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Jeli chemu Honourable Woman? Djeluje mi zanimljivo, a i Maggie Gyllenhaal mi je kul. S druge strane, kreator je Hugo Blick, koji je napravio Shadow Line, koja mi je jedna od losijih serija koje sam odgledao citave.


Odlična je. Britanski hipsteraj na kub sa dobrom pričom. Megi je baš dobila prostora i iskoristila ga je i razmahala se.

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Odlgedah prvu sezonu Peaky blindersa i nisam bas impresioniran kako sam ocekivao, bar prema preporukama. Dosta sminke sa onim slow motion pokretima i setnjama brace Shelbi pracene dobrom mjuzom, doduse. Koliko mi se svideo kraj prve epizode toliko mi je kraj prve sezone naivan



Sve se bojim da bi krvoloci od pre 100 godina pali na zenu i bebu u kolicima, izresetali bi ih i ne bi trepnuli.



Verujem da je grupa feministkinja uticala na scenario :s_c::ss1:


No ipak obzirom da je napolju sneg i da na poslu ume biti dosadno, odlgedacu i drugu sezonu.

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Odgledah prvu sezonu The Affair. Svidja mi se bas, lepo mi je legla kvalitetna (melo)drama. Koliko je Ruth Wilson drugacija ovde nego u Lutheru, ovde je divna predivna (dobro i tamo je, al tamo je zla :D). 


Jedino mi se nije dopao zaplet



sa onim detektivom i istragom oko ubistva, a to je ocigledno ostavljeno da bude mozda i glavna tema druge sezone.



Ne znam na sta ce to da izadje, s obzirom na to da najjace sto serija ima jesu njih dvoje kao ljubavnici. No, iscekujem drugu sezonu sa nestrpljenjem i navijam za njih dvoje, 



mada priznajem, najvise sam navijao da ih Noah sve odjebe i nastavi sa svojim momackim zivotom koji mu je lepo isao nakon rastavljanja od zene :D


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Taj segment iz drugog spoilera je kao preslikan iz Wire, tačno da zamisliš kakvu bi McNulty imao karijeru kao prosvetar :D


A za detektivski deo zapleta si 100% u pravu, deluje kao da je nakalemljena na ljubavničku osnovu samo da serija ne bi bila tretirana kao... kako se već kaže chick flick na televizji.

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edit: po sadržaju, najviše me podseća na onaj stvarni slučaj, kada je nestala devojčica u Portugaliji, što je godinama praćeno od strane medija, naročito u Engleskoj.


ne bih se cudio da su ideju dobli bas iz slucaja madeleine





The Missing (2014)


Juče i danas, pogledao. Razvučeno, prepotentno, dosadno. Od ovoga bi francuzi napravili dobar krimić koji traje stotinjak minuta, ovako te dave sa bezvrednim glupostima osam sati, ovo su pune jednosatne epizode. Još jedan hipsteraj o vremenu koje je izgubilo dubinu, pa sada gledamo diskurzivnu parodiju istorije posle moderne ili čitamo maksinu dekostrukciju razuma...




jedna od naboljih serija ove godine

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Ojektivno najboljih, a? To proglasio Guardian ili neki drugi aktuelni zajebant sa vrednostima i kritičkim selekcijama...

Edited by Ajant23
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Taj segment iz drugog spoilera je kao preslikan iz Wire, tačno da zamisliš kakvu bi McNulty imao karijeru kao prosvetar :D


A za detektivski deo zapleta si 100% u pravu, deluje kao da je nakalemljena na ljubavničku osnovu samo da serija ne bi bila tretirana kao... kako se već kaže chick flick na televizji.


:lol: hvala ti, podsetio si me na najjacu scenu u Wireu!


Stvar je u tome sto su nakalemljivanjem tog triler aspekta sami sebi natovarili muku na vrat, pa sad narod po internetu debatuje, pilji u screenshotove, raspravlja o tome koja verzija price je tacna, da li je jedna verzija istinita, a druga iskonstruisana za pandura, da li je mozda jedna verzija u stvari verzija iz Noahog romana i druge budalastine, kao da je ovo bozemeprosti neki Lost... cime se zamagljuje osnovna ideja i sustina price koju je autor ovde lepo objasnio i koja mi se generalno mnogo vise svidja od whodunnit krimi zapleta: 





Okay Alan, I see two different questions here. In terms of the Phoebe moment, it is, of course, purposeful that scene that Alison recalls is from Noah's memory. If you noticed, Noah also remembers a moment on his side, that is actually taken from Alison's memory at the end of episode 4. What we're saying, in that moment, is that you haven't seen every memory these characters have... that some memories are buried so deep,  we don't allow ourselves to recall them until we absolutely have too. When Alison recounted episode 3 and Noah recounted episode 4, it was still early in their revisiting of what happened - they were still constructing their memories in order to fit a narrative that made them most comfortable. But when you see those flashes of memory in episode 10, it's almost like... they're remembering those moments despite themselves. Those memories are invading their consciousness, even as they struggle to maintain their distance from each other.  

