August 14, 200915 yr Author Golf i ragbi na OI 2016. godine?Golf i ragbi nominovani su za program letnjih OI, koje će biti održane 2016. godine, odlučeno je na sednici Međunarodnog olimpijskog komiteta (MOK) u Berlinu.Nadležni odbor MOK-a, koji ima 15 članova, predložio je da Ragbi, varijanta sa sedam takmičara u ekipi, i golf budu nove discipline u programu Igara 2016. godine. Konačnu odluku o tome koji će sportovi biti na programu OI 2016. godine doneće skupština MOK-a, na svom zasedanju u Kopenhagenu 9. oktobra.Na listi sedam sportskih disciplina koje su konkurisale da postanu novi sportovi u olimpijskom programu nalazili su se bejzbol, golf, karate, ragbi, softbol, skvoš i sportovi na rolerima.Prethodno su članovi međunarodnog udruženja novinara (AIPS) glasanjem odlučili da predlože da se, kao novi sportovi na OI, uvrste karate i ragbi sedam.MOK je na sastanku u Berlinu takođe odlučio da Ženski boks bude uvršten u program Olimpijskih igara u Londonu 2012. godine. Boks je do sada bio jedini sport koji na Igrama nije imao ženske predstavnike. Saopšteno je da će se žene takmičiti u tri kategorije, a da će muški boks u Londonu imati jednu kategoriju manje. Ženski boks je na Igrama u Sent Luisu davne 1904. godine bio demonstracioni sport."Ovo je ogroman napredak za ženski sport u svetu", izjavio je ministar sporta Velike Britanije Geri Satklif i dodao da će takmičenje u boksu omogućiti ženama da pokažu svoj talenat na najznačajnijem sportskom takmičenju na svetu.Promotivni spot za ragbi na Olipijiskim igrama,Ragbi 7 se igra po pravilima 15-ce ali je po brzini slicniji 13-ci. Mnoge zemlje koje nisu u vrhu 15-ce su dobre u 7-ci poput Kenije i Ugande tu su jos Fidzi koji je izuzetno jak itd.Evo vam i tabele sa zvanicne stranice Svetske ragbi federacije, ima reprezentaciju u 7-ci i ove godine su postali Sampioni Balkana u konkurenciji Rumunije, Bugarske i Grcke. Ovde su svesti iz srpskog ragbija 15, kako izgleda, po svemu sudeci, buduci Olimpijiski sport,A ovo je stanica i forum najboljeg trenutno kluba u Srbiji sto se tice 15-ce i 7-ce, se vratimo 13ci.Najbolji momenti sa proslog SP u ragbiju 13(Rugby League)Eseji,Obaranja,Sto se tice linkova za utakmice pa verovatno cu staviti veceras od 21.00 Superligu,Wigan Warriors vs Warrington Wolves A sutra od 11.30, NRL. To je sto se tice 13-ce a mozda budem veceras nasao i link za Toulon v Stade Francais i pocetak Francuske Top 14 u ragbiju 15.
August 14, 200915 yr Author Super League Rugby Wigan Warriors v Warrington Wolves Toulon vs Stade Francais
August 18, 200915 yr Evropski kup nacije za mladje kategorije odrzava se ove nedelje na terenu sa vestackom travom SC Ada ciganlija(200m od glavnog ulaza pored restorana "Jezero").Reprezentacije Engleske i Francuske po prvi put ucestvuju sa svojim najjacim selekcijama u ovim kategorijama.One ce se u borbi za "Evro Kup"pored reprezentacije Velsa naci u kvalitetnijoj takmicarskoj grupi,dok ce se nasi momci nadmetati za "Evro Stit" sa selekcijama Skotske i Euro Kelta(mahom igraci Irske nacionalnosti)Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da pruze podrsku reprezentaciji Srbije,ali i da prisustvuju ostalim utakmicama.Verujem da ce posebno biti odusevljeni igrom Engleza,koji su svi listom stipendisti klubova "Super lige"(jednog od najjacih takmicenja na svetu koje imamo prilike da pratimo na Sportklubu),u njihovom duelu protiv vecitih rivala Francuza.Takmicarski dani su utorak 18.,cetvrtak 20. i subota 22., svi mecevi Kupa(ENG,FRA,WAL)pocinju u 16.00h,a Stita(SRB,SCO,EC) u 18.00hZvanicna najava sa RLEF(evropska ragbi 13 federacija) sajtaRUGBY LEAGUE EUROPEAN FEDERATION UNDER 16’S TOURNAMENT – BELGRADE, SERBIAMatch One – Tuesday 18th AugustCup – Wales v EnglandShield – Scotland v Euro CeltsMatch Two – Thursday 20th AugustCup – France v WalesShield – Serbia v Euro CeltsMatch Three – Saturday 22nd AugustCup – England v FranceShield – Serbia v Scotland
August 21, 200915 yr Author Ragbi 15,2009 Tri Nations Aug 22 Australia vs New Zealand- Sydney 12.00h(podne) po nasoj vremenskoj zoni.Potrudicu se da nadjem prenos i da postavim ovde.U prvoj utakmici, na Novom Zelandu, pobedio je domacin uz to da je Australija odlicno pocela utakmicu ali nije izdrzala.
