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Red stateposterfz.jpgFear God.Kevin Smith's Sundance screening of his new film Red State had already grabbed attention, thanks to members of the Westboro Baptist Church famous for their 'God Hates Fags' placards) picketing the film for mocking their views. Smith joined the protest outside the screening, waving a jokey placard reading 'God Hates Fat.'However, the religious cult's protest outside the venue was little more than window-dressing for the main talking point - Kevin Smith's decision to distribute his own movie."True independence isn't making a film then selling it to some jackass. True independence is schlepping that sh*t to the people, and that's what I intend to do."Smith stated that he plans to direct only one more film, the hockey-themed Hit Somebody, before setting up his own indie film distribution company.

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hm.. mislim da ovo može biti bolje od emmericha.. ustvari, sve može biti bolje od emmericha
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