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dobro 8....svejedno jedna sezona, vise pobrljavih od toliko odgledanih serija. the fall ima 6 po sezoni eto...pobrkah :lol:


Ma dobro, nego se ja uplaših da nisi možda preskočila neku. :)

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ja sad pokusavam da skinem onu finsku seriju nimfe aka nymfit aka nymphs ali toliko spor torrent i jos nesto pise da je na italijanskom pa ubicu se ako nadsinhronizovano. delovala mi je zanimljivo dok se davala na rtsu subotom valjda ili nedeljom kasno uvece, ali nisam postizavala. svaki put zaboravim. a interesantno da se davala kod nas a nigde je nisam mogla naci od prodavnica po netu

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Dobra epizoda Broadchurcha, cela sezona ipak dobija na smislu. Kako odmice, sve je bolja.

E,da. Ova epizoda je baš bila dobra, iako se, na prvi pogled, ni počemu ne razlikuje od prethodnih. Liči mi na nešto što se sporo kretalo i sada je došlo do blage nizbrdice i počinje da ubrzava, i čini se da nizbrdica postaje sve strmija. Biće opasno do kraja. Baš.

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Jon Stewart to Leave 'The Daily Show' This Year




The host, whose contract is up this year, told the audience at his Tuesday taping.


Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show behind. The host, who's been with the show for more than 15 years, announced his departure during his Tuesday taping.


A network statement from Comedy Central president Michele Ganeless read as follows: “For the better part of the last two decades, I have had the incredible honor and privilege of working with Jon Stewart. His comedic brilliance is second to none. Jon has been at the heart of Comedy Central, championing and nurturing the best talent in the industry, in front of and behind the camera. Through his unique voice and vision, The Daily Show has become a cultural touchstone for millions of fans and an unparalleled platform for political comedy that will endure for years to come. Jon will remain at the helm of The Daily Show until later this year. He is a comic genius, generous with his time and talent, and will always be a part of the Comedy Central family.”



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Ev o spremam se da gledam Les Revenants 5. epizodu i vidim da uopste nemam 6. i sad na netu gledam nigde ne mogu da nadjem da skinem :isuse: Zna li neko gde moze da se nadje.


Pajrat bej.


edit: I kikes

Edited by Lrd
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