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Ne znam dal' je bilo (ne vidim youtube klipove) al' dobro - oprosticete ako je bilo...themenwhostareatgoats_200911021451.jpgPreporucujem autorima Betona kao i bezbrojnim fanovima & ljubiteljima Milje Vujanovic, Grupe 69, pukovnika Stojmenovića, dr Radišića, Ostojića, starijeg vodnika Savića i ostalih likova iz te edicije.The Men...Sto bi rekli nasi stari:

Success Rate: One dead goat, one dead hamster (experiments conducted inside 'Goat Lab' at Fort Bragg, North Carolina).
...I, btw, film ce mozda da izgleda kao komedija al' je, navodno, propracen sa 2 ili 3 dokumentarca koji pokazuju da price na temu 'One dead goat, one dead hamster...' uopste nisu zezanje. U prilog tome i lik & delo coveka cija je biografija korishcena u filmu: Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Peter J. Schoomaker. (General Schoomaker became the 35th Chief of Staff, United States Army, on August 1, 2003)...
Early in his career, General Schoomaker was a Reconnaissance Platoon Leader and Rifle Company Commander with 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry, and a Cavalry Troop Commander with 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. He then served in Korea as the S-3 Operations Officer of 1st Battalion, 73rd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division. From 1978 to 1981, he commanded a Squadron in the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - D. Following Army Command and General Staff College, General Schoomaker served as the Squadron Executive Officer, 2nd Squadron, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. In August 1983, he returned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to serve as Special Operations Officer, J-3, Joint Special Operations Command. From August 1985 to August 1988, General Schoomaker commanded another Squadron in the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - D. Following the National War College, he returned as the Commander, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - D from June 1989 to July 1992. Subsequently, General Schoomaker served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas, followed by a tour in the Headquarters, Department of the Army staff as the Deputy Director for Operations, Readiness and Mobilization.General Schoomaker served as the Commanding General of the Joint Special Operations Command from July 1994 to August 1996, followed by command of the United States Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina through October 1997. His most recent assignment prior to assuming duties as the Army Chief of Staff was as Commander in Chief, United States Special Operations Command at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, from November 1997 to November 2000.
Vredi... :lol:
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a tek ovo Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans"This movie is filled with humor and turns, it's jazzy and entertaining but not that similar to Abel Ferrara's 1992 story, in spite of the title."mene strah da gledam
Zaboravljas jednu stvar - Herzog je toe ovo bi trebalo biti dobroThe Messenger (2009) 10011016.jpghttp://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/10011016-messenger/ Edited by Hustler
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Hmm, deluje zanimljivo. Prijala bi 1 dobra melodrama. Ovo vec ne znam... jes' to Herzog, ali ne bih se kladio na ovaj film. Naravno, videcemo. -_-

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  • 2 weeks later...

McCarthy’s 4 Missing LinesDirector John Hillcoat remembers being “hit like a train” when he read a prepublication manuscript of Cormac McCarthy’s bleak 2006 novel The Road.McCarthy visited The Road set, but he never read Joe Penhall’s screenplay adaptation of his book. Early this year, Hillcoat — who cites McCarthy’s harsh Blood Meridian as an inspiration for his prior film The Proposition — took a deep breath and screened a rough cut of the movie for his literary hero.“The day of reckoning came when we went to New Mexico to show the film to Cormac, who lives in Santa Fe,” Hillcoat said. “He pulls up in a beat-up old Cadillac and we go into this weird, big, high-tech studio in Albuquerque and screen The Road. The lights come up, McCarthy doesn’t say a word. He excuses himself to go to the men’s room. He’s gone for 20 minutes, so of course we’re thinking: ‘This is not good.’“Finally, Cormac comes back and says, ‘Look, I didn’t come here to blow smoke up your ass, but this is like nothing I’ve ever seen,’” Hillcoat recalled.The only thing McCarthy found missing from the adaption was four lines of dialogue from the book, Hillcoat said. “Luckily, we had filmed them so we went back in and added that,” said the director. “He loved the movie. For me, that was a huge relief.”

Edited by 3opge
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meni je na osnovu trailera, pa i kritika, jos uvek nada dublja od strepnje. al mi je i strepnja duboka. kako bi u film mogli da se inkorporiraju oni delovi knjige koji su najosobeniji i najvredniji po jeziku i atmosferi, ne umem reci. uglavnom, ko ga prvi nadje (film), neka javlja, molim.

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