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"Enter the Void" - novi film Gaspara Noe-a ("I Stand alone", "Irreversible" ). Premijerno prikazan prosle godine u Kanu, cekalo se skoro godinu dana da krene u bioskopsku distribuciju.Psihodelicna afterlife odiseja - seks, droga, flashbackovi, eksplicitne scene, spiritualno lebdenje kroz neonski Tokio nocu. Podeljene kritike, isto tako i u publici - za neke novi Kubrick, za neke smor i iritacija. Vredno paznje, snazno zamisljam kako ovo dolazi kod nas u bioskope ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRNpSKsBKw8

Enter the Void has been described as a psychedelic melodrama by director Gaspar Noé, which effectively sums up this provocative yet contemplative exploration of life, death and sexuality. Though shifting gears slightly from his previous cinematic assaults, Noé is undeniably taking creative risks as extreme as any he's taken before. This is an avant-garde journey into the mind of his protagonist, a young low-level drug dealer named Oscar (Nathaniel Brown).Oscar and his sister lived apart for years in foster homes, but he finally raises enough money to reconnect with Linda (Paz de la Huerta) in Tokyo. Their emotional reunion sours as he continues to sell drugs and Linda becomes a stripper. Brother and sister are torn apart yet again when Oscar is caught in a police raid and shot, left to die on the grimy floor of a nightclub bathroom. And here the story truly begins….Oscar's junkie muse Alex (Cyril Roy) gives him The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which Noé uses as a template for Oscar's spiritual journey. When Oscar is alive, the camera is literally inside his head, registering his blinks and drug hallucinations. His childhood memories unfold with the camera hovering behind him in a voyeuristic manner, forcing the audience to peek over his shoulder in order to see what's happening. Following his death, Oscar becomes an omniscient observer, floating above the action, tumbling around the characters and racing with a disorienting bird's-eye view across a neon-soaked Tokyo cityscape by night.To enhance the Möbius strip-like cyclical nature of the narrative, Noé utilizes rhythmic shooting techniques, stroboscopic visuals, complex soundscapes and ambitious computer effects, creating a truly hypnotic atmosphere. Psychedelic drug trips push the Kubrick-esque 2001 experience into the methamphetamine-soaked twenty-first century, with layered sequences of unfolding and expanding brilliantly coloured spirals, fractals and delicate tendrils. In Noé's world, explicit sex and intense violence are intertwined with abstract montages of colour and light.Noé continues to use cinema as a tool to challenge and aggravate. Experimenting with new technology that seamlessly enhances his visual style, he delivers a boundary-pushing experience that is sure to be talked about for years to come.http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/films/enterthevoid


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Za (malobrojne <_<) ljubitelje korejanaca, prvi trejler za novog Kim Ji-Woona...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp4CcgBiuog

Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. The police have pursued him for a long time, but have been unable to catch him. One day, Joo-yeon, daughter of a retired police chief becomes his prey and she is found dead in a horrific state. Her fiance, Dae-hoon, a top secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises himself that he will do everything in his power to take bloody vengeance against the killer, even if it means that he must become a monster himself to get this inhumane killer.

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