August 28, 200915 yr Author Australia vs South Africa Aug 29(subota) u 12.00h Ako bude sve u redu stavicu link.Sto se utakmice tice. Proslog vikenda je NZ pobedio u Australiji tako da je Australija bez nekih sansi, mada se mora reci da je Australija vodila veliki deo utakmice i da je cudnom odlukom da idu na esej umesto na drop gol, iako je imala super situaciju za isti, izgubila sa 1 poenom razlike. Australija se uigrava za SP 2011 i sigurno se nece predati JA a JA ima veoma losu tradiciju na NZ i Australiji. JA juri pobedu za titulu i da ponovo pokazu da su najbolji i da sruse losu tradiciju.
September 4, 200915 yr Author Veceras po najavama iz Sport Kluba bice prenos velikog derbija engleske Superlige St.Helens-Leeds, timovi koji poslednjih godina igraju finala Superlige i sada su na vrhu tabele i ko voli, uopste, ragbi trebalo bi da to pogleda.21:00 (DIR) Rugby Super league Ove nedelje se nastvalja i Tri Nations jos jednom utakmicom Australije i Juzne Afrike. Prosle nedelje je JAR pobedila i to prilicno lako i sada su najveci favoriti za titulu ali trebaju da dobiju i ovu utakmicu i na Novom Zelandu a skoro sigurno je da Australija juriti barem jednu pobedu kuci. Iako je JAR prednja linija nevidjeno jaka a Habana ceka na krilu ako Australija smnai broj gresaka i pogodi ono sto treba da pogodi iz suteva moze se ocekivati egal utakmica.
September 10, 200915 yr Author E pa 'vako, u Loznici se igra U20 turnir EVROPSKI TURNIR DO 20 GODINA - GRUPA D.O cem' se radi. Od 1998 FIRA(Evropska ragbi federacija) organizuje ova takmicenja u kojima nema samog evropskog vrha ali je odlicno za razvoj ragbija.Ove godine su bile 4 grupe i pobednici grupa idu na zavrsni turnir.Vec tri grupe su zavrsene pobednici su Svajcarska, Poljska i Moldavija i kod nas se igra poslednja.Danas smo pobedili BiH 48-13. Sledecu utakmicu igraju Hrvatska i Grcka i ko pobedi igra sa nama za prvo mesto i odlazak na zavrsni turnir.Rezultat uzivo se moze pratiti na novom sajtu ragbi saveza, Edited September 10, 200915 yr by No7
September 13, 200915 yr Author Zavrsen U20 trunir u Loznici i pobednik je Srbija.Posle pobede protiv BiH, Srbija je finalu turnira pobedila Hrvatsku, koja je pre toga razmontirala Grke, 19-11 tako da ide na finalni turnir.Juce je J. Afrika pobedila N. Zeland u Tri Nations posle odlicne igre u vecem delu utakmice mada je NZ imao sansu za produzetak ali oni su mudro isli na esej iako su tesko probijali celu utakmicu JAR prednju liniju sto je uz sutere najveci kvalitet JAR. Inace Frans Steyn, igrac JAR, je imao suteve iz kazne sa 61 metra, 59 i 52 metra sve uspesno.Samo da dodam da je Australija prosle nedelje razbila Juznu Afriku u fenomenalnoj igri u 2. poluvremenu. Edited September 13, 200915 yr by No7
September 25, 200915 yr Author Evo jedne veoma dobre vest za srpsku 13-cu, FIRST AUSTRALIAN RUGBY LEAGUE SIDE SET TO TOUR SERBIAThursday 24th September 2009Further indication of the growth in popularity of rugby league is Serbia is the announcement that the NSW Tertiary Students Rugby League team will become the first from Australia to tour the country. The Australian Students arrive on 29th September and will stay until the 11th October, playing three matches. Rugby League European Federation Regional Development Manager (South East Europe) Jovan Vujosevic commented, “This is first ever Australian team tour to Serbia in either code of rugby.” “It represents a great chance for development of the sport here as not only will the tourists bring their expertise on the field but they will promote rugby league in Belgrade University, High schools and Primary schools. They will