In terms of how the memories function overall, in the storytelling... memory is not a science. There are no laws governing what we remember and why. It is individual and it is emotional. I don't care how smart you are or how educated or how aware. Every single person's memory is laughably faulty and the product of so many influences that have nothing to do with what actually happened. 
If we followed any law in story construction it was that... how do these people emotionally remember their lives. What were the moments that stuck out for them? What mattered to them? What didn't matter? What have they forgotten? What have they buried? I was talking to a friend of mine on this vacation who I have known since I was a child. I very clearly remember accidentally hitting her in the head with a whiffle ball bat. I remember her crying to my grandmother in french (because she is french). She insists it never happened to her. She swears it was her brother who I hit. Who's to say who's right? And if one of us is misremembering, why? We will literally never know who's right and it does not matter. All that matters is how those memories have informed our senses of ourselves. 
So, in terms of the final moment with Scotty. Noah remembers that he was brawling with Scotty. Alison just remembers Cole pulling a gun. Noah probably was brawling with Scotty - I don't know why Noah would remember that if it hadn't happened. But it doesn't matter to Alison.  All that matters to Alison is that Cole pulled a gun. That she suddenly had to choose between her husband and her lover. That she had to put herself between her husband and her lover. That she had to save her lover. That she had to stop her husband from making the kind of mistake that would ruin or end his life. 
One rule we did follow in the memory construction is the MORE STRESSFUL THE SITUATION, THE MORE DIVERGENT THE MEMORY. So, if you remember from the pilot, they have radically different memories about who saved the daughter from choking. That is not, as you say, "easily brushed off by tricks of memory." Someone clearly saved the kid and someone didn't. Someone has constructed a memory. But to me, it doesn't matter. All that matters, when you're telling a memory play, which I've always maintained this is, is how each party remmbers the incident and what that tells the audience about their respective character. 
So, back to Scotty... Noah remembers himself as defending his daughter's honor, when his lover's psychopathic husband pulls a gun out of nowhere. Remember, the first memory Noah has of Cole, is of him raping his wife. Noah has only ever known Cole as a violent and unhinged man. When we come back on Alison's side, she doesn't remember Scotty being present, because, even if he was, of everything that happened that day, Scotty is the least of her concerns. What mattered to her about that moment was the gun that Cole pulled. And, in her memory, he had set her up to invite Noah, so that he could pull a gun. So if Scotty was there, and if he and Noah had an altercation, it was incidental to the plot. Which is, in Alison's mind, that Cole made her bring Noah to the ranch so that he confront him.

No moguce i da je to bio neki zahtev produkcije ili sta vec, da se unese i malo tih elemenata. Nije da to sad mnogo smeta i da je pokvarilo seriju, niti je strano mesanje ovih zanrova. Ali bas me zanima na sta ce da lici druga sezona, s obzirom na promenu fokusa price i na to da ce, kako procitah, biti uvedeno jos point-of-view likova, dakle necemo gledati samo Alison i Noah verzije. 
Edited by Sludge Factory
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To kao Džordž Martin što u svakoj knjizi/sezoni uvodi nekoliko novih perspektiva... ali on ima razloga jer mu je generalno nizak survival rate -_-


Stavio bih pare da će da nam pokažu šta rade McNultijeva deca, verovatno nesnosna ćerka.

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Jeli chemu Honourable Woman? Djeluje mi zanimljivo, a i Maggie Gyllenhaal mi je kul. S druge strane, kreator je Hugo Blick, koji je napravio Shadow Line, koja mi je jedna od losijih serija koje sam odgledao citave.


ja odgledo prvu epizodu i batalio. bukvalno mi se nista nije svidelo.

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:lol: hvala ti, podsetio si me na najjacu scenu u Wireu!


Stvar je u tome sto su nakalemljivanjem tog triler aspekta sami sebi natovarili muku na vrat, pa sad narod po internetu debatuje, pilji u screenshotove, raspravlja o tome koja verzija price je tacna, da li je jedna verzija istinita, a druga iskonstruisana za pandura, da li je mozda jedna verzija u stvari verzija iz Noahog romana i druge budalastine, kao da je ovo bozemeprosti neki Lost... cime se zamagljuje osnovna ideja i sustina price koju je autor ovde lepo objasnio i koja mi se generalno mnogo vise svidja od whodunnit krimi zapleta: 





Okay Alan, I see two different questions here. In terms of the Phoebe moment, it is, of course, purposeful that scene that Alison recalls is from Noah's memory. If you noticed, Noah also remembers a moment on his side, that is actually taken from Alison's memory at the end of episode 4. What we're saying, in that moment, is that you haven't seen every memory these characters have... that some memories are buried so deep,  we don't allow ourselves to recall them until we absolutely have too. When Alison recounted episode 3 and Noah recounted episode 4, it was still early in their revisiting of what happened - they were still constructing their memories in order to fit a narrative that made them most comfortable. But when you see those flashes of memory in episode 10, it's almost like... they're remembering those moments despite themselves. Those memories are invading their consciousness, even as they struggle to maintain their distance from each other.  

