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mislim da mi je ovo najbolja epizoda do sada u drugoj sezoni:)poceh gledati i shameless uk. ne mogu da odlucim da li je bolja od americke verzije, ali dobra je. ako nista, barem zbog ovakvih citata: "Fake Muslim cheats on white fundamentalist wife with gutless gay boy. Says more about Manchester United fans than it does about the rest of us" :D

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Počeo sam i ja sa communityem. Solidno ka odličnom. Očekujem da se još više unenormali. Chevy Chasu heroje detinjstva, totalni si car.Britta/Gillian :wub: :wub: :wub:

Edited by McCabe
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..gledam naizmenicno Community i Boardwalk Empirejedino mi smeta sto su epizode prve prekratke,a epizode druge serije predugei nista vise

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..gledam naizmenicno Community i Boardwalk Empirejedino mi smeta sto su epizode prve prekratke,a epizode druge serije predugei nista vise
Ja bih voleo da svaka epizoda boardwalk empire traje jedno 3 sata.
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E da sikoristim priliku da se iznajebavam majke ovima sa FOX CRIME-a znaci imaju termin dve epizode jedna za drugom i onda emituju jednu koja ima nastavak i kad treba druga oni puste neku potpuno drugu koja je nastavak od ko zna koje angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif

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E da sikoristim priliku da se iznajebavam majke ovima sa FOX CRIME-a znaci imaju termin dve epizode jedna za drugom i onda emituju jednu koja ima nastavak i kad treba druga oni puste neku potpuno drugu koja je nastavak od ko zna koje angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif
Ziv nisam bio dok nisam provalio dakle prva od dve je cliffhanger tj poslednja epizoda 5. sezone , a ova koja je emitovana je 1. epizoda 4. sezone, znaci okrenuli su cajger sad ce valja u ovom terminu da emituju epizode iz cetvrte sezone :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: :isuse:
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Za fanove AD-a
Everything about "S.O.B.s" was great. Even though the episode is a little thin. It was more of a show for everyone involved with AD. Kinda like one big inside joke. There was only so much that could be crammed into 22 minutes. That's why so many celebrity cameos were reduced to just them walking through the door.In "Public Relations" Jessie tells Buster: "I want you to stay in. People find you odd and alienating. You make them uneasy. Stay out of the spotlight."The bolded parts were taken verbatim from a note handed down by some Fox suit. Test audiences did NOT like Buster. Not that they were crazy about the pilot--those people are fucking idiots. Many said they wouldn't watch the show if Buster was a regular part of it. There's a reason Tony Hale doesn't appear in the second episode, "Top Banana." We needed a whole episode to really show what was the deal with Buster. I think "Bringing Up Buster" is the best episode of the series. It's my absolute favorite. Go watch it again. Right now! It's just so... perfect.My favorite mistake that made for a funny moment is in "Motherboy XXX" when Buster inadvertently causes the door to hit Michael in the head. That wasn't scripted. Tony didn't even realize what had happened and kept going. Jason never broke character and if he did it would be impossible to tell. He is Michael Bluth.- What were your favorite specific things that got cut from the show at various times?I've already mentioned the Sally Sitwell Doll that got pushed out of season two. We were all devastated about the cabin on the truck. Especially Mitch. There was so much planned for that. The cabin was going to be the new driving gag à la the stair car. Multiple characters (Johnny Bark, Tobias (after Lindsay kicks him out) and Oscar) were going live in it simultaneously, completely oblivious to the others also living there. They'd never actually encounter each other because they'd never be there at the same time. So each thinks he lives alone. Plus the cabin would frequently be on the move, relocating and turning up in various places: outside the model home, the Balboa Towers and Bluth Company parking lots, impound lot (after Lucille has it towed), Oscar's lemon grove. Oscar was going to be the only one living there who would always find himself in a different location that wasn't the same as when he entered.
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E da sikoristim priliku da se iznajebavam majke ovima sa FOX CRIME-a znaci imaju termin dve epizode jedna za drugom i onda emituju jednu koja ima nastavak i kad treba druga oni puste neku potpuno drugu koja je nastavak od ko zna koje angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif
Ziv nisam bio dok nisam provalio dakle prva od dve je cliffhanger tj poslednja epizoda 5. sezone , a ova koja je emitovana je 1. epizoda 4. sezone, znaci okrenuli su cajger sad ce valja u ovom terminu da emituju epizode iz cetvrte sezone :isuse: :isuse: :isuse: :isuse:
:lol: Never gets old. Ja sam opet naletio na neke epizode Criminal Minds koje nisam gledao i nemam blage veze koja je to sezona. Vise ih ne daju u onom terminu oko 11 radnim danima.
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E da sikoristim priliku da se iznajebavam majke ovima sa FOX CRIME-a znaci imaju termin dve epizode jedna za drugom i onda emituju jednu koja ima nastavak i kad treba druga oni puste neku potpuno drugu koja je nastavak od ko zna koje angry.gifangry.gifangry.gifangry.gif
Ja sam isto ostala zabezeknuta, ali se nisam dala omesti, odmah sam skinula prvu epizodu 6. sezone i odgledala je gotovo u istom terminu kao da je bila na tv-u :P .BTW na HRT-u2 idu neke epizode koje nikad nisam videla Edited by Arkadija
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Ja sam isto ostala zabezeknuta, ali se nisam dala omesti, odmah sam skinula prvu epizodu 6. sezone i odgledala je gotovo u istom terminu kao da je bila na tv-u :P .BTW na HRT-u2 idu neke epizode koje nikad nisam videla
Isto tako samo sam ja to odgledao sutra....Mada mi je nekako anti-klimaks.

Mada mi je klinka bila onako...trebala je nekako da ga kokne al' bi bilo predvidljivo...

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