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za sve one kojima se svideo Black Hawk Down, ono malo pravih Delti i Rendzera na igranom filmu, first face kamera s ramena, prstanje rikoseta i sl... spremite se za nesto 10x ludje! veceras sam imao tu cast da mi se uprilici potpuno privatna projekcija 6 minuta grubo montiranog materijala (za trejler) filma sa pravim SEALsima u glavnim ulogama...show time kakvih scena ima!produkcija je Bandido Brothers, radnja smestena u Kostariku, cini mi se kao klasicna limunada sto se zapleta tice (da ne otkrivam sad sve), AL STO SU SCENE...bruka!radni naslov je bio I am That Man ali covek rece da ce se drugacije zvati...
U ovakvim trenucima uložio bih kuću da si Ratkov vršnjak.
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Nije bas uskoro, tek pocinje snimanje... ali, ekipa obecava.David Cronenberg's latest project, A Dangerous Method, aims to bring the talking cure into the multiplex. Based on the play by Christopher Hampton, the story focuses on Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) and his treatment and affair with Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley), a daughter from a prominent medical family whose parental abuse has led to nervous ticks and sadomasochistic tendencies. Mentor Freud (Viggo Mortensen) was equally fascinated with Spielrein, but tensions rose with the arrival of a depraved patient (Vincent Cassel), driving a permanent rift between the two men. Spielrein's case--and her own theories (she later became a psychoanalyst)--equally influenced Freud's thinking about the "death wish" and Jung's views on "transformation." Set to begin filming in May, Cronenberg remarked, "I have long been drawn to the story of erotic daring between these two good doctors and the woman who both divided and defined them. History can only hint at the psychological and physical terrain they opened up, but a film can explore it."

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Dark Shadows.... ja se ozbiljno nadam da Tim/Depp ovde neche zabrljati i da che Ed Wood-u makar blizu biti...Dark Shadows is something of a passion project for Depp, who admitted to being "obsessed" with the vampiric main character in the TV show, Barnabas Collins (played by Jonathan Frid), since he was "five or six."... :wub:

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1 je Robert Rodrigez! :Hail:Ali glumacka ekipa:Danny Trejo Michelle RodriguezJessica Alba Robert De Niro :Hail:Cheech MarinSteven SeagalDon Johnson

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Haslere sto me ne podseti, mogao sam ja da smanjim poster, nisi trebao da se mucis. Onog dana kad sam postovao me mrzelo da se bakcem, posle sam i zaboravio.BTW, dok cekamo film, koga zanima moze da pogleda ove isecke iz intervjua koje je Nolan radio sa psiholozima (ili sta su vec ovi koji se bave snovima) dok je pripremao film. Klip je pusten preko zvanickong sajta filma. Moze se reci da je spojlericno donekle, ali ne verujem da moze da pokvari gledanje filma.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEItJLwvsF0

Edited by Sludge Factory
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