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Woody Allen does Rome. Za dvadesetak dana.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIbYqxqtP38Deluje kao klasični Alen, a i on glumi. Meni super.

Directed by Woody Allen, starring Penélope Cruz, Ellen Page, Woody Allen and Jesse Eisenberg, To Rome With Love movie follows the stories of many people in Italy (some American, some Italian, some residents, some visitors...) and the romances and adventures and predicaments they get into.
Edited by Buck Naked
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Ako je suditi po ovom trejleru, DiCaprio ce da otkine!"The D is silent!" cool.gifBTW, Rudjere Boskovicu, sto mi leba oduze, kosmicka je nepravda sto ja nisam okacio ovaj trejler!

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Ruizov poslednji:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hSPQf8MTLkNjegovim rečima:

My purpose is to immerse myself in the poetic world of one of the most secretive and surprising writers of Chilean literature, Hernan del Solar. He was a member of the eminent group of writers known as the "Imaginists." The "Imaginists" pushed against the grain of naturalism that reigned in the forties and fifties. They hoped to innovate with an imaginative and contemplative literature that had already been practiced by the likes of A. D'Halmar and Federico Gana.In Del Solar's works, daily life coexists with the dream world, with tenderness and cruelty, the literary evocations and the omnipresence of the universe of childhood. His fiction always imposes a double reading. It demands, at once, that one believe and cease to believe. All this to say, that his fiction springs from complete freedom of inspiration. This is a challenge for cinema, but a stimulating one.An example: In "Wooden Leg", the main character tells of his meeting with a character he calls "the Captain". We believe that this Captain is a "flesh and bones" creature, a resident in an unremarkable hotel. However, at the same time, he evokes the character from Stevenson's Treasure Island, the one who introduces himself by saying: "Call me Captain!", and who, when he throws a purse of gold coins on the desk of the hotel where he's saying, cries, "You can tell me when I've worked through that!"In my liberal adaptation — perhaps the term "adoption" would be better — of the tales Night Across the Street and Wooden Leg, I have also made use of another indirect fiction. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to meet the daughter of the writer Jean Giono (another secretive and mysterious writer, in a sense, the Provencal equivalent of Del Solar). She told me that the ultra-provincial Giono, for whom a trip to Paris seemed like a leap into the unknown, loved to dream of extraordinary journeys to the other side of the world. One day, he announced to his family that he was preparing himself for a voyage-of-no-return to a town named Antofagasta, a port in the north of Chile. The only reason he would give for his decision was that he liked the sound of the word "Antofagasta".Of course, the film takes place in an "imaginist" world, in which the real world (in the film, Giono also lives in France and writer novels) and the imaginary world (in which the voyage takes place) coincide, converge and diverge.In employing a narrative technique that is little used in cinema, that of alternative history (characterised by questions like: What if the Naizs had won the war? Or, what if Napoleon had won at Wateroo) I imagine the friendship between the character from Night Across the Street, a man on the cusp of retirement and Giono, and their walks through Antofagasta. It is a weaving narrative, only half explicit, and a dark story of crime and treason.The story takes place in Antofagasta, in our time. We recognize modern buildings and shopping malls — startling modernity. And yet a modernity which the characters seem to ignore. These buildings do not exist...although they may well exist in the future.Little by little, this simple melancholy will be disturbed by the events taking place. The horror of an impending crime grows in importance. And the ghosts, the ruins of incomplete lives, the spectres, a mix of "memory and desire", of broken promises and of "lost illusions", all come to occupy the stage.All this to say that the film traverses a "possible" world in which Giono arrives in Antofagasta, settles there, and almost dies there, and a world that the camera shows us, in which the characters seem to ignore and refuse the problems of daily life. A sad coexistence between the images and the impression of unreality which emerges.In a way it's a development of the painting by Magritte in which we see a pipe above the text "ceci n'est pas une pipe" (this is not a pipe).—Santiago de Chile, March 2011
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Gde ovo da turim? Ajd ovde, pa nek se siri :D

New Short Film Series by Alan Moore Announcedby Spencer PerryJune 21, 2012 It looks like everyone's favorite mad man/wizard/comic book writer is moving to a different medium for a little while. Check out this news we just got about a short film project by Alan Moore: Writer Alan Moore - best known for his groundbreaking graphic novels, which include; "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen", "From Hell", "V For Vendetta" and "Watchmen" - and director Mitch Jenkins are making a series of short films. Produced by Lex in association with The Creators Project, the occult, noir flecked pieces are Moore’s first work written specifically for the screen and made with his ongoing creative involvement. The first installment, entitled "Act of Faith", stars Siobhan Hewlett ("Sherlock", "Hotel Babylon", "Torchwood") and was recently shot in London. The second, "Jimmy’s End", will be filmed in Northampton later this summer. Originally intended as a brief ten-minute, one-off piece, the project has evolved into a multi-layered, multi-episode narrative created by Moore and brought to life by Jenkins. The working title for the overall series is "Show Pieces". "Act of Faith" and "Jimmy’s End" will be premiered at The Creator’s Project New York event in October 2012, then released via TheCreatorsProject.com, Vice and Intel's digital arts platform featuring original programming from leading filmmakers, musicians, artists and designers.alan_moore_film_poster.jpg
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Još jedno razvlačenje Tolstoja...
Realno, kako su mu knjige truba, ništa bolje nije ni zaslužio. Ništa mi nije bilo teže za čitanje od Ane Karenjine. Najodvratnija knjiga koju sam pročitao...ever. A čitao sam i Den Brauna i Marka Vidojkovića.
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