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Utisak nedelje


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Nebrojeno kurtona je svoj smisao života i svoju biografiju napravilo na pripadnosti petoj jebenoj gimnaziji. Sekta takoreći.


I Trecu, i Trecu. Ne zaboravi na Trecu.

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A za to vreme mi se bavimo 1 krstićem!Pa on je pobedio!


Послато са WЦ шоље усинг БВК

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skroz. how I learned to stop worrying and love the prime minister.  :s_w:


blog mu je milinica - autodestruiranje™, augijeve štale, razondetr, logika™ - nema veze što švandrlja, bitno da je pomenuta - sve ima. totalno je intelektualan, majke mi.

uživam u preziranju krstića more than I'd care to admit... :blush:

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Kakav idiotizam od emisije, jbt.


Kao da ima malo konkretnih tema, nego mora uopšteno o solidarnosti, dobroti, empatiji...ah, srce mi se cepa!


Što nije pozvala ljude koji nešto znaju o ovome što se dešava?!?

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Bazdulj truća o evolucionoj biologiji i recipročnom altruizmu, aaaaargh!


I evo i Kiša, jebem ti, od ovoga može da se rikne!

Edited by Turnbull
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Kakav idiotizam od emisije, jbt.


Kao da ima malo konkretnih tema, nego mora uopšteno o solidarnosti, dobroti, empatiji...ah, srce mi se cepa!


Što nije pozvala ljude koji nešto znaju o ovome što se dešava?!?

Zato sto bi morala i nesto smisleno i precizno da prica....ovako....

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Ti si stvarno mlada :)




Goran Milić

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Goran Milić (born 24 January 1946) is a Croatian journalist whose work has primarily been on television. With a high-profile career spanning forty years, he's one of the most recognizable media personalities in the countries of former Yugoslavia.


He also became the host of Saturday's Dnevnik 2, RTB's central daily newscast at 7:30pm, which made him a well-known television personalty all over SR Serbia and SFR Yugoslavia. In addition to reading the news, his Saturday newscasts had a personal imprint with several theme segments and a guest. One of the most enduring moments of his Dnevnik was a live link into the Bijelo Dugme concert at Sajam so that the band performed their "Pljuni i zapjevaj moja Jugoslavijo" song for the large television audience.

His popularity and high profile got Milić various one-off jobs on the side. In 1987, communist politician Josip Vrhovec appointed him the president of the information commission for the Universiade in Zagreb.

In 1989 Milić was spokesman for the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Belgrade and also covered the Kosovo miners' strike.

In July 1990, Milić reportedly received a personal offer from Franjo Tuđman, the president of SR Croatia, to transfer to Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT).[3] At the hour-long meeting Tuđman wanted Milić to run HRT's news division, a network that was undergoing major organizational and conceptual changes including a name change from Radiotelevizija Zagreb (RTZ), but Milić turned down the offer.[3]



Edited by Turnbull
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Kakva digresija Milca na racun pijace vode "pa za Boska i mene BG voda nikad nije ni bila za pice" (parafraziram) aaaaaaaaaaa :hai:

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