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When someone gives you a bug


Someone gives you a bug. "The light in the conference room on the 26th floor is on. It needs to be off."

A note on the bug says, “This will take you like 5 minutes. It's just flipping a switch."

You go to the conference room on 26. The light is on, but there's no light switch in the room.

So you prepare to install one. But the designer says it would ruin the room’s aesthetic. Plus, the walls are concrete. With the proper tools, you could install the switch. But no one will approve the purchase of the proper tools. Without the proper tools it will take two days. And they want it done now, because they're afraid that any minute the CEO might decide to go to the 26th floor and happen to walk by the conference room and ask why the hell that light is on.

And now you're getting emails asking why the light isn't off yet... more

choveche jedva sam podnela ovaj razvoj ^_^


choveche jedva sam podnela ovaj razvoj ^_^


Nekom je stalno tako. :(

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Jos malo o zenama i muskarcima u programiranju:



Edited by Aion

To na onaj fazon "Idi u radnju i kupi margarin, a ako ima jaja uzmi 10"...


I vrati se programer kući sa 10 margarina...


To kao ono kada programer broji torbe pa mu zafali jedna.


To kao ono kada programer broji torbe pa mu zafali jedna.


I, šta uradi? Taj ne znam.


Idi nesto tipa ostavi zena programera sa torbama u shoping mallu dok ona ode da nakupuje jos stvari i kaze mu "pazi mi na ovih 5 torbi". Programer ok.


Prodje neko vreme, kaze programer, aj da prebrojim ovo i broji kad ono - 4 torbe! Opet broji, opet 4! Sada vec hladan znoj lije, gleda oko sebe, ko mu drpio petu torbu... 


Posle nekog vremena dolazi zena i kaze jel su sve torbe na broju a programer ce pa, draga, znas, izgleda fali jedna..


Broji ona, kaze gde be fali vidis da ima 5.


Kako bre 5?I


Pa prebroj sam!


Evo luda zeno vidi, 0,1,2,3,4.. 4!



Trebalo mi 5 sec da shvatim :D




Aj sto se nikad nije vratio nego sto se zabagovao kad mu nestalo para za jos mleka.

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