kategorije biti dovoljan da sustigne Kunega; doduše, duga je etapa (223km) i umor može svašta da napravi, a mogao bi Molema da bude bolji od Kunega i na hronometru... Sve u svemu, Rabo je odličan na ovoj trci i Gesink ovih dana ima čemu da se raduje pred Tur dok gleda Molemu i Ten Dama :)

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TRIESENBERG-MALBUN, Liechtenstein, (AFP) – Mauricio Soler was put into an artificial coma Thursday as doctors prepared to operate following a crash that left the Colombian with a fractured skull.Soler, who rides for Movistar, crashed early in the sixth stage of the Tour of Switzerland and was left unconscious, with blood pouring from his head and suffering from a broken ankle.He was immediately airlifted to hospital where doctors confirmed he had a fractured skull and had blood on the brain, prompting doctors to put him into an artificial coma in order to operate.Soler’s lungs also had to be drained and he needed artificial help to aid breathing.Race doctors who have been in communication with the hospital said they found Soler unconscious at the scene of the crash, where he collided with a spectator who it was later revealed suffered only “superficial injuries.”After the stage, race doctor Thorsten Hammer said: “Before the crash the peloton was going fast but there were no obstacles and the road wasn’t narrow at the point, so we don’t know the exact reasons (of the crash).“We found Soler on the ground unconscious so he was immediately transported to hospital. He has head injuries, a broken ankle and he has had trouble breathing so doctors have had to drain his lungs.”Fellow doctor Robert Kretsch said: “He has serious injuries, but we can’t say now whether his life is in danger.”The professional peloton is still suffering the fallout of the death of Belgian cyclist Wouter Weylandt, the Leopard-Trek team rider who died from injuries sustained in a crash at the Giro d’Italia last month.Soler had been hoping to use the race to help him win a place on Movistar’s team for the Tour de France, on which he won a stage and the ‘King of the Mountains’ polka dot jersey in 2007.At the start of Thursday’s stage Soler had been second in the overall standings, at 54 seconds behind Italian Damiano Cunego.The race finishes on Sunday with a time trial.
Uh, ovo uopšte ne zvuči dobro. Nadam se da će uspešno da ga operišu i da će se sasvim oporaviti.
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Jensova posvećenost poslu i Bunenov cunning plan:
When Dedication Meets IdiocyBy Jens VoigtWell, here I am going around corners and up mountains in the Tour of Switzerland. It is raining full-on, man, as if the whole world is coming down. It’s 10 degrees Celsius and I am looking at another very hard day!But the weather is not what is bothering me. No, what really gets me is that, tonight in Berlin, I have two tickets for the Foo Fighters. Now this is one of my favorite bands ever, and I have tickets to go with my 15-year-old son, Marc. I mean how cool is that, to just hang out watching the Foo Fighters with my son? But instead, here I am getting my butt kicked in Switzerland. This is just a hard, hard race and I know I am just going to suffer for the next two days.I’ve been talking to guys in the peloton about it and some look at me and say, “Wow, what dedication!” But others look at me like I am a total idiot. I’d say it is about a 50-50 mix.I even went to my team to see if they would let me go home early. In 14 years as a professional, I have never asked for anything. But that didn’t matter. It was just “No, we’re not running a circus here!”So it looks like I won’t be seeing the Foo Fighters tonight with my son.Although I have to say, Tom Boonen came up with a good alternative plan. When I told him about my dilemma, he was like, “No really! You know what we can do?” And he gives me this little pirate smile …“We can stop along the road and start hitting each other! We’ll be in the news all over the place so it brings added exposure for the team. But we’ll also get kicked out so you’ll be able to get home and see the concert. Then at the Tour de France we’ll hug and make up in front of the cameras and get lots more visibility in the press. Everyone’s a winner!”I have to say I gave that one some good thought, but in the end I reckoned we wouldn’t get in that fight and I’ll finish this race out. I mean, I can’t really fake a knee problem or something. For one, that could put my Tour de France in jeopardy. And two, I am just a bad liar.That said, the Tour of Switzerland has been going pretty well. My condition is improving and we got Andy Schleck into the lead for the best-climber competition.Oh man, the Foo Fighters just came on the music channel inside our team bus! Today is just a flat stage, but it is going to be the hardest flat stage of my entire career.
:D Uz malo sreće i 50 AUD do Kadelovog bicikla
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El Pistolero je izokola konstatovao ono sto je mnogima upadalo u ochi - nije imao dovoljno dobru ekipu koja bi mu adekvatno pomogla na Tour-u, bez obzira na sve probleme koji su njega zadesili.tekst

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