also undertake a coaching seminar with Serbian coaches.” The touring squad is made up of players from six different Tertiary colleges; University of Western Sydney, University of Newcastle, University of Technology Sydney, Western Sydney Blues (Police Academy), UWS Nirimba and Canberra University. NSW Tertiary Students Rugby League – Tour Schedule 3rd Oct 2009 v Serbian Students6th Oct 2009 v Serbian Representatives XIII 10th Oct 2009 v Serbian Residents XIIINa SK mozete pratit playoff engleske Superlige a na drugom kraju sveta u Australiji se isto igra playoff NRL(National Rugby League) koju nazalost ne mozete pratiti preko nekog naseg medija a po meni je atraktivnija.Evo nekih detalja NRL iz sezone 2009,Sto se tice 15-ce i 7-ce odigran je prvi turnir, od cetiri, u ragbiju 7 i pobednik prvog je Pobednik. Sledeci turnir se igra u Krusevcu ovaj se igrao na Ingetu u Beogradu.Rezultati 7-ce,A Grupa:Pobednik - Dinamo 31:0Partizan - Pobednik 19:28Dinamo - Partizan 7:36 B Grupa:Krusevac - Pobednik 2 7:24KBRK - Krusevac 50:7Pobedni 2 - KBRK 14:14 Utakmice za plasman za 5 mesto: Dinamo - Krusevac 0:28za 3 mesto: Partizan - Pobednik 2 38:7za 1 mesto: Pobednik - KBRK 42:0 Sledeci turnir igra se 10/11.10.2009 godine.Klicni, U20, su otisli na zavrsni kvalifikacioni turnir za EP gde ce im konkurenti biti Svajcarska, Poljska i Moldavija. Domacin turnir tek treba da se odredi.Pobednik Tri Nations je Juzna Afrika koja je u svim mecevima, osim jednog u Australiji, pokazala snagu i znanje.Uzivajte uz dobar ragbi.Ko moze i hoce.
September 25, 200915 yr Author Umalo se oprostih kada ima jos vesti, INITIAL EUROPEAN CUP TRAIN ON SQUADS ANNOUNCEDThe first three nations have unveiled their train-on squads for the forthcoming European Cup, which begins in a month’s time. They will be trimmed down for the competition by early October. Lebanon have included Hazem El Mazri in their line up, although the participation of the leading points’ scorer in Australian rugby league history will be subject to how he comes through Canterbury’s play off game with Parramatta this weekend and the following week’s NRL Grand Final should the Bulldogs make it through. The Cedars are due to open their Cup campaign at home at home to Italy in Tripoli, El Mazri’s birthplace, and he has indicated that it would be a fitting way to cap his illustrious career.Coach John Elias has also included Wests Tigers and NSW dynamic hooker Robbie Farah although has also been named in the Australian train-on squad for the forthcoming Gillette Four Nations tournament.Farah made his representative debut in the first ever international match in Lebanon, the 2002 Mediterranean Cup, in a side that also featured El Masri who, alongside Chris Salem, is one of only two survivors from the 2000 world cup squad.Salem and playmaker Anthony Farah are the most experienced players in the squad, both with 12 caps, followed by Newcastle utility George Ndeira, arguably Lebanon’s best player throughout their recent World Cup qualifying campaign, with nine and local front row Robin Hachache, who captained the national team in the 2008 Euro Med Challenge.The squad will be trimmed to 20 on 5th October before the Sydney-based players join up with the locals from the Bank of Beirut Championship in Lebanon on 21st October. LEBANON TRAIN-ON SQUADLiam Ayoub - Bulldogs, SG BallDanny Barakat - Bankstown City, Bundaberg Red Cup Danny Chiha - Windsor, NSW Cup Jamie Clarke – Canterbury Bulldogs, NRL Ghassan Dandach - Jounieh RLFC, Bank of Beirut Championship Khaled Deeb - Newtown JetsNathan Dib – Canterbury Bulldogs, Toyota Cup Ahmad Ellaz - Cronulla, Toyota Cup Youssef El Helou - Jounieh RLFC, Bank of Beirut Championship Hazem El Masri – Canterbury Bulldogs, NRL Mounir Finan - Jounieh RLFC, Bank of Beirut Championship Ray Finan - LAU, Bank of Beirut Championship Anthony Farah - Mounties, Bundaberg Red Cup Charlie Farah - Bankstown City, Bundaberg Red Cup Robbie Farah - Wests Tigers, NRL Robin Hachache - LAU, Bank of Beirut Championship Jad Hashem - LAU, Bank of Beirut Championship Wael Harb - Wolves RLFC, Bank of Beirut Championship Paul Jabbour - Jounieh, Bank of Beirut Championship Allen Khoury - LAU, Bank of Beirut Championship John Koborsi- Wentworthville, Bundaberg Red Cup Josh Mansour - South Sydney, Toyota Cup Tommy Mansour - Bankstown City, Bundaberg Red Cup Ray Moujalli - Newtown Jets- NSW Cup Karim Mourabet - Jounieh RLFC, Bank of Beirut Championship George Ndaira - Newcastle Knights, NRL Toufic Nicholas - Bankstown City- Bundaberg Red Cup Reece Robinson - North Sydney Bears, NSW Cup Travis Robinson - Chester HillJarrod Saffy - St George Illawarra, NRL Adnan Saleh - Bankstown City- Bundaberg Red Cup Chris Salem - Bankstown City- Bundaberg Red Cup Daniel Sayegh - North Sydney Bears, NSW Cup The initial Wales line-up has a very youthful look to it as they seek to enter a new international era. The Dragons will unveil their new coaching line up at a prestigious event at the Welsh Parliament on Tuesday and the bulk of their squad is from Celtic Crusaders, who have just completed their first season in Super League.Glen Morrison, who will be leaving Bradford Bulls for Wakefield in 2010, is expected to have a key role in blending the exciting talent together along with stalwarts David Mills – son of Welsh RL legend Jim – Ian Watson and Castleford’s James Evans. WALES TRAIN-ON SQUAD Ashley Bateman Crusaders Chris Beasley Crusaders Anthony Blackwood Crusaders Andy Bracek Barrow Neil Budworth Crusaders Geraint Davies Crusaders Gareth Dean Carcassonne Ross Divorty Featherstone Gil Dudson Crusaders Ben Evans Warrington James Evans Castleford Rhys Evans Warrington Ben Flower Crusaders Rhys Griffiths Warrington Jordan James Crusaders Matt James Harlequins Phil Joseph Oldham Elliot Kear Crusaders Craig Kopzcak Bradford David Mills Hull KR Lewis Mills Crusaders Glen Morrison Bradford Sean Penkywicz Halifax Bryn Powell Dewsbury Mark Roberts Halifax Rob Roberts Barrow Christiaan Roets Bridgend Blue Bulls Ian Watson Swinton Ian Webster Central Coast Lloyd White Crusaders Rhys Williams Warrington Serbia’s squad is almost entirely made up of players who have come through their domestic competition although Wakefield prop James Stosic is a notable possible addition. Also named is Blackpool playmaker Simon Svabic and recent Whitehaven recruit Soni Radovanović. Radoslav Novaković is the most capped with 15 appearances, one ahead of livewire hooker Zoran Pesic. SERBIA TRAIN-ON SQUAD 1 Soni Radovanović Whitehaven RLFC 2 Dalibor Vukanović RK Dorćol 3 Stevan Stevanović RK Dorćol 4 Mario Milosavljević R13K Podbara 5 Austen Novaković Oldham 6 Milan Šušnjara RK Dorćol 7 Nenad Grbić R13K Podbara 8 Zoran Pešić R13K Podbara 9 Vladimir Smiljanić R13K Podbara 10 Vladan Kikanović RK Dorćol 11 Milan Radojević South Sunnybank 12 Dejan Lukenić RK Dorćol 13 Nikša Unković RK Dorćol 14 Vuk Tvrdišić RK Dorćol 15 Dimitris Dajč RK Dorćol 16 Ivan Šušnjara RK Beogradski Univerzitet 17 Aleksandar Sič R13K Niš 18 Ivan Djordjević RLK Crvena Zvezda 19 Filip Brkić RK Dorćol 20 Igor Kesegi R13K Podbara 21 Miloš Milanko RK Dorćol 22 Marko Milosavljević R13K Podbara 23 Marko Katanić RK Dorćol 24 Miloš Čalić RLK Crvena Zvezda 25 Marko