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Da Li Volite..

Lavinia Amaldi

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  • 2 weeks later...

pre neki dan sam slučajno dobila ovu pesmu , poklopila se sa mojim raspoloženjem ko ruka u rukavici  :)




  • +1 3

San ovog ratnika sad je ručak crvima.
Dva metra dubok moj je dom,
ti me nemoj čekati.

Dva metra dubok moj je dom,
jer ja se neću vratiti.
Pomozi mi da ustanem,
kosti uz tebe ugrijem.

Jednom sam te volio,
usne ti živom ljubio,
ali glupost je bolest
od koje čovjek umire još dok je živ.

  • +1 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Dan je mirisao na cimet


mogla sam to osetiti još u liftu
dok sam nameštala kosu
jer treba se napolju prikazati uglađen
i treba zaštititi prolaznike
od loše frizure i namrgođenog izraza


dakle, moglo se osetiti još u liftu
da se tamo na gradskim trgovima u Evropi
kuva vino i peku kobasice
božićno je vreme
i pokloni se kupuju nemilice
jer to je najplastičniji način
da se drugima kaže da ih voliš
reči i razglednice su prevaziđen koncept
na dodirivanje da i ne pomišljamo
u ovo nebezbedno vreme
i malo karanfilčića u vino
gradovi božanstveno mirišu
lepo nam je
opasali smo se žilet-žicom
sa svih strana.


Vitomirka Trebovac

  • +1 1
  • 1 month later...

u očima se obično vidi koliko
će dugo neko biti tvoj 
jer beonjače nikad 
neće imati bore
znam iz forenzičkih 
pravila tvoje kose
čije vlati držim u 
herbarijumima i džepovima
i hoću da pamtiš samo ono 
šta sam spreman da 
uradim za tebe
dok ti pričam o 
psihologiji poljupca 
čekaj me jer
imaš lice čednije 
od drugih i zato
te proglašavam mojom 
svetinjom koju želim
da razmazim sobom 
i njušim tvoje pege 
raspoređene kao 
izraelske enklave
obožavam te probavnim
traktom i iznutricama
svim onim što mi proradi
kad si pored mene
za sve trave
i javna mnjenja
volim te čulima
volim te dodirom
mirisom i ukusom koji
ostavljaš u mojim danima.

  • +1 2

Mislio bi čovek
Kad pogleda mrak,
Da je strašno moćan,
Da je silno jak.

To bi bilo naopako
Al na sreću nije tako
Svećicu zažeži,
A mrak odmah beži!

  • Wub 1
On 3. 2. 2025. at 19:16, Sandens said:

u očima se obično vidi koliko
će dugo neko biti tvoj 
jer beonjače nikad 
neće imati bore


Ko je autor? : )


On 3. 2. 2025. at 19:16, Sandens said:

znam iz forenzičkih 
pravila tvoje kose
čije vlati držim u 
herbarijumima i džepovima


Ovi stihovi su me podsetili na film  "La ragazza nella nebbia". 😬

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Klara said:


Ko je autor? : )



Ovi stihovi su me podsetili na film  "La ragazza nella nebbia". 😬


Igor Varga ili Ivan Ergić, nisam siguran. Mada mislim da je Varga. Ima stranicu fake poet na fejsu.

Edited by Sandens
  • Hvala 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Do not stand
          By my grave, and weep.
     I am not there,
          I do not sleep—
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn rain.
As you awake with morning’s hush,
I am the swift, up-flinging rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the day transcending night.
     Do not stand
          By my grave, and cry—
     I am not there,
          I did not die.

— Clare Harner, The Gypsy

  • +1 2

I’ll bet you think the room was empty.

Wrong. There were three chairs with sturdy backs.
A lamp, good for fighting the dark.
A desk, and on the desk a wallet, some newspapers.
A carefree Buddha and a worried Christ.
Seven lucky elephants, a notebook in a drawer.

You think our addresses weren’t in it?
No books, no pictures, no records, you guess?

Wrong. A comforting trumpet poised in black hands.
Saskia and her cordial little flower.
Joy the spark of gods.
Odysseus stretched on the shelf in life-giving sleep
after the labors of Book Five.
The moralists with the golden syllables of their names
inscribed on finely tanned spines.
Next to them, the politicians braced their backs.

No way out? But what about the door?
No prospects? The window had other views.
His glasses lay on the windowsill.
And one fly buzzed — that is, was still alive.

You think at least the note could tell us something.
But what if I say there was no note—
and he had so many friends, but all of us fit neatly
inside the empty envelope propped up against a cup.


Wislawa Szymborska

  • +1 2
19 hours ago, Sandens said:

Do not stand
          By my grave, and weep.
     I am not there,
          I do not sleep—
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn rain.
As you awake with morning’s hush,
I am the swift, up-flinging rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the day transcending night.
     Do not stand
          By my grave, and cry—
     I am not there,
          I did not die.

— Clare Harner, The Gypsy



  • +1 2

Celia, Celia


When I am sad and weary

When I think all hope has gone

When I walk along High Holborn

I think of you with nothing on


Adrian Mitchell

  • +1 1

stariji brat vlatka stefanovskog



i moj omiljeni sinesteta


  • +1 3

Glad mi je beskrajna a ruke večno prazne.

Noću niz ulice gradske na prstima nosim mesec
i tugu ostavljam pod prozorima izgubljenih žena.
Dao bih sve a ništa nemam.

Glad mi je beskrajna a ruke večno prazne.


Rade Drainac

  • Hvala 1

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