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Uskoro dolazi jedan film


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Mislis da ce ovako da zaradi vise para nego da je isao u bioskope? I to sa premijerom na bozic, sto je bila prvobitna zamisao ako se ne varam.

Edited by Ruxin
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Ide i u bioskope :)


Navodno u manji broj bioskopa nego sto je prvobitno planirano ali uz ovakvu reklamu caskom ce nadoknaditi razliku sa online iznajmljivanjem. Sad se u Americi utrkuju ko ce da ga zavuce crvenima i pogleda film.



Posebno je zanimljiv poslednji minut ovog klipa.


Film je nije ni interesovao pre ove price i mislila je da je glup ali sada mora da ga vidi...

Edited by katamaran
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Film je nije ni interesovao pre ove price i mislila je da je glup ali sada mora da ga vidi...

Ovo sam čuo tri puta od kako je cirkus počeo. "Sad mora da se gleda BECAUSE FREEEEDOOOM!" :isuse:

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Upravo karta na koju su igrali sa ovom pricom. Na kraju ce totalna krsina od filma biti najgledaniji film godine. Ima i ovaj momenat




Bas im dobro dosla cela prica sa uvredjenim diktatorom :)

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Elle Fanning to star in Nicolas Winding Refn's Neon Demon
Sixteen-year-old star to play aspiring model in LA-set horror, Refn’s first feature since Only God Forgives
Elle Fanning is set to star as an aspiring model caught up in a world of beauty and demise in Nicolas Winding Refn’s LA-set horror story The Neon Demon.
Fanning, 16, is said to be in final negotiations for the project, Winding Refn’s first west coast-set project since the critically acclaimed Drive in 2011. “Elle Fanning is a super cool wonder woman and I look forward to going on a terrifying trip with her into The Neon Demon,” the Danish film-maker told The Wrap, before saying similar things on Twitter.
The film, which has been described as a “female-driven horror”, has been co-written by Winding Refn and first-timer Mary Laws, a graduate of Yale’s play-writing programme. 
“One morning I woke and realised I was both surrounded and dominated by women,” said the film-maker previously. “Strangely, a sudden urge was planted in me to make a horror film about vicious beauty. After making Drive and falling madly in love with the electricity of Los Angeles, I knew I had to return to tell the story of The Neon Demon.”
Horror appears to be a natural next step for the 44-year-old director, who has spoken of his love for 1974 gore classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and is known for his penchant for on-screen violence. The Neon Demon will start shooting in March on location in LA. It is Winding Refn’s first film since 2013’s blood-spattered Bangkok-set crime thriller Only God Forgives.



Edited by Sludge Factory
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kad ce ovo vise, kad ce, kad ce???



hhehhe nisam ni znao da je ovo u planu :) isti reziser i isti glumac :) sada ste me bas primili, ali zaista nidje engleskog prevoda..

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