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Prvi zvanični polumaraton - 1:50:37. A pikirali smo 1:55. Avg pace: 5:13 min/km


Baš sam zadovoljan :D


Brao Marvine!


Kad smo vec kod polumaratona, ja sam nesto planirao da istrcim za sebe tu neku distancu, samo da skontam gde jer nemam ovamo bas neke dobre staze za tako nesto ali snaci cu se. Sta treba da ponesem, gel da spicim na pola otprilike i mozda malo vode da uzmem kad mi se osuse usta, ili nesto drugo?


Meni voda juče nije trebala tokom trke, ali zato što sam se dobro nalio pre. Ako te ne mrzi da vukljaš flašicu sa sobom, možeš, jašta.


Ja sam negde na pola sabio kesicu



Bravo Marvine.


Juce isto polumaraton PR 1:54:22. Gađali ispod 2


Bravo za obojicu [emoji846].


Ja sam isto ciljao ispod 2, i na kraju bilo 2:00:58 [emoji3526]

Isto sam pio malo vode, ali sam poneo tri male kesice meda.. Prvu uzeo pre starta, onda drugu i treću na 5. i 10. km.

Jebale ih uzbrdice u poslednja 2 km, tu sam izgubio 5 minuta..

46 minutes ago, Zli Gli said:

Kad smo vec kod polumaratona, ja sam nesto planirao da istrcim za sebe tu neku distancu, samo da skontam gde jer nemam ovamo bas neke dobre staze za tako nesto ali snaci cu se. Sta treba da ponesem, gel da spicim na pola otprilike i mozda malo vode da uzmem kad mi se osuse usta, ili nesto drugo?


Ja nikad nista sem vode nisam uzimala kad sam trcala distance za oko 2h, nikad mi nije bilo potrebno. Ako ces da uzimas gel, onda moras uz njega da popijes dosta vode, tako da svakako ponesi flasicu. Ili mozes neko energetsko pice umesto gela i vode. 


Bravo i za smorenka i Zokija! 


How Parkrun’s 13 became five million and changed weekends for ever




Parkrun began 14 years ago and has now mushroomed into a heartwarming
worldwide success story that is about to register its 5,000,000th runner



On Wednesday somebody somewhere will become the 5,000,000th person to

register for Parkrun. Think about that. Let it marinate. It is an extraordinary

number for an extraordinary success story. Parkrun began 14 years ago this

week, with a simple idea: a free five-kilometre time-trial around Bushy Park,

south west London. It was low-key, lo-fi, and unofficial. Thirteen people turned

up. The results were typed up in a nearby Caffè Nero. No one bothered to ask

the park for permission.


Now close to 250,000 people do it on a good weekend – across 20 countries,

including Russia, Malaysia and Swaziland. The ambition is for that figure to climb

to a million. On the evidence so far would anyone dare bet against them?


Yet there is another statistic that is even more striking. And it goes some way to

explaining why Parkrun has become such a juggernaut. In 2005, the average

finish time was 22 minutes and 16 seconds. Last year, having risen every year

since then, it was 29:06.


It might sound paradoxical, but Parkrun is absolutely delighted that average

times have got so much slower. It shows that its guiding ethos of creating an

environment that is inclusive – whether the runner is a beginner or an Olympian –

is working. It also knows another iron truth: when something is fun people stick

with it, even if it takes them an hour to trudge round.


Parkrun hears so many stories of people who have not done any physical activity

since school who have taken the plunge – many of whom have been conditioned

to think sport isn’t for them. Yet time and again it has proven able to reach parts

of the population that other sports cannot.


Rich or poor, city or rural, the magic formula seems to work anywhere. There are

island communities, such as Bressay in the Shetlands who started a Parkrun to get

everyone together at the same time each week. Meanwhile in Ruchill – one of the

poorest parts of Glasgow with no library, no health centre, gym or chemist – they

have established a Parkrun.


There are thousands of four-to-14-year-olds who do the 2km junior park run each

week. Meanwhile, the oldest regular, John Butcher, is 87, having started his Parkrun

journey after he lost his wife on Christmas Day 2016.


And it is not just about running. In the past 14 years, 400,000 people have also

volunteered – whether it is running an event, high-fiving kids en route, writing reports

or taking photographs. It is, truly, the big society in action.


Since late June it has also had the stamp of approval from the Royal College of GPs,

who have encouraged doctors to prescribe Parkrun for overweight patients and those

with some health conditions as an alternative to medication. Already 400 GP surgeries

have signed up to become certified Parkrun practices.


Yet there are some in sport who are privately sniffy about Parkrun, because they believe

it is merely for ‘fun’ runners. They would be better served trying to work out how to

absorb its lessons. Remember too that Parkrun is able to get results with a small budget

and only a couple of dozen staff. Public bodies such as Sport England, which invests

millions of pounds each year into grassroots sport, would love a success story as massive

as Parkrun.


And while UK Sport, the funding body for elite sport, has been wildly successful in getting

Team GB to win Olympic medals, it too knows there is little evidence that those ‘medal

moments’ lead to more people participating in sport. Indeed a YouGov survey last year

found that only 7% of 2,000 respondents said they had been inspired to take up sport by

watching runners in the Olympics.


There is a challenge here for UK Athletics as well. Because there is an obvious disconnect

between the social casual runner and the elite levels of the sport. Grassroots football and

rugby players identify with top Premier League and Premiership stars – so one would think

it would be a given that most Saturday morning park runners would consider themselves

as athletes, and want to watch and attend track events. Yet that does not seem to be the



That said, Parkrun is a gateway for some to become more serious about the sport, with

around 8,000 runners a year subsequently joining an affiliated running club after starting

Parkrun. If average membership fees are around £15 a year, that’s £120,000 being put into

the sport each year.


But speaking recently to Parkrun’s chief executive, Nick Pearson, he emphasised the biggest

mission of the organisation was to get more people involved – especially “in areas of social

deprivation where the free market has left people behind and there is a lack of provision for

physical activities”.


He added: “Our ambitions are both modest and huge in the sense that we want to make a

greater impact in making more people healthier.”


They have certainly made an incredible start. It has became a place to meet your mates and

new friends. To get off the couch and to get most of your 10,000 steps done for the day. And

yes, to beat your personal best.


Too many times sport is reduced to being about winners and losers. But Parkrun illustrates

the vital benefits of thinking fast and slow. Long may it thrive.



On 1.10.2018. at 11:10, Tolaa said:

Bravo i za smorenka i Zokija! 


Bravo majstori!




ovaj moj manijak ustao juce,otisao na ,,laksi,, terening i otrcao 21km za 1:55

bez ikakvih priprema..nekoliko puta 5km i jednom 10km u protekle 3nedelje...manijak..


Izvestaj iz Kelna: po kisnom i vetrovitom vremenu sam popravio najbolje vreme za 7 minuta, ali nisam uspeo da spustim ispod 4 sata, ostao sam na 4:01:11. Eh te 72 sekunde :bee:


I pored toga happy i umoran, lepa jesen sa najboljim vremenima u polu i celom maratonu.

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