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Na Fox Crime nove aktuelne serije BODY OF PROOF pocinje u petak 6.5 sa prikazivanjem i DETROIT 187 je poceo juce. Ova druga je klasicna pandurska serija, gledao sam kad je izasla prvu epizodu i nije bila losa. Nemam pojma zasto nisam gledao dalje. A ovo BODY OF PROOF je neka patologija :D tj. prica o patologu. Da li je neko gledao neku od ovih serija?
Detroit 187 sve bolji i bolji.

Detroit je gotov za ovu sezonu. Jos nisam siguran da ce biti i druge


finale justified :Hail:ako margo martindale ne dobije emmyja ili neku srodnu nagradu, ja cu pojesti svoju diplomu

Detroit je gotov za ovu sezonu. Jos nisam siguran da ce biti i druge
Steta, imam da odgledam jos jednu epizodu. Znaci da ne ocekujem dostojan kraj.
Jel gledao neko Outsourced i valja li necemu?
Heh, tu i tamo. Ok je serija, ali ništa spektakularno.

Jel moguce da Lights out nije prevedena do kraja na srpski ili hrvatski?


zakukaj na PO mozda se neko smiluje meni uspelo za studio60


Mora se regujem? Aj ti zakukaj ako te ne mrzi umesto mene :D

Posted (edited)

Reilly jako™ zamahnuo sekirom. Odose human target, the Chicago code, lie to me, traffic light i breaking in (Slater jinx :lol: ) FOX je, takodje, pokupio 4 pilota: the finder (bones spin off), I hate my teenage daughter (nemam pojma sta je ovo), the new girl (Zooey Deschanel :wub: ) i Alcatraz (nova J.J. Abrams serija). izvor

Edited by mandingo

Ja se nadala da će Lie to me opstati još jednu sezonu, al avaj.Ovo sa Dešanelovom obećava, JJ Abrams je počeo da mi ide na živce.

Posted (edited)

Jbga i meni žao za LTM...Nego kkav je bio taj Chicago Code?

The TV Fan’s Five Stages Of GriefDenial – “The show’s fine, it won’t be cancelled”; “They’d never cancel a show with a squinty jillion average viewers that wins its timeslot”; “They’d never cancel a show from JJ Abrams”; “The network executives love this show”Anger – “Why this show? It’s not fair, when reality crap continues to get renewed!”; “How can this happen to my show? “; “The morons who run the network are to blame!”Bargaining – “If they cancel this show, I’ll never watch anything on this network again!”; “If we send them bags of crap/sign internet petitions/barrage them with emails/perform other goofy stunts it will save the show!” “DirecTV will save it!” (oops, not anymore)Depression – “I’m so sad, why should I ever start watching a new TV show again?”; “If every show I ever like gets cancelled… What’s the point?”; “Maybe I should just stick to DVDs of old shows”Acceptance – “It’s going to be okay, it’s had a good run of seasons”; “At least we got the story wrapped up, unlike lots of other shows”
Edited by veljaGB

Broadway empire je super serija ... stigao sam do seste epizode i mnogo mi se svidja.Gadno je sto ima samo 12 epizoda...


jebiga, ne volim pozorište.

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