Žebeljan R13K Podbara 26 Manuel Marin French RU - Union Sportive Seynoise 27 Nemanja Djordjević RK Dorćol 28 James Stošić Wakefield Wildcats 29 Radoslav Novaković RK Dorćol 30 Miladin Stojanović RK Dorćol 31 Simon Švabić Blackpool Panthers 32 Zoran Pavlović RLK Crvena Zvezda European Cup Fixtures: Round 1Saturday 17/10/09, Stadio Del Plebiscito, Padova - Italy V Scotland KO : 15.00 Sunday 18/10/09, Tullamore RUFC, Tullamore - Ireland V SerbiaKO 14.30 Round 2Saturday 24/10/09, Tripoli Olympic Stadium, Tripoli - Lebanon V ItalyKO 20.000 Sunday 25/10/09, FK Smedervo Stadium, Smederevo - Serbia V Wales KO 14.00 Round 3Sunday 1/11/09, Hughenden, Glasgow - Scotland V Lebanon KO 15.00 Sunday 1/11/09, Pontypridd RUFC, Pontypridd - Wales V IrelandKO 17.00 FINALS DAY: Sunday 08/11/09, Celtic Crusaders RL, Brewery Field, Bridgend,3rd v 3rd KO 11.002nd v 2nd KO 13.301st v 1st KO 16.00Liban jak, dosta igraca iz NRL. A ko je Hazem El Masri? ima puno igraca iz engleske Superlige kao i kluba Crusaders iz Velsa koji se takmici u Superligi, koji je doduse veoma jadan ali tako su krenuli i Francuzi sa Catalans Dragons a sada igrau playoff. Ovo vazi i za Irce.Mi imamo nekoliko igraca u raznim engleskim divizijama jednog iz Australijei jednog iz Francuske lige. Ostali igraci su uglavnom iz Dorcola koji je najjaci klub u Srbiji, sto je i logicno.takodje treba reci da su i Irska i Vels i Liban bili ucesnici SP u ragiju 13, Irska poslednjeg 2008.
September 25, 200915 yr Author I za kraj, Countdown to Gillette Four Nations beginsThursday 17th September 2009With just over five weeks to go until the first game between England and France, RFL Chief Executive Nigel Wood believes that this autumn’s Gillette Four Nations will build on the success of last year’s World Cup and take international Rugby League to the next level. Set to be screened in more than 35 countries, and broadcast on Sky Sports, BBC and Orange in the UK and France, the tournament is set to showcase some of the best players in the world to around 70 million homes around the globe. It will be the first time World Champions New Zealand have played in the UK since losing the Albert Baskerville shield in 2007 and it will also be Australia’s first visit to these shores for four years.Nigel Wood said: “The Gillette Four Nations will be the biggest international Rugby League tournament to be held in the northern hemisphere since 2000 and is set to showcase some of the best teams and players in the world. “The credibility of international Rugby League was raised to a new level last year with the staging of the World Cup in Australia and our aim will be to continue that success and deliver a tournament that is full of excitement, world class skill and hopefully a few surprises. “This tournament together with the 2011 Four Nations which will be held here in the UK will act as building blocks for us as we start planning for the 2013 Rugby League World Cup.”Despite losing last year’s World Cup Final, Australia will, according to the RFL’s Official Bookmakers William Hill, start the tournament as 2/7 favourites. World Champions New Zealand, who have featured in the last three major international finals – winning two and losing the other on golden point – are priced at 11/2. England, who made the semi-finals of last year’s World Cup, will be determined to perform better on home soil and this is reflected in their status as 5/1 second favourites. And with two games at home in Paris and Toulouse, France under the stewardship of Bobbie Goulding will start as outsiders priced 50/1 by William Hill. Commercially the tournament is on course