In terms of how the memories function overall, in the storytelling... memory is not a science. There are no laws governing what we remember and why. It is individual and it is emotional. I don't care how smart you are or how educated or how aware. Every single person's memory is laughably faulty and the product of so many influences that have nothing to do with what actually happened. 
If we followed any law in story construction it was that... how do these people emotionally remember their lives. What were the moments that stuck out for them? What mattered to them? What didn't matter? What have they forgotten? What have they buried? I was talking to a friend of mine on this vacation who I have known since I was a child. I very clearly remember accidentally hitting her in the head with a whiffle ball bat. I remember her crying to my grandmother in french (because she is french). She insists it never happened to her. She swears it was her brother who I hit. Who's to say who's right? And if one of us is misremembering, why? We will literally never know who's right and it does not matter. All that matters is how those memories have informed our senses of ourselves. 
So, in terms of the final moment with Scotty. Noah remembers that he was brawling with Scotty. Alison just remembers Cole pulling a gun. Noah probably was brawling with Scotty - I don't know why Noah would remember that if it hadn't happened. But it doesn't matter to Alison.  All that matters to Alison is that Cole pulled a gun. That she suddenly had to choose between her husband and her lover. That she had to put herself between her husband and her lover. That she had to save her lover. That she had to stop her husband from making the kind of mistake that would ruin or end his life. 
One rule we did follow in the memory construction is the MORE STRESSFUL THE SITUATION, THE MORE DIVERGENT THE MEMORY. So, if you remember from the pilot, they have radically different memories about who saved the daughter from choking. That is not, as you say, "easily brushed off by tricks of memory." Someone clearly saved the kid and someone didn't. Someone has constructed a memory. But to me, it doesn't matter. All that matters, when you're telling a memory play, which I've always maintained this is, is how each party remmbers the incident and what that tells the audience about their respective character. 
So, back to Scotty... Noah remembers himself as defending his daughter's honor, when his lover's psychopathic husband pulls a gun out of nowhere. Remember, the first memory Noah has of Cole, is of him raping his wife. Noah has only ever known Cole as a violent and unhinged man. When we come back on Alison's side, she doesn't remember Scotty being present, because, even if he was, of everything that happened that day, Scotty is the least of her concerns. What mattered to her about that moment was the gun that Cole pulled. And, in her memory, he had set her up to invite Noah, so that he could pull a gun. So if Scotty was there, and if he and Noah had an altercation, it was incidental to the plot. Which is, in Alison's mind, that Cole made her bring Noah to the ranch so that he confront him.

No moguce i da je to bio neki zahtev produkcije ili sta vec, da se unese i malo tih elemenata. Nije da to sad mnogo smeta i da je pokvarilo seriju, niti je strano mesanje ovih zanrova. Ali bas me zanima na sta ce da lici druga sezona, s obzirom na promenu fokusa price i na to da ce, kako procitah, biti uvedeno jos point-of-view likova, dakle necemo gledati samo Alison i Noah verzije. 



Umesto da raspletu fino zamišljen zaplet samo su još više zapleli do kraja. 


U suštini mislim da ovde nije bitno da se dokuči čija je verzija bliža istini, već da gledalac uhvati nit koja govori da je interpretacija (ako ne i čitav život) samo odraz bitnosti koju neka osoba pridaje nekome ili nečemu. Nema dobrih i loših, kako reče Alison.


U tom smislu su zanimljivi i tvistovi koji se dešavaju kroz seriju sa karakterima. Tako imamo situacije da




bezosećajni i sebični bogataš-hedonista postaje mudar čovek sa bogatim životnim iskustvom; stabilan otac i snaga porodice postaje osoba sa kompleksom niže vrednosti; umiljata i saosećajna žena-jagnje postaje neko ko je dugoročno proračunao i postavio svoj život onako kako njoj odgovara itd. 




Fino je obrađena seksualnost.


U svakom slučaju mi se nikako ne dopada što se priča ovako oteže po sezonama.

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Pa da, ovaj zaplet sa istragom posluzio je da se prica rastegne na dve ili vise sezona (videcemo), a objektivno ovo je trebalo da se zavrsi sad i da bude kao 1 mini serija. I to odlicna. 


Ali, ok, kad su vec resili/dobili zadatak da rastezu, da ne kazem muzu, sad me zanima da vidim kako se dalje razvija njihov odnos. Nadam se da ce to prikazivati, a da nece odmah skociti u ovu 'sadasnjost' i baviti se samo slucajem i istragom. 



Nije da nema tu potencijalno zanimljivog materijala. Prvo, malo toga smo mi videli, ne mora da znaci da su njih dvoje nakon ove drame u kuci na kraju epizode konacno prelomili da budu zajedno. Njemu knjiga treba da izadje, da ga strefi slava, malo vise love i malo lagodniji zivot u materijalnom smislu. Gde se tu i kako Alison uklapa? Onda tu su i njegova deca, kako njima objasniti sve to, pa potencijalni njihov odnos sa tatinom novom zenom, itd.



Slazem se sa Bojanom oko likova, prilicno su zanimljivi i kompleksni. A to su uspeli da nam prikazu na jedan suptilan nacin, sto je po meni i najveci kvalitet serije. 

Edited by Sludge Factory
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