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Samo jednu stvar da spomenem, generalne prirode. Totalne ste vune svi vi koji i dalje koristite kojekakve plejere. Jbt, sa ovakvim cenama, ubedljivo najbolja varijanta je staviti komp uz televizor i ćao. Kakvo crno smaranje sa formatima, bajanje da li će nešto raditi, brige oko kodeka - uzme se neki najjetiniji dvojezgarni CPU sa nekom pločom sa integrušom i vozi. Apsolutno najbolja i najisplativija varijanta, sa totalnom slobodom i mogućnošću trpanja harda velikog kapaciteta. Nema više brige ni oko čega.Naravno, sve ovo govorim u najboljoj nameri (što će reći, da bih predstavio sebe kao najboljeg, najpametnijeg i sl.)
Ja koristim DVD sa USBom i sve to vise nego fino sljaka preko LCDa bez cimanja sa kablovima i budzenja kompa uz TV
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Ja koristim DVD sa USBom i sve to vise nego fino sljaka preko LCDa bez cimanja sa kablovima i budzenja kompa uz TV
Može to još lepše - LCD TV sa DVB-C i USB-om, bez cimanja sa kablovima i budženja dvd plejera uz TV.
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Smejao si se, Filipe. :P Syfy gets the last laugh on network rebranding

They* laughed. They mocked. The parodied. They called it a non-rebranding rebranding. They said it was the stupidest thing ever. They said it was incredible waste of money. They deliberately mispronounced the spelling of the new name.All that and more happened a few months back in the wake of NBC Universal announcing its plan to rebrand the SCI FI network as Syfy.While the rebranding was largely assumed to be so the network name could be trademarked, the network specifically stated that it wanted to make itself more accessible to a wider audience. It wanted more than just the fans of typical science fiction shows.The early indications are that it’s working just like they planned it. Syfy just renewed Warehouse 13 which is the most-watched show in the network’s 17 year history according to Variety, averaging 3.7 million viewers per episode. Though I think that number is using “most current” ratings (a combination of live+7 data where available, plus live+sd data where it isn’t), rather than the commonly reported live+sd (live plus same day DVR viewing), most-watched is most-watched.More revealing is that unlike most shows on the network, Warehouse 13, the first show launched since the rebranding, is attracting nearly as many women as men.So far Syfy PR has exercised great restraint. Both in not ragging on all the people who mocked the name change, and in not constantly — or even yet — touting the rebranding as a huge success.While it’s definitely still early, given the results with Warehouse 13 it would be hard to argue that the rebranding isn’t working out exactly according to the script. Though I expect we will see the chest-thumping press release soon enough, perhaps sometimes the best Schadenfreude is just being right.*Pretty much everyone who ever watched SCI FI and even some who hadn’t

linak :lol:

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Pa smejem se i dalje. To što su oni dobili veću gledanost ne menja suštinu. Da su se nazvali Barbie & Ken Channel: Happy Pink TV imali bi još veću gledanost. A taj Warehouse 13 je treš takav da nemam reči. Nakon 3 epizode sve je jasno, i u kom pravcu ide serija, i u kom pravcu ide taj kanal. Farscape i poslednje sezone Stargate SG1, što je najveći treš koji ja mogu da zamislim u SciFi serijama, je zakon za ovo.

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ABC spreman novu seriju - FlashForward [premijera 24. septembra]. po najavama, bice 'novi lost' [sta god to znachilo]. izmedju ostalih, igraju dominic monaghan [charlie iz losta] i sonya walger [penelope]djeluje relativno zanimljivo, a radjena je po knjizi roberta sawyera.promo:

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ABC spreman novu seriju - FlashForward [premijera 24. septembra]. po najavama, bice 'novi lost' [sta god to znachilo]. izmedju ostalih, igraju dominic monaghan [charlie iz losta] i sonya walger [penelope]djeluje relativno zanimljivo, a radjena je po knjizi roberta sawyera.promo:
Opa ! Fala vi na info. Gledace se.
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ABC spreman novu seriju - FlashForward [premijera 24. septembra]. po najavama, bice 'novi lost' [sta god to znachilo]. izmedju ostalih, igraju dominic monaghan [charlie iz losta] i sonya walger [penelope]djeluje relativno zanimljivo, a radjena je po knjizi roberta sawyera.promo:
Deluje prilično interesantno, uskoro ćemo znati jel čemu. Da li je ono mlađi brat Fajns? Edited by Arkadija
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Pa smejem se i dalje. To što su oni dobili veću gledanost ne menja suštinu. Da su se nazvali Barbie & Ken Channel: Happy Pink TV imali bi još veću gledanost. A taj Warehouse 13 je treš takav da nemam reči. Nakon 3 epizode sve je jasno, i u kom pravcu ide serija, i u kom pravcu ide taj kanal. Farscape i poslednje sezone Stargate SG1, što je najveći treš koji ja mogu da zamislim u SciFi serijama, je zakon za ovo.
I kad dođeš do dna ,može i dublje da se potone:syfy
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Nije serija, ali je emisija o 25-ogodisnjici [ko moze/ume, nek pogleda na BBC iPlayer-u]Blackadder Rides Again

To mark the 25th anniversary since the first transmission of Blackadder in 1983, the iconic cast of the much-loved sitcom appear together in a documentary for the first time.The show includes an exclusive in-depth interview with Edmund Blackadder himself, Rowan Atkinson - the first time he has agreed to be interviewed about his experience making the show.Also reflecting on their time in the show are the other key members of the team: Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Richard Curtis, Ben Elton, Rik Mayall, Miriam Margoyles, Miranda Richardson and Tony Robinson.
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