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luther prvi deo, kao da je prepisan broen ali losija kopija. 

idris postao neka zvezda pa takav i stav ima. inace mi iskace svuda...po bilbordima, vestima, blah blah...overdose od njega dobih. a gotiviih ga jer je ricijev junosa. 


sa druge strane kingdom postaje odlicna serija. malo je depresivna ali realno depresivna. borbe su namontirane bolje nego pravi ufc. ima i golotinje, drame, akcije droge, seksa (manjka u odnosu na ostalo al okej)

inace videh jonathan tuckera (isti kao u kingdom) sa zenom i valjda kevom i caletom u lokalnoj pizeriji. on je ujedno i onaj boon sto ga mrzesmo  u justified (pucaros manijak u poslednjoj sezoni). opasan glumac, svidja mi se. bacicu uskoro oko na high moon sto je snimio prosle godine jer izgleda da zna da bira dobre filmove/serije.

Edited by mustang
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Idris je car, Luther je smor. 


Al to nije bitno. 


Master Of None je simpaticna serija. Nije nesto da padnes na dupe, al skroz ok.

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The Knick :Hail: Jeste sezona pocela malo trapavo, ali se razvila nesluceno dobro. I zavrsila isto tako. 



Cinemax Orders a Premiere Script and Outline for The Knick's Third Season

By Jackson McHenry
Warning: This post discusses the events of last night's episode of The Knick, so tread carefully.
Variety reports that Cinemax has ordered a premiere script and season outline for the third season of its early 20th century hospital drama The Knick, which may come as a surprise to some viewers as last night's episode ended with the death of series lead Doctor Thackery (Clive Owen). Variety's report, however, doesn't imply that Cinemax is going to mimic any of that Jon Snow business. Owen told Variety that he only planned to do two seasons of the show, so Thackery will probably stay dead. And while the series itself was initially built for a two-year arc, according to a statement from Cinemax, all-star director Steven Soderbergh and creators Michael Begler and Jack Amiel have been discussing ways to continue the story. 
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Amiel went into more detail on The Knick's possible future. "It seems that way, doesn't it?" the co-showrunner said in response to a question about whether Thackery is really dead. But Amiel was more forthcoming about a possible, Clive Owen-less future. "There’s a lot of ways to do this, absolutely," he said. "Steven [soderbergh] always says the hospital show is the most durable format in television and that’s true." It might be hard for a low-rated show on a minor network to continue without its star, but now could be the time for that Algernon spinoff we all want.

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Ako si odgledao dve trecine, onda su ti ostale jos 3.33 epizode, a ne jedna :P Salu na stranu te tri-cetri poslednje epizode su bas dobre, a druga sezone trecina je lagano gradi stvari do toga, a njima dominira jedna puzajuca tiha jeza, skoro pa klasicna horor atmosfera, sto mi je bas prijalo.


Shvatio sam da ova serija ima jedan kvalitet koji nedostaje velikom broju danasnjih pokretnih slika, a to je ono sto je bilo dominantno u najboljim erama i sto ljudima danas ocigledno nedostaje, jednostavnost. Nekomplikovanje, dijalozi svedeni na samu sustinu, bez mrsomudjenja. Plus muzika, koja je meni fantasticna, i iako moderna, takodje reminiscencira™ na stara dobra vremena osamdesetih recimo. Cliff Martinez sabija.

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gleda mi se making a murderer, netflix-ova serija, pisa da su izasle sve epizode 18.12. a nema ih u zalivu i kikesu.

nasao iz prve na kioscima, doduse izaslo pre 8h :D

Edited by Milosh76
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