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stvarno dobra.ja se sećam da sam na nekom tv sajtu pročitala da je objavljeno da će sedma sezona biti poslednja, ali ne mogu da se setim na kom :isuse: tako da sve epizode ove sezone posmatram u tom svetlu, kao da je to to i posle nema ničeg posle.al neka, još bolje ako bude i osme, ova sedma bolja mi je od prethodne, ima tu još materijala

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Lisa Edelstein will not return to House next season.Fox renews House; Robert Sean Leonard, Omar Epps sign new deals"After much consideration, I am moving onward with a combination of disappointment at leaving behind a character I have loved playing for seven years and excitement of the new opportunities in acting and producing that lie ahead," Edelstein said in a statement.The actress' contract expires after this season and she was expected to close a new deal to return as Cuddy after the medical drama was renewed for its eighth and likely final season last week. Fellow original cast members Robert Sean Leonard and Omar Epps, whose deals are also up after this year, re-signed last week.

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epizoda brutalica, nikada jaca!a sledecu sezonu stvarno ni ne trebaju da pustaju kada ce Cuddy i Wilson da odu :( mada je moguce da smeste Housa u neku drugu bolnicu, ne vidim kako ce drugacije to da izvedu...

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ide valjda samo kadi. taman do jaja, nece biti ljubavnih bljuvotina i car ce skoncati overen od droge sa 4 prostitutke resavajuci 3 slucaja istovremeno! :)

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Možda Kadi tragično pogine, pa nema potrebe premeštati Hausa u drugu bolnicu, uostalom, zar ne ostaje ceo njegov tim.
Kadi pogine, a House-u dodele custody over Rachel, jer je to mozda negde u testamentu, ili Wilsonu cak... mogucnosti su razne ako cemo bas da spekulisemo :)
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pa wilson je potpisao, makar on ostaje.
a jeli jbt? e to nisam znao, ja mislio otisao da kenja na "daskama sto zivot znace". pa dobro je onda, ionako je jaci od Cuddy ako vec moramo da biramo :)
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