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Tarantino pohvalijo Interstellara


Taking his seat, Tarantino had absolutely no idea about what was about to unfold on the screen. “There’s some other real cool directors there,” he told me later. “We’re waiting for the movie to start and it hit me. I realised that it hadn’t been since The Matrix that I was actually that interested in seeing a movie even though I didn’t know what I was going to see.”



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Nolan, QT, PTA... lepo drustvo za gledanje filmova..


mosh misliti... ajd i nekako za gledanje, al neb pitala kolko kosta da prisustvujem njihovim utiscima i diskusijama

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Tarantino pohvalijo Interstellara


Taking his seat, Tarantino had absolutely no idea about what was about to unfold on the screen. “There’s some other real cool directors there,” he told me later. “We’re waiting for the movie to start and it hit me. I realised that it hadn’t been since The Matrix that I was actually that interested in seeing a movie even though I didn’t know what I was going to see.”



Ovo neće na dobro da izađe - prošli put je ishvalio onu slabašnu foliražu Big Bad Wolves. Ništa ne verujem Kventinu.

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Ovo neće na dobro da izađe - prošli put je ishvalio onu slabašnu foliražu Big Bad Wolves. Ništa ne verujem Kventinu.


BBW je odlican triler. Da nije ishvalio, meni (a i mnogima) bi prosao ispod radara. Tako da hvala mu na tome..



Sto se tice Interstellara, to je vec ortacka preporuka, bas kao i od PT Andersona. Ti meni vojvodo, ja tebi serdare fazon..


Ocekujem nesto poput Inceptiona. Dobar bioskopski film, ali verovatno nista vise od toga.

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BBW je odlican triler. Da nije ishvalio, meni (a i mnogima) bi prosao ispod radara. Tako da hvala mu na tome..

BBW je slabašan triler koji bi još i hteo da bude nekakva politička satira, a ne uspeva ni jedno ni drugo, a ima i mnogo veoma očiglednih previda u radnji, baš onih najbednijih koji od trilera naprave treš. (Da nisam obrisao film sa diska, sad bih mogao da ti pokažem skrinšotove). Film bi prošao zasluženo ispod radara, a zbog čega ga je Tarantino nahvalio bog te pita.


PT Andersonu verujem mnogo više. Od Nolana se ne nadam mnogo, a i dalje mu gledam filmove i ako sve manje verujem da će napraviti nešto tako dobro kao što je Memento.

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