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Uskoro dolazi jedan film


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budzet filma je ~ 300 miliona dolara, na sta mislis da su otisle pare ? Filmovi slicnog budzeta u ovom milenijumu dobijaju samo hvalospeve (Die Hard 4, Betmen, 2012 ...). Nema sanse da spec. efekti danas kostaju toliko. Evo, izgleda da je i Uwe Boll konacno ukapirao kako treba da se raspodeli novcani fondRampageKritike kazu odlican film ?!? Can't wait 2 C :)
takodje, jedva cekam jos jedan masterpis od velikog Uvepazi sinopsis:A man with a thirst for revenge builds a full body armor from Kevlar and goes on a killing spree. cool.gif
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Da, da, Inception, jedva čekam da stigne, meni se čini da obećava.Vidim da Sherlock Holmes na IMDB ima 7,8 i da je odmah posle Avatara po gledanosti, kad bi trebalo da dođe u naše bioskope?

Edited by Arkadija
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  • 3 weeks later...
This movie is a remake of a 2007 movie of the same name, Death at a Funeral (2007). Although Hollywood has a history of making American versions of foreign films, the original versions are usually in a language other than English. This is not the case here, however, since the original film was a British production and filmed in English, with an American director (who was, as it happens, born in England) and several American actors (including Peter Dinklage, who repeats his role in the remake). This is a very unusual case of a remake being made very quickly of an English-language movie that had a theatrical release in the US (albeit not a very successful one).
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