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najjaci line up glumista! sve ljudi koje sam volela dok sam isla u osmoljetku..erik roberts, stalone, miki rurk, dolf lundgren, onaj sto ga voli gaj rici, svarceneger, brus vilis, dzet li,...jaoj majcice mila onesvesticu se od uzbudjenja!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6RU5y2fU6socekuje se u avgustu.
Mrtva trka za sada sto se trejlera tice izmedju Machete i Expendables Edited by pavllle
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Niko da ovde najavi ovakvo nešto:

:Hail: :Hail: :Hail:

Значи 1 врх, немам речи. Није ми чудно што је неко дошао и на идеју да сними такав филм, него...који је ретард дао паре?Икспендаблс ће бити тешко дно. Чим видиш да су на гомилу натоварили све што мрда и икада је играло у акционом филму, знаш да су дупло голо и да се ваде самотако.
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EDIT: Kompanija je The Global AsylumAli, izvodi nekih polemika sa IMDB-a:

I think this is important because it's Cameron's franchise and he's ultimately responsible for the end result. I heard Cameron guest directed one scene. You can tell it was his scene because it's in 3D and the script digresses sharply into a Pocahontas driven story.
James Cameron doesn't derserve to be apart of The Asylum family. His skills as a director are simply not up to par to the host of quality we offer, thus he wont be taking any part in Titanic 2. you must be a dumbass to think this is a true sequel to Titanic 1!
I have a question for The Asylum: Is the Asylum company actually a genuine insane asylum? Because it seems the people that make or watch this stupifying drivel are mentally ill.
I, posle nekoliko izmenjanih replika, sledi neviđeni pwn:
Wow you really are stupid. I never said anything about the 2012 boards, I don't know where the hell you got that from . Anyway, The Asylum may be known for making low-budget mockbustors of big name Hollywood productions, but that's starting to change now with the likes of Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, The 7 Adventures of Sinbad, Mega Piranha, 6 Guns & Princess of Mars. They've all made money and do not cash-in on mimicking blockbuster hits.. I think a couple might be novel adaptions but that's it.
Ili, na drugom topicu, epska borba Asylum-Fana se nastavlja:
I mean come on who in here honestly can say they didnt want a crappy sequel to the great original come on.
it's not a sequel you idiot. It will however be better then Cameron's crappy version.
Ali, ovoga puta, i sam biva ozbiljno ranjen:
Are you sure? My roommate's doctor's brother-in-law was involved in the production and said Cameron was on set from time to time "just to check up on things". Apparently he kept a low profile because he didn't want the excitement of his involvement in the sequel getting out of hand. Sorry if this doesn't match-up with what you've heard but I trust my source. He knew about LeBron/Wade/Bosh going to Miami a week before Stuart Scott and Pat Reilly did. He also correctly guessed the number of jellybeans in the jar at the Titanic 2 wrap party, so yeah, he knows his stuff.
Edited by Ajant23
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Anybody know if you need to have seen Titanic 1 in order to understand this one? I haven't seen Titanic 1 and probably won't but I'm definitely looking forward to this sequel. It looks better and isn't set in the olden days.
I'll be sticking around alright don't you worry! The Asylum have been in the movie running business since the early to mid 90s, so there obviously gaining a profit which has keeped them in check all these years. Of course you wouldn't know that because you prefer big summer popcorn flicks with no story and all special effects. You Avatards make me sick, go kiss James Cameron's ass. His version of Tianic was sh!thouse, The Asylum will fix up the damage he inflicted to the great ship of the past!
Kakvu su ova dvojica raskoš bisera prosuli po svim topicima o ovom filmu na IMDB-u... :lol:
I think this is important because it's Cameron's franchise
Since when has history been a 'franchise'?
Yo, finders keepers. Nobody even knew what the Titanic was before Cameron came along. He discovered it, brought it back to life, and to the attention of the general populous. Before the movie, the only people that knew about the "Titanic" were maritime experts and people over the age of 103.
:rolf: :rolf: :rolf:
Absolutely hilarious. It even sinks in the same way. "Looks like history’s repeating itself," greatest line ever.
EDIT: E, da, ljubitelji The Sopranosa svakako prepoznaju lozu reditelja ovog filma na osnovu serije koju je Junior Soprano gledao... Ruku na srce, deda mu se pominje i u The Wire... Edited by Ajant23
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