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4 hours ago, đorđe geprat said:

 doduše, moj prvi izbor bio je lino ventura.



Meni je Lino Ventura izuzetno drag izmedju ostalog i zato sto mi je pojavom skoro kao neki jugoslovenski glumac. Ima tu Bate Zivotinje, vidim cak i malo Paje Vuisica.

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3 hours ago, Kampokei said:


Meni je Lino Ventura izuzetno drag izmedju ostalog i zato sto mi je pojavom skoro kao neki jugoslovenski glumac. Ima tu Bate Zivotinje, vidim cak i malo Paje Vuisica.





Ja bih radio DNK test...

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3 hours ago, Locust said:


The Queen Is Dead - Wikipedia

Da ne pratim 5 strana o Smitsima i M. na instagramu, lupala bih glavu večno zašto si ovo postavio :blam:

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Bas sam sad bio na ovoj stranici, ali meni se ne cini da Marianne licno pise ove komentare (ima ih jos par ispod ove slike, jedan je jos gori).

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46 minutes ago, Kampokei said:

Bas sam sad bio na ovoj stranici, ali meni se ne cini da Marianne licno pise ove komentare (ima ih jos par ispod ove slike, jedan je jos gori).

Ne znam da li ima agenta za društvene mreže - dosad je uglavnom sama pisala na svojoj stranici (koliko sam mogao da vidim). Ona izvesno nije prijatelj desnice (skorašnji stihovi kažu "They return the Nazis, every seventy years...") Inače, u prastara vremena (tj. kad sam bio dečko) Delona je bio glas da je desničar (kao i John Wayne). U SFRJ to se nije propuštalo da se primeti, koliko god da nam je bio šarmantan.

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Inace, bas se od juce rasplamsale diskusije o najlepsem glumcu i muskarcu svih vremena. Vidim da Alen tu mozda i ima blagu prednost u odnosu na Pola Njumena npr, ali ne mogu da se otmem utisku da se nekako brzo, jebi ga, fucnuo. Vec u srednjim godinama ne bi bio ni blizu te titule u svojoj starosnoj grupi. Sori na ovoj trivijalizaciji i tabloidizaciji topika i foruma uopste.

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RIP Alain Delon, Gena Rowlands...

... i Siniša Pavić


A kad smo kod Siniše Pavića, RTS1 je juče u znak sjećanja na ovog velikog domaćeg scenaristu juče emitovao legendarni film Povratak otpisanih, uz prigodno In Mememoriam Siniša Pavić u ćošku ekrana. U tom ne bi bilo ništa loše, samo kada bi Siniša Pavić imao neke direktne veze sa tim filmom. 


Glavni scenarista Otpisanih i Povratka otpisanih bio je Dragan Marković, navodni beogradski ilegalac, koji je radio scenario prema nekim svojim sjećanjima, pa su neke od prvih epizoda serije zaista i bile inspirisane stvarnim akcijama beogradskih ilegalaca tokom njemačke okupacije (spasavanje iz bolnice, miniranje garaže, atentat na šefa policije, ilegalna štamparija...). S obzirom da Marković nije bio školovani scenarista, kao koscenarista je angažovan Siniša Pavić, da to dramaturški uobliči, a ponajviše zbog dijaloga. 


Za nastavak serije Povratak otpisanih (kao i istoimeni film koji je identičan prvoj epizodi serije, nešto dužoj od ostalih epizoda) umjesto Siniše Pavića uskočio je drugi veliki domaći scenarista Gordan Mihić, koji je, ako se ne varam, imao i nešto veće učešće u kreiranju zapleta nego što je Pavić imao u Otpisanima.


Negdje na pola jučerašnjeg emitovanja Povratka otpisanih volšebno je nestao natpis In Memoriam. Vjerovatno im je neko došapnuo da su se malo zajebali.


RTS - vaše pravo da znate sve!

Edited by colonelo
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2 hours ago, Indy said:

Ne znam da li ima agenta za društvene mreže - dosad je uglavnom sama pisala na svojoj stranici (koliko sam mogao da vidim). Ona izvesno nije prijatelj desnice (skorašnji stihovi kažu "They return the Nazis, every seventy years...") Inače, u prastara vremena (tj. kad sam bio dečko) Delona je bio glas da je desničar (kao i John Wayne). U SFRJ to se nije propuštalo da se primeti, koliko god da nam je bio šarmantan.


pa da, delon se i javno izjašnjavao kao desničar, bio je i veliki prijatelj žan-marija le pena.


ideologija mu ipak ne umanjuje značaj za svet kinematografije i pop kulture.

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e da, pošto sam skoro čitao nekoliko dobrih filmskih autobiografija (rože vadim, žerar depardje...) izguglah juče da vidim da li ima nešto slično i o delonu i nađoh i kupih u laguni ovo:




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Kad smo kod Delonovih biografija, evo vesti iz 2000. o njegovoj biografiji koju je napisao poznati istraživački novinar, inače autor više biografskih knjiga, i koju je Delon neuspešno pokušao da zabrani:



Nervous publisher sneaks biography of Delon into shops

Book on France's notoriously moody film icon fails to solve murder and drugs puzzle

Jon Henley in Paris

Sat 30 Sep 2000 03.57 CEST

The first book in French legal history to have been banned before it was written finally hit the high street yesterday after an extraordinary game of cat-and-mouse between its publisher, Flammarion, and the biography's subject, the film star Alain Delon.