to be a success. Gillette have followed up their sponsorship of previous Tri Nations tournaments by signing up to be headline sponsor for a six-figure sum and are joined by supporting partners Co-operative Travel Sport and Events and Valvoline – the world’s first motor oil brand. Ticket sales for the tournament are also encouraging due to the increasing appeal of international Rugby League and the success of a number of ticket offers designed to appeal to large groups and families. Nigel Wood added: “Considering the difficult economic climate at the moment we are pleased to have signed up three prestigious sponsors to support the tournament. “Our use of innovative ticket offers for large groups and families is also proving popular and we are on course to attract more than 100,000 spectators over the course of the four-week tournament.”In the build-up to the tournament, a new website dedicated to the Gillette Four Nations has been launched. Featuring the latest information and stats on all four teams during the tournament will have video interviews with key players and coaches as well as live streaming of some team press conferences. Tickets for the Gillette Four Nations are now available and start from £20 for adults. Family tickets for £40 for two adults and two children are also available for all games including the final at Elland Road, Leeds. For more information, please call 0844 856 11 13 or visit Four Nations broadcast scheduleFriday 23 OctoberEngland V France Keepmoat Stadium KO 20.00 Sky Sports Saturday 24 OctoberAustralia V New Zealand Twickenham Stoop KO 20.00 Sky Sports(BBC Network Highlights of both games on Sunday) Saturday 31 OctoberEngland V Australia DW Stadium KO 14.30 BBC OneFrance V New Zealand Ernest Wallon, Toulouse KO 17.00 (BST) Sky Sports(BBC Network Highlights of both games on Sunday) Saturday 7 NovemberFrance V Australia Charlety Stadium, Paris KO 14.30 (GMT) BBC OneEngland V New Zealand Galpharm Stadium KO 18.00 Sky Sports(BBC Network Highlights of both games on Sunday) Saturday 14 NovemberGillette Four Nations Final Elland Road KO 19.30 Sky Sports (BBC Network Highlights of the final on Sunday)Kao sto se vidi BBC i Sky rade prenose i voleo bih kada bi islo u Srbiji na nekoj TV sa nacionalnom pokrivenosti. Ono barem da prenose utakmicu iz Smedereva kada budu igrali Srbija-Vels. Samo se nadam da neko ovo cita od nadleznih ali mrka kapa.Pozdrav do sledeceg puta. I gledajte ragbi.
October 2, 200915 yr Ove nedelje svi koji vole da pogledaju ragbi ligu(trinaesticu)imaće priliku da uzivaju u dobrim utakmicama.U Beogradu se trenutno na turneji nalazi studentska reprezentacija Novog Južnog Velsa(NSW)iz Australije,koja predstavlja jednu od najsportskijih nacija na svetu i velesilu u oba koda ragbija.Evo rasporeda utakmica za narednu nedelju u kojoj ce se odigrati i finale kupa Srbije u ragbiju 13.SUBOTA 03.10.2009.SC Inge(ex Mladi Obilić)Ljubice Luković 2,ZvezdaraFinale kupa SrbijeKO.-15.30. Dorcol-PodbaraAda Ciganlija(Teren sa vestackom travom)Utakmica KO.-19.00.NSW Students-Studentska reprezentacija SrbijeSREDA 07.10.2009.Ada Ciganlija(Teren sa vestackom travom)Utakmica KO.-16.00.NSW Students-Reprezentacija I lige SrbijeSUBOTA 10.10.2009.Ada Ciganlija(Teren sa vestackom travom)Utakmica KO.-19.00.NSW Students-Reprezentacija Srbije(bez igrača iz inostranstva)Ove utakmice će predstavljati odličnu pripremu našim igračima pred okršaje protiv Irske u Tulamoru(18.10.2009.) i Velsa u Smederevu(25.10.2009),gde će se naši momci suprostaviti nacijama sa daleko bogatijom ragbi tradicijom.
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