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Pa trejler nazalost nagovestava patetiku, ali uzdam se u to da DDL ne bi pristao da radi u bas totalnoj bljuzgi bez makar i malo neceg zanimljivog (mada je on izgleda u fazi da sad isprobava svasta, kao glumac jelte), a uzdam se i u to sto je scenario pisao Tony Kushner, koji je Spielbergu pisao i Munich, tako da sacekajmo pre nego sto osudimo™.

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Batalio sam izveštavanje o Looperu na opšte razočaranje nikog, ali evo, stigli prvi rivjuovi iz Toronta i kritičari vele svi u glas - Riane oplodi nas, pa ću da budem dobra duša i okačim trejler koji sam onomad propustio okačiti.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iQuhsmtfHwI da vas podsetim zašto ste u ovom trenutku uzbuđeni koliko i ja:

Bruce Willis, Gordon-Levitt, Rian Johnson (Brick!), putovanje kroz vreme, plaćene ubice... :thumbsup:
I ostaje još samo nada da neće zaobićiti naše bioskope kad najzad izađe...ZA DVE NEDELJE! (btw ovaj film možete slobodno pogledati i ako niste istaknuti američki patriota, tako da je već pobedio Lincolna Edited by bob loblaw
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NIje film nego serija i možda dođe a možda i ne.. Evo šta sam našao na jednom okupljalištu pračetoljuba:Ok, update on this from the con. Originally the Watch was going to be created by a company called Prime Focus. This has now changed with the creation of a new production company called Narrativia. The company consists of Terry Pratchett, Rob Wilkins, Rod Brown (producer), Guy Burt (head writer) and Rhianna Pratchett (writer). The new company has obtained the rights back. They are at the very early stages of two projects: Good Omens and The Watch. The Watch series will take place some time after Snuff (though the line they drew in the sand appears to be moving) and will consist of 13 episodes per season - the guys are planning on at least five seasons. The budget for the first season is £26 million. The plan is to build part of Ankh-Morpork for season one, and then for each consecutive season add to it to expand the city giving it a more geographical feel. The Watch series will be cannon, if a member of the watch dies in the tv series Terry will not having them in future books etc. Of course being dead is not always a problem on Discworld.The series will have an overall story ark and individual, for want of a better word, crimes of the week.The team have three new characters so far and will use them to introduce us to the series. The new characters are new recruits to the Watch so we will learn with them. It will of course keep the existing Watch so expect to see Vimes, Carrot etc. One of the new characters is Igorina who is the forensics expert and the team have had great fun working out how forensics might work on Discworld.A proper press release is due in a few weeks time. But this all sounds very exciting.

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Vanishing-Waves-poster-thumb-300xauto-33769.jpgHave you ever dreamed of being inside the head of another person - a beloved one or your rival ? Have you ever wished to experience the ideal relationship, where two minds come into total fusion? "Vanishing waves" - a sci-fi melodrama. Following solid scientific experiment, based on the neural transfer, a young inhibited man will live an astonishing journey in the comatose woman anonymous mind. This contemporary tale is exploring the nature of desire by exposing links and contradictions between the human body and the mind."Vanishing Waves", r: Kristina Buožytėtrejler
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Before Midnight (2013)BEFORE-MIDNIGHT_510x383.jpg
Director Richard Linklater has completed shooting Before Midnight, a third film in the trilogy he planned beginning with Before Sunrise in 1995.It continues the story of lovers Jesse and Céline after 2004's Before Sunset, reuniting actors Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy."It's great to be back together again, this time in beautiful Greece to revisit the lives of Céline and Jesse nine years after Jesse was about to miss his flight," said a statement released by Linklater, Hawke and Delpy.
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