While a Paris appeal court last year overturned the provisional ban on Les Mystères Delon, by Bernard Violet, the publishing house was so worried that the notoriously moody actor would seek an injunction outlawing the book that it did not even tell the bookshops it was coming.

"I've never seen anything like it," said Nicole Saillot, a sales assistant in a Paris bookshop. "We'd been told to expect a book on President Chirac by the same author; we'd even been given all the advertising material and the posters. But we opened the boxes, and there was Delon."

The star of The Samurai and The Leopard, whose brooding Gallic good looks, tough on-screen image and alleged shady off-screen dealings have made him a popular hero in France for more than 40 years, appeared to be holding his fire for the time being, contenting himself with a comparatively polite "I don't give a fuck about Mr Violet."

Delon, 65, said last year that he would retire from films, after critics panned his appearance with another ageing heart-throb, Jean-Paul Belmondo, in an ill-starred cops-and-robbers comedy called Une Chance Sur Deux. He was first alerted to Mr Violet's plans when the book's original would-be publisher, Grasset, sent a copy of an 18-page synopsis to his lawyers.

In the event, despite the 170kg (375lb) of documents and the 100-plus interviews with friends, relatives and other sources on which the book is based, disappointingly few new skeletons come tumbling out of the closet.

If the book reads at times like a sub-James Ellroy roman noir, the names of most of Delon's lovers, friends and dodgier associates were already known, and the biggest unanswered question of an off-screen career marked by countless run-ins with the police - the so-called Markovic affair - remains unexplained.

"Born for the cinema, Delon could never forget that he grew up in the shadow of the walls of Fresnes high-security prison," writes Mr Violet, a respected investigative reporter. "It is doubtless here that should be sought the origins of the image he will leave behind: that of the hero of a thriller."

The actor, who made his name and most of his fortune playing hardboiled hoods in dozens of detective potboilers, was embroiled with his ex-wife Nathalie in one of post-war France's more salacious scandals when the corpse of his former bodyguard, Stefan Markovic, was found on a rubbish tip on the outskirts of Paris in 1968.

The investigation uncovered a tangled tale of drug-dealing, blackmail and compromising pornographic photos that implicated numerous celebrities and politicians, sparking rumours that ultimately touched the wife of the future president, Georges Pompidou. Delon, who knew Pompidou well and was a very close friend of the Corsican gangster who was initially charged with the murder, François Marcantoni, was questioned intensively by the police, but the crime was never solved.

Delon, who in a varied career has also promoted boxing matches and peddled airplanes, ran away from home at least once and was expelled from several schools before enlisting in the French navy at the age of 17 and serving in the last stages of France's war in Indochina.

On his return he got to know some highly dubious French gangland characters, many of whom have since met untimely and violent deaths: men with nicknames like Z, Bimbo, Petit René, Tany, Le Boxeur and Le Coréen.

"The cinema probably prevented him from going bad, but he loves to cultivate his relations with France's finest gangsters," Mr Violet concludes. "That is his way of proving he was a man of character. If there was ever a prison for him, it was one he built himself."

The actor himself was rather more succinct in a magazine interview yesterday. "All my life, I've played at being Alain Delon," he said. "For the rest, I couldn't give a damn."


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Podržavao je matorog Le Pena i Marin.


Iz intervjua iz 2013:


French film star Alain Delon has come out in support of France’s far-right political party the National Front (FN). In an interview published on Wednesday in the Swiss daily Le Matin, the actor, whose career has seen him appear in some 100 films, described the National Front’s growth as “uplifting”.

Delon went to on to say that he “approves” the party’s progress, which he attributed to a general sense of gloom due to a lack of political action.

“The National Front, like the MCG [Geneva Citizens’ Movement] in Geneva, is very important…I encourage it and I perfectly understand it,” he said.

Both parties -- the FN and MCG -- must manage solid electorates if they are to move from words to actions, he said.

“For years, the Le Pen father and daughter team [Jean-Marie, former head of the National Front, and Marine, its current leader] have been fighting, but they’ve been fighting a lonely battle,” he said. “Now, for the first time, they are no longer alone. They have the French people…And that it’s reaching Geneva, that’s incredibly important. They’re fed up there too.”


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4 hours ago, Indy said:

Inače, u prastara vremena (tj. kad sam bio dečko) Delona je bio glas da je desničar (kao i John Wayne). U SFRJ to se nije propuštalo da se primeti, koliko god da nam je bio šarmantan.

Ne kazem da nije, ali u SFRJ nije bio obelezavan desnicarenjem: glavna Delon tema u SFRJ bila je takozvana afera sa nikad resenim ubistvom navodnog Delonovog telohranitelja Stevana, Stevice Markovica...

Afera jeste isla dosta visoko,cak do Pompidou-vih, eksploatisana je u stampi buduci medijski socnatm, sex, ucene, taj rad...

A odrazila se na SFRJ kulturni i sire milje, posto je Stevan Markovic promovisan u jednog od prvih, ako ne i prvog poslovicnog :isuse: momka sa beogradskog asfalta....

Pripadao je u svakom slucaju prvoj generaciji gastarbajtera iz privredne grane poznate kao kriminal...

Cudno, ne secam se da je i '90-ih, kada su eksplodirale UDB-a teme, Markovic bio povezivan sa pomenutom firmomtm...

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