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krvavo odradi i kako treba.... avion scena ....svaka cast! valjda da pokaze nolanu kako se to radi :) iako je nolanova scena aviona najinteresantnija (sto se akcije tice...po meni) u celom betmenu


Edited by mustang
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krvavo odradi i kako treba.... avion scena ....svaka cast! valjda da pokaze nolanu kako se to radi :) iako je nolanova scena aviona najinteresantnija (sto se akcije tice...po meni) u celom betmenu




ako je suditi po ovoj bednoj minutici - kopira se drugi deo i Džon Vu.....Ako mašala, jedino je to vredelo iz ovog serijala. :Hail: 

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krvavo odradi i kako treba.... avion scena ....svaka cast! valjda da pokaze nolanu kako se to radi :) iako je nolanova scena aviona najinteresantnija (sto se akcije tice...po meni) u celom betmenu



nevjerovatno kako ovaj tom kruz postaje sve mladji i odvratniji

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Fin trejler, smao jesam li ja jedini kome smeta ovo nadovezivanje Krejgovih Bondova jedan na drugi? Nekako sam navikao da to bude stand alone :/


I kada im dodje coming soon?


U novembru. Film se inace upravo snima, ovo sto vidimo u trejleru je snimljeno unazad mesec-dva dana ili mozda malo vise, bas sam se iznenadio sto su uopste izbacili trejler ovako rano. Svidja mi se sto u trejleru nije nabacana akcija, eksplozije i ostale pirotehnike, nego su vise atmosfera i saspens i nesto malo od price. Inace, ovo je zanimljivo






Although they've played coy with his actual character since the initial press conference, here they certainly seem to be hinting that Christoph Waltz is playing Blofeld. Or maybe it's all a clever misdirect. But that seems to be his silhouette we see in shadow, and his collar even seems carefully arranged to recall the silhouette of a Nehru jacket! Then there's all that about Bond's childhood. It feels like a very direct continuation of Skyfall (right down to Moneypenny's name-check in the opening moments of the teaser), and it looks like SPECTRE will continue to explore 007's formative years. Freeze on that document, and you'll find that it's a transfer of guardianship from James' Aunt Charmian (a character first mentioned in Ian Fleming's You Only Live Twice, and fleshed out by Charlie Higson in his Young Bond novels) to Hannes Oberhauser, James' childhood ski instructor and a surrogate father figure introduced in Fleming's "Octopussy" and fleshed out in Higson's By Royal Command.

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Nešto ka bastard križanac dvojke, trojke i JJ Abrams™ reboota, nakazni mutant. I'll pass.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Vidim ima malo i Russ Meyer elemenata, kao i da vuče na neke igrice (meni na pamet pada Rage, koji je doduše rađen prema prethodnim filmovima). Ovo može da bude "So bad it's good", može da bude fejl, a može da bude totalno ludilo. 

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Here's how Hardy described the experience of making the film:


"We were in the middle of nowhere, so far away from the studio system that [Warner Bros] can’t really see what’s going on, and just getting things to and from the set was a nightmare. We’d lose half a vehicle in sand and have to dig it out. It was just this unit in the middle of x-million square-kilometres of desert, and then this group of lunatics in leathers, like a really weird S&M party, or a Hell’s Angels convention. It was like Cirque du Soleil meets fucking Slipknot."

Edited by Sludge Factory
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